Annual resources for Catholic parishes - eBook requests

These planning resources need to be offered each year prior to the start of the new liturgical year. They need only date - secular and liturgical - indexing.
Amazon blurb:
Those who prepare the liturgy are entrusted with a very important task―helping our assemblies encounter the real presence of Christ and be transformed and strengthened for discipleship. Life-giving celebrations of the liturgy help foster and nourish the faith of our parishioners. Sourcebook for Sundays, Seasons, and Weekdays is a trusted annual publication providing insightful, concise, and detailed suggestions for preparing the Mass each day of the liturgical year. With its focus on celebrating the liturgy well, this resource will guide parish teams in making “the liturgical prayers of the Christian community more alive” (On Sacred Music, 31). It includes: Preaching points Additional Scripture insights for the Proper of Saints. Music preparation guidance and song suggestions. Ways to connect the liturgy to the Christian life. Original Mass texts for Sundays, solemnities, and feasts of the Lord. Seasonal worship committee agendas. Ideas for celebrating other rites and customs. An online supplement for preparing the sacramental rites. Seasonal introductions. Daily calendar preparation guides. Dated entries with liturgical titles, lectionary citations, and vestment colors. Scripture insights. Brief biographies of the saints and blesseds. Guidance for choosing among the options provided in the ritual texts.
Amazon blurb:
Living Liturgy™ 2025 provides practical and engaging content from expert authors to enrich your communal prayer and ministry. Trusted by parishes around the country (and world!), Living Liturgy™ offers Scripture readings, insightful reflections, robust liturgical formation, and contextual background information for Sundays, solemnities, and additional feasts of liturgical and national importance. This best-selling annual resource is ideal for parish ministers, liturgists, pastors, planning committees, adult faith formation groups, and anyone who wishes to explore the connections between liturgy and life.
An entirely new resource created for each liturgical year, Living Liturgy™ gives your team the spiritual preparation they need to serve in their ministries, integrating daily living, prayer, and study in an inviting and easy-to-use format. Original art by Ruberval Monteiro da Silva, OSB, complements the text and invites further reflection on the gospel of the day. This indispensable guide deepens a liturgical spirituality and strengthens the worship experience for the whole parish.
Featured Liturgical TextsCollect
First Reading
Responsorial Psalm
Second Reading
Gospel Acclamation
Featured Content
Reflecting on the Gospel
Preparing to Proclaim
Psalmist Preparation
Making Connections
Homily Points
Model Penitential Act
Model Universal Prayer (Prayer of the Faithful)
Liturgy and Music
Living Liturgy
Prompts for Faith-Sharing
Additional Features
Pronunciation guide
Full text of readings in sense lines
Key words and phrases that focus on the gospel
Amazon blurb:
At Home with the Word® guides you to a deeper understanding of the Sunday Scriptures, inviting you to explore the readings for Sundays and major feasts of the liturgical year, garner insights from Scripture scholars, and respond with action steps created specifically with the day’s readings in mind. Additional reflection questions and action steps for families, Christian initiation groups, and adult faith-sharing groups may be downloaded from the LTP website. The book also includes citations for all the weekday readings and prayers for every season of the year. Bulk pricing makes At Home with the Word® an economical resource to provide for large groups.
Orthodox Bishop Alfeyev: "To be a theologian means to have experience of a personal encounter with God through prayer and worship."; Orthodox proverb: "We know where the Church is, we do not know where it is not."
I'll vote for these, though I personally won't use them - as MJ has been trumpeting, there is a lack of resources for this contingent of users.
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