Is Logos getting ride of L4 links?

I find it hard to find where to create a "L4" link to use it elsewhere. I find it eventually, but it seems that Logos has made it hard to find which makes me wonder if Logos is hiding the link and eventually getting rid of the "L4" link…. is this so?
I hope not.
Edit: I guess, the more I use it, I find this "dynamic tool bar" to be confusing in that some things like "L4" links, "set target here" etc… as I have to hunt for them and go through all the tool bar parts to find the one that I need or want. I am hoping there could be a better way???
xn = Christan man=man -- Acts 11:26 "....and the disciples were first called Christians in Antioch".
Barney Fife is my hero! He only uses an abacus with 14 rows!
Yes, Logos is replacing L4 links with links.
See here:
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@Aaron Hamilton - Thanks for point that out. Now I need to find out how to do the links and where to find it in the "dynamic toolbar"…. But… I think it is good that Logos is looking at combining duplicate features! 😎
Edit: I am guessing that when I use the "Copy Link" in the "Dynamic Toolbar" (Share →Copy Link) that it creates the " link" instead of the "L4" link… such that the "L4 link" is probably already gone….???
xn = Christan man=man -- Acts 11:26 "....and the disciples were first called Christians in Antioch".
Barney Fife is my hero! He only uses an abacus with 14 rows!
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if Logos is getting rid of L4 links why is the l4 links feature on mobile in progress stage. Why will they develop something for mobile when they are getting rid of it. How will this feature work then when its released. -
Because users already have existing logos4: links inside their notes (synced from desktop), and it makes sense to support this existing data.
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@Bradley Grainger (Logos) so mobile users will not be able to create links, the old links that was created with desktop will now just be working.
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But as I understand it, the "old L4 links" will continue to work, and the new "" will work, so we still have "links". I don't think it matters whether the link is "L4" or" other than allowing the old "L4" links to continue working.
I do hope they get "links" in mobile. We need that. Thanks. 😎
xn = Christan man=man -- Acts 11:26 "....and the disciples were first called Christians in Antioch".
Barney Fife is my hero! He only uses an abacus with 14 rows!
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@xnman I have notices that when I type in notes the clippings or passage list l4 link it works. But the notes link is just to long to do this. Even if I type the l4 link in the study builder links section it works. Now my problem is when the stop the l4 link the link is to long to type manually as the l4 link was short and the name of document that made it easy. So I also hope they add the ability to copy links from documents and add them other places.
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You can convert to L4 manually e.g.
logosres:ws-97b4ae9a8a1241e1855dc38d25e63023;ref=Bible.Re20.2-3;off=464Replace / with colon : then replace ? and & symbols after the title with semi-colon ;
Test your link by pasting in the Command Box.
If you disable the warning in Office the link will go directly to the book in Logos (Windows 11)!Dave
===Windows 11 & Android 13
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@Dave Hooton I am talking from a mobile user experience, to do what you have explained on mobile will be difficult. That is why the l4 link method manually was easy to do for clippings and passagelist.
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My concern as a mobile user with the remove of L4 links, with sermon builder and study builder, we are able to add a passage list/clippings document at the link section with the l4 method, now with this being discontinued how are mobile users then able to add links to those documents.
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As an iOS mobile user?
As an Android user I cannot get a URL from a book/document to add to Clippings or Study Builder where a URL can be added!Dave
===Windows 11 & Android 13