Sermon Builder: Bullet, Numbered, List

Donnie Roye
Donnie Roye Member Posts: 1 ✭✭

It would be nice if the Sermon Builder had a better way to do bullet points or numbered lists. Too often, when I insert a scripture under a letter of number the list does not continue with the next number or letter.

4 votes

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  • Eric Simpson
    Eric Simpson Member Posts: 16 ✭✭

    Yes .. absolutely agree. I got a response from customer support and he wasn't sure if it was a bug or a feature. I can't envision why anyone would want to have an ordered list of 1, 2, 3, 3 … etc.

  • Savanna Lineberger
    Savanna Lineberger Member, Community Manager, Logos Employee Posts: 804

    Hi Donnie, thank you for your suggestion. We found a workaround for you that will get the desired results. If you hit tab on the line containing the reference block it will create a continuous sequence for you in the numbered/lettered list in your sermon doc.