Missing insert scripture reference button

Michael Johnson
Michael Johnson Member Posts: 2

Can anyone tell me how to get this button back in my sermon builder? I really loved this feature and one day, I opened sermon builder and it was gone. I even signed up for pro subscription thinking maybe logos made it a part of this new subscription base service and nothing. I do not regret getting the pro subscription but I really want this button back. Has anyone else lost this button or had this issue?


  • Michael Boyle
    Michael Boyle Member Posts: 5 ✭✭

    Yes. I have the same problem.

  • Graham Criddle
    Graham Criddle MVP Posts: 33,110

    I don't know how to get it back but I am very surprised to see it has gone.

    I've just checked and don't see anything in recent release notes about this change so it may not have been deliberate

    Hopefully someone from the Logos team will comment.

  • Mark Barnes (Logos)
    Mark Barnes (Logos) Administrator, Logos Employee Posts: 1,993

    How would each of you use this button, typically? What's the use case? What makes this button better than pressing TAB or ENTER after a Bible reference?

  • Graham Criddle
    Graham Criddle MVP Posts: 33,110

    How would each of you use this button, typically?

    It's for the sort of case where I enter a reference inline and then want to be able to generate a slide showing that verse without necessarily expanding it within the body of the sermon.

    For example:

    I don't particularly want the text expanded inline and I don't want to disrupt the flow of what I have written but I would like to easily be able to add a slide showing the text.

    Does that help?

  • Michael Johnson
    Michael Johnson Member Posts: 2

    When I use numbered lists and enter a scripture reference along with other text, I was able to click this button to enter a slide from the reference without the numbered list restarting. If I hit enter the numbered list restarts.

  • Mark Barnes (Logos)
    Mark Barnes (Logos) Administrator, Logos Employee Posts: 1,993

    That's helpful. Thanks.

  • Patrice Shingu
    Patrice Shingu Member Posts: 1
    edited February 11

    I REALLY miss this functionality when editing sermons. My ideal use case is the ability to select a section of my sermon that contains multiple verse references, click this button, and have the corresponding verses displayed in the sermon body in blocks. Now I have to select one verse at a time and press enter or tab.

  • Chris Hilling
    Chris Hilling Member Posts: 6 ✭✭

    I really miss this button. It made adding a Scripture passage block so easy. I've been searching how to get it back and found that it had been removed.

    Before, I would simply highlight the passage … you didn't have to be precise, I could even highlight more than one passage, then click the button and there were all the blocks of Scripture… it was very convenient. Now, I have to go and click on just the one precise spot … if I click one space too soon, I open up the passage in another window. If I click a space too far, it does nothing, then I have to space back until my cursor is exactly after the last number of the passage then I get an option for inline or block. I do that for each passage I want to be printed out for reference in my sermon. It wastes so much time.

    For instance, in a sermon I am referencing some of the attributes of God. I copy and pasted this into my sermon …
    God is:

    Holy – He is pure and set apart from sin.

    Loving – He is full of compassion and mercy (Psalm 103:13).

    Faithful – He never fails (Malachi 3:6).

    Just – He always does what is right.

    Eternal – He has no beginning or end (Psalm 90:2).

    Wise – His understanding is beyond measure (Romans 16:27).

    I would like to have those passages listed under each point for reference. Now, instead of highlighting that section and pushing one button, I have to line my cursor up exactly at the correct spot 4 times and click "Insert Block" … very frustrating. Please bring back the button! Thank you for your consideration.

  • Mark Barnes (Logos)
    Mark Barnes (Logos) Administrator, Logos Employee Posts: 1,993

    Thanks for the feedback everyone. We will be bringing this button back. I'm unsure if it will make v41, but if not, it should be in v42.

  • Graham Criddle
    Graham Criddle MVP Posts: 33,110

    That's great news - thanks @Mark Barnes (Logos)