Webapp notes

Lukas Member Posts: 346 ✭✭✭

Why is there a share and hyperlink icon in the notes webapp but its not usable.



  • Graham Criddle
    Graham Criddle MVP Posts: 33,125

    In what way is it not usable?

    I've just tried a simple test and it seemed to work fine.

  • Lukas
    Lukas Member Posts: 346 ✭✭✭
    edited January 5

    @Graham Criddle on myside the tab is greyed out and not clickable. So I have no option to share the note or do a hyperlink.

  • Jonathan Bradley
    Jonathan Bradley Member Posts: 1,145 ✭✭✭

    The hyperlink is when you have a URL that you want to add to a word or phrase in your notes, so you have to have text selected to make that work.

    As for the "Share" button, I don't know. It works for me most of the time. When I first created a test note to try it, it didn't work, but then I tried a different note (an older one) and it worked fine. When I went back to my test note, it worked fine. So, there might be some sort of glitch in there, but I cannot be sure.

    Pastor, Mt. Leonard Baptist Church, SBC

  • Lukas
    Lukas Member Posts: 346 ✭✭✭

    @Jonathan Bradley thanks for the hyperlink info. But as a mobile user I think this will mot be working for me for long. As I have made use of L4 link in mobile for clippings and passage list but Logos will stop the l4 links. So I don't know how I will do these when L4 is no longer supported, I also liked the idea of adding the l4 links in study builder links section. But now this will come to an end. So I truly hope that Logos will bring links to mobile in some way.

  • Graham Criddle
    Graham Criddle MVP Posts: 33,125

    So I have no option to share the note

    The share button in the Notes tool is designed to share a notebook not an individual note.

    So try selecting a notebook and then the Share button should be enabled.

  • Lukas
    Lukas Member Posts: 346 ✭✭✭

    @Graham Criddle do you know of another way that I will be able to do links on mobile when Logos stops l4 links.
    The share function will not work as it opens webapp every time.

  • Graham Criddle
    Graham Criddle MVP Posts: 33,125

    do you know of another way that I will be able to do links on mobile when Logos stops l4 links.

    From your other post (included below) it looks as though you are manually entering links into notes on mobile - and you are concerned you won't be able to do this when use of L4 links is discontinued. Is that the case?

    You should still be able to create links (ref.ly links) in the web app and they should sync to mobile.

    Would that do what you need?

  • xnman
    xnman Member Posts: 2,904 ✭✭✭

    @Graham Criddle,

    Thanks again. I'll share my experience with using the (ref.ly) link on mobile…

    1. On my desktop (Windows 11) I created a Note anchored to a verse. I then opened a commentary, highlighted some words and used the Dynamic Toolbar —→ Copy Link, which creates the ref.ly link.
    2. I then went back to the Note I created and typed Commentary, highlighted it, clicked on the "chain link", pasted the ref.ly link into it and clicked "save". The word commentary in the Note turned blue, which indicates to me that it now contained a link.
    3. I then opened Logos on my Android phone, went to the verse whereby I created the anchor, and pushed the Note icon, then pushed the word "Commentary" in the Note text box. I did this about 4 times, each time deleting the Note I created and re-creating the whole process each time.
    4. What happened was …. a lot of my Apps was opened up on my phone. I didn't count them but I did try to delete each one individually and it was over 15.
    5. Then I closed and re-opened Logos, went to the verse with the Note, pushed the Note icon, pushed "Edit Note" and then in the edit mode, I pushed the ref.ly link I had created and this time it worked.
    6. Next, I went to a Note that I had created an L4 link in. And it worked the same way as the ref.ly link did.
    7. My conclusion: In Notes, at least, you must edit the note and then use the "links" or else it won't work.
    8. I would like the links to work from the text box that appears when I push the Note icon. This would definitely help links on mobile, in my opinion. My reason for this is that I have a ton of scriptures on many topics that I have "chained together" using links. To be able to work form the text pop up box when a Note icon is pushed, really simplifies going through a study of the chained scriptures.


    xn = Christan man=man -- Acts 11:26 "....and the disciples were first called Christians in Antioch".

    Barney Fife is my hero! He only uses an abacus with 14 rows!

  • Lukas
    Lukas Member Posts: 346 ✭✭✭

    @Graham Criddle can you please explain to me to how to do a ref.ly link in the webapp so that I can add the link in the Study Builder and see if if does what I want.

  • Lukas
    Lukas Member Posts: 346 ✭✭✭

    So what I am doing is this. I use the Bible Study Builder. I create a notebook, passage list and clippings document for that study. I then add the l4 link in the study builder document as on images, so at the moment I can only do this with clippings and passage list as I type the link manually in on Ipad or webapp. I am not able to do this with a notebook as I don't know if the notebook has a l4 link. But now my concern is if the ref.ly will allow me add the link in the document and when you press the link you have created it opens the document for you.

  • Graham Criddle
    Graham Criddle MVP Posts: 33,125

     can you please explain to me to how to do a ref.ly link in the webapp so that I can add the link in the Study Builder and see if if does what I want.

    I think you are trying to add a link to a notebook. Is that correct?

    If so, you can create a link to the notebook in the web app by selecting it in the notes tool, clicking the share icon, selecting the option to share the link and copying the link.

    Then in the info section in the BSB tool, paste in the URL and give it a name. That adds a link to the notebook - I haven't checked how this appears in mobile.

  • Lukas
    Lukas Member Posts: 346 ✭✭✭

    @Graham Criddle I am doing that, but now when I add the documents like notebook, clippings and passage list and I press on it. The document is opened in webapp instead of opening it in Logos app. This is not how I want it to work. The l4 links worked proper by opening the document in Logos.

  • Graham Criddle
    Graham Criddle MVP Posts: 33,125

    The document is opened in webapp instead of opening it in Logos app. This is not how I want it to work. The l4 links worked proper by opening the document in Logos.

    Understood - so I think the key question is whether this behaviour is going to change so ref.ly links will open within the app itself.

    I've asked that question in the beta forum in the post linked below.