BUG: Sermon Builder drag and drop adds line spacing (38.0.572)

I'm thrilled to see drag and drop in Sermon Builder!!
But there appears to be a bug.
When dragging and dropping multiple paragraphs, several lines are added between paragraphs:
Kind of defeats the object as you then have to have many more clicks to remove the line spacing!
Apparently, you can post an empty comment!
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Sorry for not responding sooner
I've just tried this on Windows and it worked fine.
Please provide a few more details:
- what platform are you running on?
- where are you dragging the text from - from with the sermon document, another Logos resource, or outside of Logos?
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Thanks, Graham.
I'm on Windows 11.
The text is being dragged from within the sermon document.
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The text is being dragged from within the sermon document.
Yes, I see the problem now.
It looks as though it is something to do with the text we type - particularly when pressing the Enter key.
If I drag and drop some text from another Logos resource to a sermon document - and then drag that to a different place in the sermon document it moves correctly.
Hopefully someone from Logos will see this and be able to advise further.
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Hi Richard. Thank you for your report, I have created a case and passed it along to the team.
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Thanks Savanna
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Thanks Savanna!
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There are several line spacing issues that I pointed out as well here:
Sermon Builder "Improved Passage Blocks" Comments — Logos Community