UI "Bug": Popup Menu Initial State

Robert Kelbe
Robert Kelbe Member Posts: 639 ✭✭✭

38.0.0 (138)


Just subscribed and my popup window on Mobile is a little different. Now, instead of showing the word info card and notes in a long list that you scroll through, you can click a right arrow to open Word Info, Notes & Highlights, etc, within the popup (with the option to go back to the main popup).

So far, I like this change, and I also like how it remembers the preivous popup state. That way, if I have just long-pressed a word and looked up the Word Info, the next time I long press a word it will default to the Word Info cards. Please don't change this!

The issues is that the popup doesn't default back to the main popup when I double-tap to select the entire verse. Word Info should not even be an option at this point, so the popup should revert to the standard popup.

To replicate:

  • Long press on a word
  • Click "Word Info"
  • (Optionally, dismiss the popup)
  • Double tap to highlight a whole verse
  • The popup opens to the Word Info card with the message "There is no word information available for this word. Try moving to another word".
  • I would prefer it reverted to the original popup, since "Word Info" doesn't make sense for a verse selection.
