TIP OF THE DAY 131: Church fathers' time eras

MJ. Smith
MJ. Smith MVP Posts: 54,763

I am adding these posts to the previous tip list L/V 10 Tip of the Day (when it doesn't time out)

QUESTION: What Biblical historical eras were promoted by early church fathers?

SOFTWARE: I got poor results from the smart all search. Perplexity when asked Besides Augustine, did any church fathers divide Biblical history into eras?

ANSWER: Summary Table

Church Father


Key Features


Four Covenants: Adam, Noah, Moses, Christ

Focused on covenants as stages of salvation history

Clement of Alexandria

Six Periods: Adam, Noah, Abraham, Moses, Prophets, Christ

History as divine pedagogy


Epochs: Creation-Flood, Flood-Abraham, Abraham-Moses, Moses-David, etc.

Aligned biblical events with secular history


Seven Dispensations: Adam, Noah, Abraham, Moses, David, Prophets, Christ

Similar to Augustine but includes a distinct prophetic period


Six Millennia: Based on genealogies and creation days

Viewed history as progressing toward eternal rest


Six Ages/Millennia: Corresponding to creation days

Culminates in the seventh millennium as eternal rest

QUESTION: Describe Augustine’s six eras corresponding to the six days of creation.

ANSWER: from Perplexity:

Augustine's Six Ages of the World



Approximate Dates

Theological Significance

First Age

From Adam to Noah (Antediluvian period)

Creation – 2458 BC

Humanity's creation, fall into sin, and God's judgment through the flood.

Second Age

From Noah to Abraham

2458 BC – 2091 BC

The reestablishment of humanity after the flood and God's covenant with Noah.

Third Age

From Abraham to David

2091 BC – 1010 BC

The establishment of God's covenant with Abraham and the beginning of Israel as God's chosen people.

Fourth Age

From David to the Babylonian Captivity

1010 BC – 586 BC

The Davidic Covenant, establishing God's promise of an eternal kingdom, and Israel's eventual exile for sin.

Fifth Age

From the Babylonian Captivity to Jesus Christ

586 BC – 4 BC

The anticipation of the Messiah, with prophecy and hope for redemption during a time of foreign domination.

Sixth Age

From Jesus Christ to the Second Coming

4 BC – Present

The fulfillment of God's promises through Christ, the spread of the Gospel, and humanity's preparation for eternity.


  1. Augustine's framework parallels the six days of creation, with each age representing a "day" in salvation history.
  2. The Seventh Age (not included in this table) represents eternal rest after the Final Judgment, corresponding to the Sabbath.
  3. Theological significance emphasizes God's progressive revelation and redemptive plan throughout history.

Orthodox Bishop Alfeyev: "To be a theologian means to have experience of a personal encounter with God through prayer and worship."; Orthodox proverb: "We know where the Church is, we do not know where it is not."
