TIP OF THE DAY 132: Time by covenant and dispensations; Excursus: classification of law

I am adding these posts to the previous tip list L/V 10 Tip of the Day (when it doesn't time out)
QUESTION: What are the Biblical eras by covenant and dispensation?
SOFTWARE: Built from a series of smart All searches.
Approximate Date | Era | Dispensation | Covenant |
4114 BC | Patriarchal | Dispensation of Innocence | Edenic Covenant |
4005 BC | Dispensation of Conscience | Adamic Covenant | |
2458 BC | Dispensation of Human Government | Noahic Covenant | |
2091 BC | Dispensation of Promise | Abrahamic Covenant | |
1446 BC | Mosaic | Dispensation of Law | Mosaic Covenant |
1010 BC | - | Davidic Covenant | |
600 BC | - | Jeremiah's Covenant | |
30 AD | Christian | Dispensation of Grace | New Covenant |
Future | Millennial Kingdom of Christ | - |
EXCURSUS QUESTION: How are the laws of the Torah classified outside of the traditional classes shown in Brannan, Rick, ed. Commandments of the Law. Bellingham, WA: Faithlife, 2015.?
ANSWER: From a previous post of mine: Vote at (God's) Commandments classification chart — Logos Community
One annoyance I have with Logos is its tendency to choose a single option that stresses one particular aspect and present it without mention of the alternative. For example, I would like to see multiple ways of classifying the commandments/laws. Some of the options (from Perplexity):
Jewish Classifications
Traditional Rabbinic Classification [We have this in an interactive]
613 Mitzvot (Commandments)
- 248 Positive Commandments
- 365 Negative Commandments
Maimonides' Classification
Maimonides organized the 613 commandments into 14 books in his Mishneh Torah:
- Knowledge
- Love
- Seasons
- Women
- Holiness
- Asseverations
- Seeds
- Divine Service
- Sacrifices
- Purity
- Injuries
- Acquisition
- Judgments
- Judges
Modern Jewish Approaches
Contemporary Jewish scholars often classify commandments based on their ethical and ritual functions:
- Ethical Commandments
- Ritual Commandments
- Social Justice Commandments
- Family-related Commandments
Christian Classifications
Traditional Ten Commandments Division
- Commandments relating to God (1-4)
- Commandments relating to Humans (5-10)
Luther's Classification
Martin Luther categorized commandments in his catechism:
- First Table (Commandments 1-3): Duties to God
- Second Table (Commandments 4-10): Duties to Neighbors
Reformed Tradition Classification
Often divides the law into three categories:
- Moral Law
- Ceremonial Law
- Civil Law
Historical Classifications
Augustine's Classification
Augustine proposed a division of the Decalogue:
- Commandments concerning God (1-3)
- Commandments concerning the Sabbath (4)
- Commandments concerning human relationships (5-10)
Thomas Aquinas' Approach
Aquinas classified laws in his Summa Theologica:
- Eternal Law
- Natural Law
- Human Law
- Divine Law (Old and New Law)
Contemporary Scholarly Approaches
Form-Critical Classification
Based on the literary form of the commandment:
- Apodictic Laws
- Casuistic Laws
Socio-Historical Classification
Categorizing commandments based on their historical context:
- Pre-Monarchic Commandments
- Monarchic Commandments
- Exilic/Post-Exilic Commandments
Thematic Classification
Many modern scholars classify commandments based on their primary themes:
- Worship-related Commandments
- Ethical Commandments
- Social Justice Commandments
- Purity Laws
Jacob Milgrom's Holiness Classification
Jacob Milgrom, a renowned scholar of Leviticus, proposed a classification based on the concept of holiness:
- Ritual Purity Laws
- Moral Purity Laws
- Genealogical Purity Laws
- Land Purity Laws
Mary Douglas' Anthropological Approach
Mary Douglas, applying anthropological insights, suggested:
- Boundary-Marking Commandments
- Structural Commandments
- Symbolic Commandments
- Integrative Commandments
Walter Brueggemann's Covenantal Classification
Brueggemann categorizes commandments within a covenantal framework:
- Commandments of Fidelity
- Commandments of Freedom
- Commandments of Justice
- Commandments of Blessing
John H. Walton's Ancient Near Eastern Context Approach
Walton classifies commandments based on their ancient Near Eastern cultural context:
- Identity-Forming Commandments
- Order-Maintaining Commandments
- Relationship-Defining Commandments
- Wisdom-Oriented Commandments
Richard E. Friedman's Source-Critical Classification
Friedman, using source criticism, categorizes commandments based on their presumed textual origins:
- J Source Commandments
- E Source Commandments
- P Source Commandments
- D Source Commandments
Phyllis Trible's Feminist Interpretation
Trible offers a classification from a feminist perspective:
- Gender-Inclusive Commandments
- Patriarchal Commandments
- Liberating Commandments
- Ambiguous Commandments
Traditional Three-fold Division
This widely accepted scheme, particularly in Reformed theology, divides the Old Testament law into three categories:
- Moral Law: Considered eternally binding (e.g., Ten Commandments)
- Ceremonial Law: Fulfilled in Christ (e.g., sacrificial system)
- Civil Law: Specific to ancient Israel's governance
New Covenant Theology Approach
This perspective emphasizes the distinction between Old and New Covenants:
- Old Covenant Laws: Abrogated with the coming of Christ
- New Covenant Laws: Derived from Christ's teachings and apostolic writings
Dispensationalist View
Dispensationalism categorizes laws based on different dispensations or eras:
- Edenic Law
- Adamic Law
- Noahic Law
- Mosaic Law
- Messianic Law (Millennial Kingdom)
Lutheran Two Kingdoms Doctrine
This approach distinguishes between:
- Laws of the Earthly Kingdom: Governing civil affairs
- Laws of the Spiritual Kingdom: Governing spiritual matters
Catholic Natural Law Theory
Developed by Thomas Aquinas and others:
- Eternal Law: God's rational plan for the universe
- Natural Law: Moral law knowable through reason
- Divine Law: Revealed in Scripture
- Human Law: Positive law enacted by human authority
John Calvin's Use of the Law
Calvin proposed three uses of the law:
- Pedagogical Use: Revealing sin and need for grace
- Civil Use: Restraining evil in society
- Didactic Use: Guiding believers in righteous living
Orthodox Bishop Alfeyev: "To be a theologian means to have experience of a personal encounter with God through prayer and worship."; Orthodox proverb: "We know where the Church is, we do not know where it is not."
@MJ. Smith thank you for the research and presentation! This sort of information would be useful in Logos. Have you considered putting entries like this into a shared Notes file? That would make the information searchable and findable by Logos searches where it could come handy.