Quick helps for Pastors

Trevor & Erika DeField
Trevor & Erika DeField Member Posts: 2 ✭✭

I'm a pastor, and my people ask me many questions for which I am thankful. I want to answer them well, but don't always have time to spend hours in a question. What is the best way to utilize Logos and AI to understand a verse or topic quickly? What features have you found helpful for this? I know the passage and topic guides, but I sometimes don't have time to read from commentaries and sources.


  • Clarence Johnson
    Clarence Johnson Member Posts: 1 ✭✭

    Sometimes it is difficult for us as pastors to say, "That's a great question. I'd really like to take some time to think about it and give you a solid answer. May I get back to you on that one." We aren't required to know everything. The quick answer isn't always the best answer. That's why our primary role as a pastor is to teach the Truth after we study and know the Truth.

    With that in mind, try using the insight panel (desktop or mobile) for some quick input from your favorite study Bible or your one volume commentary. You may also use the information panel if it is some basic info about a word meaning or related passages. If it is a topic, try the Factbook and the key article. I have found these to be helpful for on the spot, easily accessible, assistance.