No English Dictionary? Why?
I just had the displeasure of spending a lot of time trying to figure out why I'm not getting basic English word definitions in the info panel.
Excuse me but, what?
Then I learned that Logos doesn't provide this most critical reference textbook with any of its software packages. … what? You mean to tell me that defining the words of a book isn't the most important reference for that book? "You have the Bible dictionaries". Those are opinions on the meanings of words found in the Bible; not common definitions of the English language. Those are two entirely different professions. Produced by two entirely different institutions. I go to a mechanic to fix a car, not a doctor. Why then would I go to anyone else other than the masters of the English language to define a word?
After the KJV itself, how was this not the first contract you pursued thirty three years ago? You've been unable to strike a deal with Oxford (or anyone else) to include at least a basic English dictionary in all your software? You've never been able to obtain any bulk deals or rights from any publisher at all for an English dictionary?
This is NOT the definition I want to first appear when I click on a word.
Because that is not the definition of light. This is:
"Bible definitions" come secondary to the actual definitions. A person has no business considering how a word is meant in the Bible if they don't even know what that word means. Maybe do a definition on what "priority" means. I can't do it cause I don't HAVE A DICTIONARY.
With the max subscription, the Vocational Basic library and the Baptist Standard library, I now have access to eight hundred seventy seven books. That the software can index and use in its searches etc. And not one of them are an English dictionary. Something that schools provide to kindergarten students. Because it's THAT important.
This factory provided library includes eighty nine books about Hebrew and ninety eight results about Greek. So if I even had a single English dictionary I would still have one hundred eighty seven times more books on foreign languages than books regarding MY OWN DAMN LANGUAGE. Who decided this? Who's idea was it that English speaking people need to understand everything except for the one that they speak? Being the most popular and highest resolution language in all the Earth throughout all of human history. ?
When did God value one language over another at the tower of Babel? I don't see that anywhere. Maybe it's in one of my two hundred books on foreign languages that comes with my Bible software, that is headquartered in the USA, an English speaking nation; a colony of the nation that SPAWNED THE LANGUAGE. I didn't know this software was called Rosetta Stone, I thought it was Logos.
(Where is a thesaurus by the way? Or the KJV 1611? You have to go to the atheists to get an ebook Bible in America?)
Your store search tool gets almost two hundred results on "English Dictionary". Most of those hits are not English dictionaries. Maybe you should buy yourself an English dictionary and give it to your find tool, cause it doesn't know that an English dictionary is a genre not a title. Maybe I should gift you a dictionary cause you can't afford one, apparently.
Your leader said in a YouTube intro video, "Don't use Google search". I complimented him on saying that. Then learned that ironically his team is forcing me to do that very thing. Having to drop what I'm doing and open up a web browser to simply define a word. I have to run my studies through Google, who are hellbent on "controlling the world's information". Isn't that nice.
I get the feeling your executives aren't going hungry.
But this wealthy company can't eat the cost of a basic dictionary for its loyal customers? Even the borderline useless dictionaries that are half the size of the modern ones that haven't been updated in two decades?
While I'm penny pinching to get the max subscription paid for, this company that's just swimming in cash turned and betrayed me by nickel and diming me on the most core aspect of the program. This is not a luxury item; this is the most foundational reference to studying anything. Communication is made of words. You need to understand the words to communicate.
With three hundred fifty staff you could write your own English dictionary! I'm not kidding. A hundred words per day per person and you would have one in two weeks. Not a single one of your staff have ever taken issue with the complete void of an English dictionary provided with this software?
What does your AI service use to define words? The exact same books that you expect me to pay over fifty dollars for?
How does this software run spell check without a dictionary? Is this a keylogger?
Oh, look what I found. Just look at that price.
You mean to look me in the eye and tell me Oxford University Press favors Amazon (headed by a hardened atheist who is continually littered with issues about human rights violations and labour disputes) over the proliferation of the gospel of peace in America? Is that so?
Interesting thing, that.
Oh look, the best dictionary there is. Sold on a secular website. Huh, would you have a look at that price.
While THE MORALLY EXEMPLARY CHRISTIANS expect you to pay good money for an English dictionary that is so old it isn't even relevant any more.
Oxford University, down the street from the Church of England, that produced the KJV itself, which has an intimate history together, won't give the best Bible software in the world a basic dictionary. But they will let me use their modern updated one on their website for free.
Cambridge online dictionary? Free.
Merriam Webster? Free.
Google? Free. Microsoft? Free. Apple? Free. Dictionary . com? Free. Everybody else in the world? Free.
FaithLife? Yup that's gonna be $61.62 CDN. Cough it up bro. What, you think we're running a charity?
Oh you want a proper dictionary? Ok, that will be orders of magnitude more money than anyone has ever paid for a dictionary ever. Will that be cash or cheque?
What are you people smoking over there? Maybe I should get an ebook on overcoming drug addictions and send it your way. Do you think people wouldn't notice this?
I know what's going on.
This is like Ubisoft or EA Games selling unfinished games for full price then charging "downloadable content" fees to finish the game; otherwise known as micro transactions.
Or how BMW charges a subscription fee for the heated seats in the car you paid full price for.
Or John Deer that remotely shuts down its tractors if you don't use their own service to maintain it.
Or Door Dash that charges a delivery fee, a transaction fee, an app fee, and a gratuity.
Or the 'Self Checkout' screens in a store that asks you for a tip after it did nothing at all.
Or WinZip that wants you to pay $10/month to compress files.
You would think the Christians wouldn't do this too, but I guess not. Good ol meruca, the land of the love of money.
You should do a study on what God said about swindlers. I'll buy a $60 dictionary for us, put it in my software and so we can define that word together. Or I could just head to Google for a more modern updated definition FOR FREE, which effectively questions the existence of your software at all.
This lack of an English dictionary is going into my top ten dumbest things I've ever encountered in my life.
Also down the street from the Church of England. Another group of men who tell the tale, solving the mystery of some of the most puzzling mysteries on the Earth; of why men do what they do.
They produce a list of every resource that goes into a package. That’s not swindling. I’ve felt like I’ve received great deals through buying bundles because I always looked at what I was buying before I purchased.
I recommend this software to friends who would benefit from it and it would be a shame for them to come on the forums to be greeted with statements like “my own d*** language…what are you people smoking over there…”I hear your frustration but I encourage a kinder way of directing it.
All the best!0 -
Somehow my response posted twice. It doesn’t look like I can delete but I can edit this with one of my favorite recent updates. I think it is fantastic that Bible and versified commentary highlights have been updated!
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All of that for a dictionary? 😂 You must have a lot of time in your hands 😂
Thanks for the free kindle suggestion, but I will say that the format is very poor which makes the dictionary hard to use.
No one ever said you have to have everything in Logos Bible Software. I look up definitions in my current dictionaries and Google. It’s not that hard to do. I mean, you have time to write a rant this long, I’m sure you have time to open a browser and google a definition which would literally take less time than writing a long rant post in this forum.
You refer to FL as “christians” but what are you? Maybe being nice can help a bit, you know.
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Are you aware that Logos does sell dictionaries - such as
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macOS has dictionary built-in.
New Oxford American Dictionary Has been included since OS X 10.4. Many other resources are also available to add.
I have never tried looking up an English word in the apple dictionary from an English word in Logos. I will have to try that and see if it works.
I do agree with the OP that LOGOS could and should provide something as a default built-in English dictionary. I had one of the overpriced dictionaries in my wish list but it never ever went on sale.
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Thanks for the free kindle suggestion, but I will say that the format is very poor which makes the dictionary hard to use.
Kindles have built-in dictionaries. In any book, just press and hold on an English word to look it up.
I read somewhere that you can also install a Greek lexicon into the Kindle. But I do not know how well that works.
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I provided some examples of other companies doing similar things; why I used the word swindling.
That the software package is unfinished as a standalone product when it is missing critical components of using it. This is why I mentioned that an English dictionary is not a luxury item; it is the most foundational reference besides the Bible itself.I wrote it as kind as I could manage. Because if someone thinks that, for English speaking people, two hundred Greek and Hebrew resources are more important than a single English dictionary, they are guaranteed high. The colorful language is the indication of quality measurement: It's not kind of bad; it's really bad. Especially because of the comparison of Oxford letting secular platforms use their products for cheaper than this Christian platform. Oxford being the very cradle of the English language and our English translated Bible. There is something really wrong about this.
You can't define words in a software program literally named "words" 😂
I will be recommending Logos as well. So when you recommend it to your friends and then they spend a bunch of money and realize they can't define basic words they are going to feel ripped off as I do. That one guy ranting on the forum had nothing to do with it.
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No, I don't have a lot of time on my hands. That is why I would pressure software devs for the best possible systems. Including the ability to define words within the program. You say it's not time consuming to Google a definition. But if you do that same process thousands of times it becomes a problem. And especially if you prefer not to use Google unless necessary.
The length of my post is to include the citations of what my problem is. To define exactly why Logos should include an English dictionary as part of the most basic package.
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Yes, thank you for the recommendation.
I have reviewed all the available ones in the store and went with the Merriam Webster's Collegiate, the thesaurus, and the KJV dictionary. So I'm out $60 Canadian. I had to do this now because of the sale.This same amount of money, with Sword Searcher you get about twelve Bibles and fifty commentaries, concordances etc. As in I should not have had to spend A DOLLAR on an English dictionary! Let alone the same amount of money as the entirety of another Bible software program with accessory content.
It's almost like not having the Bible in the Bible software at all. Like if you were to buy Microsoft Word but you had to spend more money to create a new blank document. Or buy a car and you have to spend more money for the wheels.
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Many Logos libraries include these resources and a lot more for less than that. This one for example:
lists for US$39.99 and includes the Oxford Concise Dictionary, the Merriam Thesaurus, the KJV + 14 other English Bibles, and dozens of other resources. And this was just the first of the many packages I found when I went to the Thesaurus page.
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I do agree with the OP that LOGOS could and should provide something as a default built-in English dictionary. I had one of the overpriced dictionaries in my wish list but it never ever went on sale.
Playing the devil's advocate without disclosing my own view. Whose English dictionary? American? British? South Asian? Australian? Canadian? aimed for a high school graduate? college graduate? English as a second language? how comprehensive? how much etymology? …
Orthodox Bishop Alfeyev: "To be a theologian means to have experience of a personal encounter with God through prayer and worship."; Orthodox proverb: "We know where the Church is, we do not know where it is not."
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As in I should not have had to spend A DOLLAR on an English dictionary!
In nearly 30 years I have never intentionally spent a dollar on an English dictionary and never intentionally used a English dictionary in Logos. Rather you will find me to be a heavy user of
or and WordNet Online until it was deprecated. No, I am not typical but I illustrate how broad a user base Logos/Verbum tries to serve.Orthodox Bishop Alfeyev: "To be a theologian means to have experience of a personal encounter with God through prayer and worship."; Orthodox proverb: "We know where the Church is, we do not know where it is not."
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Whose English dictionary? American? British? South Asian? Australian? Canadian?
Because personal preferences will vary, they should all be available. But any would be better than none. Maybe one of the free ones mentioned by the OP would be a good choice. The free version of Logos comes with many Bible translations.
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Googling definitions thousands of times, really? English is my second language and I don’t even look for definitions thousands of times. Unless someone suffers from dyslexia, I don’t think a normal person would google word definitions thousands of times. Anyway, buy a dictionary and your problem will be solved, at least in part.
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I haven't read through all the replies. I just prioritized one of my dictionaries, a regular one, and now it's the first thing that comes up under definitions in the info panel.
Pastor, Mt. Leonard Baptist Church, SBC
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@ASUNDER I suggest you look at the recommendation that Sean made above. You will get several additional resources along with the English language dictionary and thesaurus. You can return what you bought within 30 days by contacting customer support.
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Yep … I keep my COED in my big layout, though to be honest, whenever I need a definition, it's often no help. Some strange english word, that even a search is just partially helpful. Google it.
Regarding Kindle, I quite frequently use its free english dictionary … I think I get a choice of one or more. A lot has to do with the type of works being read, and unusual words.
"If myth is ideology in narrative form, then scholarship is myth with footnotes." B. Lincolm 1999.
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I just checked on my kindle paperwhite. The built-in dictionary is the New Oxford American.
Along with the dictionary comes a Wikipedia search and translation. These last two features didn’t actually work on mine just now because I had it in airplane mode. Those two features require an Internet connection, but the dictionary is built in.
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When it comes to just getting a regular definition of something, I rarely use the Logos dictionaries. This post just got me thinking and looking at the info panel to see how it is set up and how it works.
Pastor, Mt. Leonard Baptist Church, SBC
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I just checked my Kindle Oasis and Scribe. I get to choose Oxford Dictionary of English, or New Oxford American Dictionary.
I assume both sides of the pond.
"If myth is ideology in narrative form, then scholarship is myth with footnotes." B. Lincolm 1999.
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I think it's fair to say that the failure to include a basic English dictionary function is disappointing. It wouldn't be all that hard to do, and it would be helpful. As others have mentioned, it's a handy feature on the Kindle. I see it as another example of the blindspot that FaithLife seems to have when it comes to some basic usability issues.
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While we're on the subject of english dictionaries,
seems to come closest to a Kindle experience. The Concise Oxford and Collins are both 'thin' … a quick definition, some derivatives, etc. Merriam is also fairly inexpensive."If myth is ideology in narrative form, then scholarship is myth with footnotes." B. Lincolm 1999.
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The 12th edition has been available since 2011 and is the standard used by The United Nations and NATO. Why isn't it available at all in Logos?
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I have and use the MW dictionary with Logos. Though I do not remember for sure, I think it was provided with a start up package 25+ years ago. I have it pinned as a shortcut to the top of my screen. I had this even before having a dynamic info pane.
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I can explain the issue with "English dictionary" giving you other resources. That searches titles, descriptions, authors, etc. You want to put type:dictionary, which should narrow things down considerably. Dictionaries where the word and its definition are in different languages are usually tagged as type:lexicon.
Personally, I've never used an English dictionary in Logos that I can remember, although I have a few. To me, I want the definition of the word in the original language, since the semantic domain of a Greek or Hebrew word is never going to be exactly what the English word is. For example, the Greek word pneuma can mean breath, spirit, or wind, but you cannot pneuma a watch or a yo-yo (although that makes sense with "wind"). But your convictions may vary on that.
Using Logos as a pastor, seminary professor, and Tyndale author
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My post was too strong but that doesn't make me the devil.
I just spent some time on certain religious places of reddit; basically beholding the face of pure evil. There is a big difference between me and them.
I'm not wrong. This program should come with some complementary things, including a dictionary; like a good restaurant puts bread and water on the table as soon as you sit down. But I should have kept my appeal more balanced to the perceived crime. I was thinking out loud.Thank you for the good recommendations.
Why didn't I see this before? That bundle is amazing!
I'm just hemorrhaging money at this point. I can't say no to all these good books. 🥰
I'm getting upset at having to buy a dictionary, while the same company is handing over entire coveted libraries at pennies on the dollar. …Yes from now until I die will be thousands of times. Here is why:
Logos has accessory features that I've been thinking about a strategy. Of using Logos as my central document manager, for all of my literature, not just Christian content. Business, health etc. All of it. With the Logos documents feature, the FaithLife ebook app, the media manager, the search features, the links, the shortcuts, the sync with my phone, the notes, the sermon builder, the AI service (I never thought that I would ever express the term AI in a positive list), the passage lists. the textbooks I now have (dictionary etc.) This is the perfect place to conduct all my business. I might as well call it "Logos Office 10".So I'm thinking of compound benefits. Using the available helpers (that are sitting there waiting to be used anyway) for all my work, not just Bible study. No Kindle, no Calibre, no web browser, etc. Logos can replace several other apps and make everything more efficient in general. FaithLife would technically be able to see everything I do but that's fine. They are not Microsoft. I can trust them because I can trust their God.
I'm still developing this strategy. But first I want to look at these legacy bundles.
I'm just swimming in a pool of dopamine right now. After the honeymoon phase of pure novelty, we will see if my discipline will match my current excitement. If I will actually utilize this masterpiece of a Bible app.0 -
Ya. I went with the Merriam Webster one because I got the Thesaurus too; to keep it in the family. It seemed like a good idea at the time. I might get a different one in the future. Look at what it's showing me, as opposed to yours. A bunch of where the word came from and "to shine" is my definition. *sigh…
A picture like this on the store page would be helpful.
The reason I was thinking the Oxford is because it is most closely associated with the KJV. Maybe the Cambridge too, but my thinking is that they would have the closest integration with the Bible than anyone else, while still being separate. The Bible dictionaries are reserved for strictly Biblical language. And asking the internet, everyone says the Oxford is the best one. But that particular version isn't available as a Logos enhanced version.
I actually have a mind to get other references in here too. I've spied an Oxford money definitions textbook, a law definitions textbook, and some other minor ones. Law and money are huge topics in faith and practice. And since the vast majority of good commentaries and extra Biblical texts are from men in the past, sometimes the distant past; their prose is often dense and harder to understand. That having these kinds of professional definitions right there on hand at all times might be worth the time and money to install. But I'm just theorizing at this point, without any actual experience if it would help or not.
I'm even thinking of putting the Urban Dictionary in here. Now why would I do that? Because it is updated with as many as two thousand words per day. The English language is evolving so quickly that it will eventually not even resemble the English of my childhood. That if we are to reach the world we need to at least know what they're saying, yes? Having an answer for *EVERY man, of the hope that lies within you. That mandate includes Gen Alpha and their rizz rizzler skibidi ohio.
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This program should come with some complementary things, including a dictionary; like a good restaurant puts bread and water on the table as soon as you sit down.
Well, don't travel to Germany then 😎
(no free water and certainly no complimentary bread, you usually even pay extra for the ketchup 🤣)
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Oh I forgot. My conviction on 'Pneuma' does vary.
I will subscribe to the musicians definition; being a musician myself.…
We are will and wonder, bound to recall, remember
We are born of one breath, one word
We are all one spark, Son becoming
Child, wake up
Child, release the light
Wake up now, child
Wake upPneuma, Breath of God
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Hi, "Asunder"! Your post omitted Webster's American Dictionary of The English Language for those who no longer read or can't read the KJV.
There is a King James Version Dictionary but not as good as the ADEL.
But the original language lexicons and various concordances are a great help and sometimes better. I just typed "dictionary" in my library and it came up with 266 results. But, these are not all like the COED or the above.
Logos Max on HP Elite Tower 600 G9 x64 Desktop PC 32 GB Windows 11.
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I guess I am not that emotionally involved with having a dictionary, even the “best” one at that. The ADEL looks quite capable. I was glad to see that it is part of my subscription plan. I have many other dictionaries including those wrapped into the Logos 8 library mentioned in this thread. That should suffice.
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We've added the American Dictionary of the English Language to Logos subscriptions; thanks for the suggestion that the subscriptions should include some kind of English dictionary.
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Yeeeaa. Now THAT's what IM TALKIN about! 😀
Logos for the win! 💪🙌
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An excellent choice. Thank you..