A Catholic Biblical Theology of the Sacraments series

MJ. Smith
MJ. Smith MVP Posts: 54,906
edited December 2024 in Book Requests


Bible and Baptism (A Catholic Biblical Theology of the Sacraments) by Morales

Amazon blurb:

This addition to the Catholic Biblical Theology of the Sacraments series provides readers with a deeper appreciation of God's gifts and call in the Sacraments through a renewed encounter with God's Word.

New Testament scholar Isaac Morales, OP, offers a biblical theology of the initiatory rite of baptism that will be interesting and informative to the church catholic. Morales provides a synthetic biblical account of the sacrament of baptism, rooted in the rich water symbolism of the Old Testament and finding its full flourishing in baptismal participation in the saving events of Christ's passion, death, and resurrection as described in the New Testament. This book provides lay teachers with background and depth on topics taught frequently in the parish, making it suitable for classroom use and parish ministry.

The series editors are Timothy C. Gray and John Sehorn. Gray is president of the Augustine Institute, which has one million subscribers to its online content channel, Formed.org. Gray and Sehorn both teach at the Augustine Institute Graduate School of Theology, which prepares students for Christian mission through on-campus and distance-education programs.

The Bible and the Priesthood by Anthony Giambrone OP

Amazon blurb:

In this volume, a leading Catholic scholar offers a biblical theology of the priesthood rooted in the Old and New Testaments. Half a millennium after the Protestant Reformation and in the midst of an ongoing clerical crisis in the Catholic Church, this book presents a comprehensive biblical vision and defense of the sacramental priesthood and an informed theological response to the problem of priestly sin. It gives expression to the ministerial priesthood's biblically grounded, sacramental share in the sacrificial ministry of Jesus Christ.

The Bible and Marriage: The Two Shall Become One Flesh (A Catholic Biblical Theology of the Sacraments) by John S. Bergsma

Amazon blurb:

In The Bible and Marriage, leading Catholic teacher and popular speaker John Bergsma offers a biblical theology of marriage rooted in the Old and New Testaments that will be interesting and informative to the church catholic. This book shows the biblical basis for the teaching that marriage is a sacrament. It provides lay teachers with background and depth on a topic taught frequently in the parish, making it suitable for classroom use and parish ministry.

Bible and Reconciliation: Confession, Repentance, and Restoration (Catholic Biblical Theology of the Sacraments) by James B. Protho

Amazon blurb:

James Prothro offers a biblical theology of the sacrament of reconciliation--the restoration of the sinner through forgiveness and repentance. Prothro fleshes out the patterns in which God's people in the Old and New Testaments approach the merciful God, confess, and are forgiven and called to reengage their relationship with God by growing in faith and love through God's ministry of grace.

The Bible and the Anointing of the Sick: Healing in Christ (A Catholic Biblical Theology of the Sacraments) by Michael Patrick Barber (Author)

Amazon blurb:

This book unpacks the riches of the Scriptures to explain what true healing in Christ involves. In addition, Barber demonstrates how an exegetical approach to the sacrament can advance our understanding of it. Topics include the biblical significance of oil; the relationship of physical healing and spiritual healing, including the forgiveness of sins; sin and death; Christ as the New Adam; the continuation of Jesus's ministry in the church; the power of sacral anointing; Christ's fulfillment of messianic hopes; and participation in Christ's royal, priestly, and prophetic mission. The book is suitable for classroom use and parish ministry.

Orthodox Bishop Alfeyev: "To be a theologian means to have experience of a personal encounter with God through prayer and worship."; Orthodox proverb: "We know where the Church is, we do not know where it is not."

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