Quotation series for Catholics

MJ. Smith
MJ. Smith MVP Posts: 54,762
edited January 10 in Book Requests

978-1-56854-255-3 A Sourcebook about Sunday https://www.amazon.com/Sourcebook-about-Sunday-Paul-Ford/dp/1568542550/ref%3Dsr_1_fkmr0_1

Amazon blurb:

What do you do on Sunday? Grocery shopping? Laundry? Tasks left over from the work week? In our overstressed, overscheduled lives we seem always to be busy with work or busy seeking relief through entertainment. This new addition to the Sourcebook series helps us reclaim Sunday as the Lord's Day.Through excerpts from scripture and the liturgy, from prose and poetry both ancient and modern this book helps us prepare for, ponder, and celebrate Sunday. Beginning with the origins of our Sunday observance and lingering over the wisdom of Jewish Shabbot practices, the book moves from Friday through Monday, evoking the many customs and activities that have marked our keeping of the Lord's Day and enabling theological reflection. This book offers materials for liturgists and catechists, for those who plan retreats, and for everyone desiring a richer experience of our weekly Easter. Through these eloquent texts we can come to see the veneration of Sabbath and Sunday--not as another obligation but as a means to our refreshment, growth, and intimacy with God. Published by Liturgy Training Publications.

978-1-56854-385-7 A Sourcebook about Mary

978-1-56854-182-2 A Eucharist Sourcebook

978-1-56854-098-6 A Reconciliation Sourcebook

978-1-56854-099-3 A Triduum Sourcebook (3 volume set)

978-1-56854-029-0 A Sourcebook about Liturgy

978-1-56854-039-9 A Marriage Sourcebook

978-0-92965-093-7 A Baptism Sourcebook

978-0-92965-036-4 A Lent Sourcebook

978-0-929650-09-8 A Sourcebook about Christian Death

978-0-93046-776-0 An Easter Sourcebook The Fifty Days

978-0-93046-782-1 Advent Sourcebook

978-0-93046-708-1 Christmas Sourcebook

There may be additional volumes, but these are the ones I know of - great collections of quotations, poems, prayers ... great for bulletins, training materials, devotions, homilies ... from Liturgical Training Publications (Chicago)

Orthodox Bishop Alfeyev: "To be a theologian means to have experience of a personal encounter with God through prayer and worship."; Orthodox proverb: "We know where the Church is, we do not know where it is not."

8 votes

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  • MJ. Smith
    MJ. Smith MVP Posts: 54,762

    Bumping this to bring attention to the quotes I would find helpful for homilies, Bible lessons, worship aids …

    Orthodox Bishop Alfeyev: "To be a theologian means to have experience of a personal encounter with God through prayer and worship."; Orthodox proverb: "We know where the Church is, we do not know where it is not."