Using AutoHotKey to create customised keyboard shortcuts for Logos

GregW Member Posts: 295 ✭✭
edited 11:20AM in English Forum

After the recent video by @Jason Stone (Logos) and Mark Ward I wanted to try to create some keyboard shortcuts to go straight to some of the resources I use most often. I'm a Windows user, so couldn't use Raycast as used by Mark Ward in the short term, so I've done some experimenting with AutoHotkey on Windows 11. I've used AutoKotKey for a number of years as a text expander, but never used it for triggering things like this, so this is all new to me. Autohotkey also has the advantage of being free. links open up all sorts of possibilities now that they open directly in the desktop app, and some documentation of them would be really helpful. Others far more talented than I am could probably come up with all sorts of creative uses. I've also found that links are very forgiving of eccentric Bible reference entries. but it's best to use two-letter entry for books of the Bible in the format Mt2.20 but it doesn't seem to be fazed by spaces.

Essentially, you can create an AutoHotkey script to open anything that's accessible to a link. I haven't been able to do it for Factbook as there are a number of complexities in the process of creating Factbook links that I won't go into here.

I've set up a script with shortcuts to open:

  • The Anglicised NIV
  • The ESV
  • NA28
  • BHS
  • Passage Guide
  • Exegetical Guide
  • Text Comparison.

The shortcuts are the strings between to sets of two colons. For example, "oniv" is the shortcut to open the Anglicised NIV and appears in the script as ::oniv::

I've pasted in the script below as my virus checker gets extremely excited if I try to upload or download an AutoHotkey script. My code can probably be made much more efficient as I've repeated the same stuff in multiple shortcuts but I'll do some work to tidy that up in the coming days. I hope this is helpful or sparks some further ideas.

Here's the script: but use it at your own risk, and you'll need to upgrade to AutoHotKey 2 if you're already using it. I have made this my default Autohotkey script starting up with Windows so that any shortcuts I have in it are always available. This isn't supported by Logos, and could collapse in a heap if there are any undocumented changes made to

#Requires AutoHotkey v2.0

/* Open NIV to a reference /
Set up an input box to get the reference /
ref := InputBox("Enter Bible Reference", "Reference",, "ref").value
Create the URL /
url := "" . ref . ";anglniv2011"
Run url
Open ESV to a reference /
Set up an input box to get the reference /
ref := InputBox("Enter Bible Reference", "Reference",, "ref").value
Create the URL /
url := "" . ref . ";ESV"
Run url
Open NA28 to a reference /
Set up an input box to get the reference /
ref := InputBox("Enter Bible Reference", "Reference",, "ref").value
Create the URL /
url := "" . ref . ";NA28"
Run url
Open BHS to a reference /
Set up an input box to get the reference /
ref := InputBox("Enter Bible Reference", "Reference",, "ref").value
Create the URL /
url := "" . ref . ";wivumorph"
Run url
Open Passage Guide to a reference /
Set up an input box to get the reference /
ref := InputBox("Enter Bible Reference", "Reference",, "ref").value
Create the URL /
url := "" . ref
Run url
Open Exegetical Guide to a reference */

/* Set up an input box to get the reference /
ref := InputBox("Enter Bible Reference", "Reference",, "ref").value
url := "" . ref
Run url
Open Text Comparison */

/* Set up an input box to get the reference /
ref := InputBox("Enter Bible Reference", "Reference",, "ref").value
Create the URL */
url := "" . ref . "&res=anglniv2011%2cnrsv%2cesv%2cnlt"
Run url

