Atlas for Geography of Zechariah

Geoff Johnson
Member Posts: 81 ✭✭✭
Add Bethel and Megiddo to the points of interest.
Zechariah 7:2 refers to Bethel as the home city of an entourage that came to speak with Zechariah and others in Jerusalem. Given the role Bethel played in the norther kingdom, the location is significant as background to the teaching Zechariah gives through chapters 7 and 8. The mention of Megiddo in Zechariah 12:11 may serve as part of the background for John's use of Armageddon in Revelation, and given the rather odd citation of Hadad Rimmon in the same verse, giving a geographical orientation might be helpful in trying to piece together just what Zechariah is trying to say in that verse.0