Update 23.1 Search Problem

Member Posts: 8 ✭✭
Search results in setting “aligned” in the new update to Logos Vers 23.1 say on each line 1 Corinthians 8:1, next line 1 Corinthians 13:1, next line 1 Corinthians 13:2, etc... rather than just saying "1 Cor" "once" and then each line condensed to 8:1, 13:1, 13:2, and such until it reaches the next group under Col (for Colossians) etc... This results in a very bulky list of results that I can not review 'at a glance' and simply 'mouse over' those results of interest to expand the actual verse as I have in the past using Logos 9.17 R2, before this update was installed. I would like to be able to see all of my results condensed as was before this update so that I can 'mouse over' those results that are of primary interest without the bulk and clutter, an enormous list that causes me to scroll continuously sometimes through hundreds of verses. (see attached screenshots of before/after the Update to 23.1 the effect also throws off the line spacing involved from this issue with the book,chapter,verse result information format. Please fix this bug as soon as possible and make the "aligned" feature within the "search" tool convenient to use again as it was in 9.17R2 (see screenshot images attached)
I've been able to repro this behavior and will create a bug case for discussion amongst the team0