Quick helps for Pastors

Trevor & Erika DeField
Trevor & Erika DeField Member Posts: 3 ✭✭

I'm a pastor, and my people ask me many questions for which I am thankful. I want to answer them well, but don't always have time to spend hours in a question. What is the best way to utilize Logos and AI to understand a verse or topic quickly? What features have you found helpful for this? I know the passage and topic guides, but I sometimes don't have time to read from commentaries and sources.


  • Clarence Johnson
    Clarence Johnson Member Posts: 1 ✭✭

    Sometimes it is difficult for us as pastors to say, "That's a great question. I'd really like to take some time to think about it and give you a solid answer. May I get back to you on that one." We aren't required to know everything. The quick answer isn't always the best answer. That's why our primary role as a pastor is to teach the Truth after we study and know the Truth.

    With that in mind, try using the insight panel (desktop or mobile) for some quick input from your favorite study Bible or your one volume commentary. You may also use the information panel if it is some basic info about a word meaning or related passages. If it is a topic, try the Factbook and the key article. I have found these to be helpful for on the spot, easily accessible, assistance.

  • Jerry Bush
    Jerry Bush Member Posts: 1,153 ✭✭✭
    edited March 6

    I find Got Questions to be excellent in most areas. Quick, solid answers.

    Got Questions - 2 Volumes

    Macbook Air (2024), Apple M2, 16gb Ram, Mac Sequoia, 1TB storage

  • Jerry T
    Jerry T Member Posts: 143 ✭✭

    Got Questions has been a great resource. How does the Logos edition differ from the website?

  • Jerry Bush
    Jerry Bush Member Posts: 1,153 ✭✭✭

    @Jerry T - not much difference except that you can do Logos searches in it. You can search on the website too, but I find it handy to have it right in Logos. A Smart Search will often utilize these resources.

    What I'm not sure of: Is the resource static or do they add things like they do on the website. There is a volume 1 and 2, so maybe after there are a certain number of additions they will add a volume 3?

    I love having them in Logos.

    Macbook Air (2024), Apple M2, 16gb Ram, Mac Sequoia, 1TB storage

  • Trevor & Erika DeField
    Trevor & Erika DeField Member Posts: 3 ✭✭

    While I agree with you Clarence. I wish that I had 80 hours in my week to answer all of my congregants questions. But I don't. That's the fact of the matter. And sometimes I need a quicker way to help people on their spiritual journey. Not a shortcut, but using the resources that God has given me to help my congregation. And with questions that they have about the word of God. I wish that my answer could always be that I will get back to them after I study this out in depth. But sometimes I just don't have the time. And I know they need an answer that soon.

    Thanks for thoughts on the information pane. I will try to use that.

  • Mattillo
    Mattillo Member Posts: 6,201 ✭✭✭✭

    I agree with the above. GQ is a great resource and you can even submit questions to them online if you don't see an answer. They also have a kids site. The Logos Resource is great but only updated as to its release date. The website may have updated so always check that too.

    If it were me, I would submit a Smart search using the books I own first to start. Branch out from there to an all search or read the resources it provided you with.

    Topic Guide, Counseling Guide, or Smart Bible search may help with other topics as well.

  • Mattillo
    Mattillo Member Posts: 6,201 ✭✭✭✭