Bug: Erratic behavior in Notes

Robert Kelbe
Member Posts: 639 ✭✭✭
39.0.0 (105)
Tried to use Notes to write a long note. Experienced several strange issues:
- once, all the blank paragraphs that I inserted to put a space between paragraphs all instantaneously got deleted as I was watching
- After inserting a word with the swipe keyboard, cursor sometimes goes to the very beginning of the note and the word I was typing disappears
- The auto-ellipsis in a bulleted list makes the line before the list turn into a bulleted list. Video here: https://1drv.ms/v/s!AjD4JuF-0EgFjLNTW9x_Aw1Fd8EGVg
- The cursor sometimes becomes a “selection” (with drag handles) rather than a cursor even though zero characters are selected
Thank you for your report Robert, I'll mention it to the team to see if they can investigate.
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The cursor becomes a "selection" when you scroll… It doesn't seem to have any adverse affect, but it is a bug.
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