BUG - Resources have entire paragraphs tagged as a Bible reference, footnotes contain large numbers.

I assume the same are true for Volume 2, which I do not own.
Both volumes have the same issues, though Volume 3 seems to be much worse than Volume 1.
This entire paragraph is tagged as being a reference to Galatians 4:14.
These screen shots are from Volume 3.
This paragraph is tagged as two references, and what's up with the HUGE footnote right in the center? 432437318282823
In addition to those issues, these books reference the Pseudepigrapha. Instead of remaining untagged, references to T.Dan, T. Jos and T.Job (Testament of Dan, Joseph, Job) were all tagged to passages from the Biblical books of Daniel, Joshua, and Job.
More examples of the footnotes
and in the main text
This looks like the result of a bad conversion for the "Ebook Edition" format; I'll ask our content production team to reconvert it. Thanks for reporting the problem.
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Thank you!
When they reconvert it, is there any way they can include the page numbers?
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If the source material provided by the publisher had them, they should be included.
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The Content Production team has let me know that this was reconverted; it should be updated soon. (This reconversion fixes the wrong tags; however, it does not include page numbers.)
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Thank you!
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The new resources downloaded this morning. A quick perusal showed the tagging and links have been fixed. Thank you!
It was difficult to do much reading when every thing was a pop up link!