Program scaling?

I think im blind...I tried looking but couldnt find much. How do I set the scale in L4 Mac?
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iMac Retina 5K, 27": 3.6GHz 8-Core Intel Core i9; 16GB RAM;MacOS 10.15.5; 1TB SSD; Logos 8
MacBook Air 13.3": 1.8GHz; 4GB RAM; MacOS 10.13.6; 256GB SSD; Logos 8
iPad Pro 32GB WiFi iOS 13.5.1
iPhone 8+ 64GB iOS 13.5.1
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Don't get too attached to the feature; there are significant bugs with Apple's implementation of scaling (that we have been unable to workaround), so expect this to go away in the near future.
David Mitchell
Development Lead
Faithlife0 -
David Mitchell said:
Don't get too attached to the feature; there are significant bugs with Apple's implementation of scaling (that we have been unable to workaround), so expect this to go away in the near future.
I can confirm this, it makes the ability name and save Layouts useless.
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Somehow or another i managed to Scale the entire program to 80% and i dont remember how I did it [:(] I want to change it back to 100%. I found the default text scaling option but that only scales the text...any suggestions?
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Can you enter "set Program Scaling to Default" in the command bar? (I don't have a Mac)
MacBook Pro (2019), ThinkPad E540
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Try the following command from Terminal, then restart Logos 4
defaults write com.logos.Logos_Bible_Software_4 AppleDisplayScaleFactor 1
We removed support for Program Scaling in Alpha 21 due to bugs in Apple's implementation. They mention in their own documentation that changing the display scale factor is a developer-only feature:
"Mac OS X v10.4 introduced preliminary support for resolution independence, but the implementation was very limited and many visual errors occur. Mac OS X v10.5 adds further support and the implementation has been refined. ... However, resolution independence is still a developer-only feature in Mac OS X v10.5 and is not yet intended for end-user adoption." -
As far as we can tell, the situation has not improved in 10.6 and until Apple fully supports this, we can't provide a proper implementation.
Mobile Development Team Lead
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Ok, so what are my options to handle the small size of gui elements and font size stuff (Hebrew!) going forward?? I need to be frank. If I can't have some control of size both in font and gui elements then you have effectively locked me out of a cool tool I have been wanting and waiting for 20 years. And my friend's getting me the Original languages base and my own paid upgrades to some books would be a waste. Apple's zoom tool is not the answer I can live with, its not very smooth and sometimes a PITA to use. Having to stick my face into my screen is not an effective answer either. I already sit 10 inchs away; an iMac 21.5 has a hot display!
Please help me.
{Choose Life, Create Hope, Nurture Love, Wrestle Faith...}
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meitnik said:
Ok, so what are my options to handle the small size of gui elements and font size stuff (Hebrew!) going forward?? I need to be frank. If I can't have some control of size both in font and gui elements then you have effectively locked me out of a cool tool I have been wanting and waiting for 20 years. And my friend's getting me the Original languages base and my own paid upgrades to some books would be a waste. Apple's zoom tool is not the answer I can live with, its not very smooth and sometimes a PITA to use. Having to stick my face into my screen is not an effective answer either. I already sit 10 inchs away; an iMac 21.5 has a hot display!
Please help me.
Native screen resolution for iMac 21.5" is 1920 x 1080. Possibility: could use Apple's system preferences => set display to 1600 x 900 (equivalent to 120 % scaling), 1344 x 756 (about 142.8 % scaling), or 1280 X 720 (equivalent 150 % scaling).
Keep Smiling [:)]
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Tom Philpot said:
Try the following command from Terminal, then restart Logos 4
defaults write com.logos.Logos_Bible_Software_4 AppleDisplayScaleFactor 1
Thanks Tom!, Fixed the problem[:D]
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I would like an answer or clue to what can or can't be done for the following:
1. Setting font size per language, one size fits all is not gong to work; trust me I know my fonts.
2. Setting shade of window frame from grey to lighter or darker so there is more contrast for the gui widgets used.
3. Setting some size options of the widgets plus/minus 3 to 5 pixels, small normal larger which can be hardwired for now.
4. Supporting full keyboard navigation of gui so voice command/control can be done.
I will not go away on these requests. I am fighting for not only myself but others who would fully benefit from these options/features. I have learned the hard way that unless am willing to risk full engagement with the abled bodied, nothing changes. Please put digital curb cuts so many can enjoy the Word of HaShem. Thank you.
{Choose Life, Create Hope, Nurture Love, Wrestle Faith...}
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Aside from the Program Settings panel, you can adjust the size of fonts in each resource by clicking on the book cover image in the upper Left corner and adjusting the slider.meitnik said:1. Setting font size per language, one size fits all is not gong to work; trust me I know my fonts.
Options are coming in a future release.meitnik said:2. Setting shade of window frame from grey to lighter or darker so there is more contrast for the gui widgets used.
Not sure what a "widget" is. Can you be more precise or show a screen capture?meitnik said:3. Setting some size options of the widgets plus/minus 3 to 5 pixels, small normal larger which can be hardwired for now.
I know more keyboard commands are coming in the future, but maybe you can post some specific suggestions for development to consider.meitnik said:4. Supporting full keyboard navigation of gui so voice command/control can be done.
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It has come to my attention that I misread the request. I was referring to the background behind the text and options currently in the L4win version to adjust the background. This will not give users the ability to change the gray tones of the program GUI itself. Sorry for the confusion I might have caused.Joe Miller said:
Options are coming in a future release.meitnik said:2. Setting shade of window frame from grey to lighter or darker so there is more contrast for the gui widgets used.
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Joe Miller said:
It has come to my attention that I misread the request. I was referring to the background behind the text and options currently in the L4win version to adjust the background. This will not give users the ability to change the gray tones of the program GUI itself. Sorry for the confusion I might have caused.Joe Miller said:
Options are coming in a future release.meitnik said:2. Setting shade of window frame from grey to lighter or darker so there is more contrast for the gui widgets used.
System Preferences has Universal Access whose contrast setting can change screen appearance:
By the way, "White on black" looks really different.
Keep Smiling [:)]
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What's the terminal? Thanks, Skip
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Nevermind, I found it ran the command and now my link set is working again. Thanks