How can I get an L4 style link for my resource?

In the new resource toolbar, under Share, what I get when I click "Copy Link" is the link, that first opens my browser before I can send it to Logos. Am I missing something?
I was able to get an L4 link for one of my Notebooks, through the three-dot panel menu. I no longer see that option in the resource panel menu.
Dell XPS 8930/Intel Core i7-8700@3.20GHz/32GB RAM/Win10 Pro
Surface Pro 7/Intel Core i7-1065 G7@1.30GHz/16 GB RAM/Win10 Home
iPad Air/Pixel/Faithlife Connect
Mary-Ellen said:
In the new resource toolbar, under Share, what I get when I click "Copy Link" is the link, that first opens my browser before I can send it to Logos. Am I missing something?
No, this is how it now works for subscribers with the new resource toolbar. are continued, the other verions, including L4-links, no longer. currently open the web app first prior to opening the desktop application on Windows (elsewhere in the forums Bradley claims this is not happening for Mac and for iOS and Android, only for Windows, where they intend to change that sometime in the future - I wouldn't hold my breath...)
Actually the links look quite identical, so you can convert any into the equivalent L4-link. Just take out the "" and replace the "/" after logosres with a colon ":", the "?" if present with a semicolon.
For example: will become logosres:clctsrdwcws;ref=Page.p_xi
Have joy in the Lord!
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Thanks so much! That's going onto a sticky note!
Dell XPS 8930/Intel Core i7-8700@3.20GHz/32GB RAM/Win10 Pro
Surface Pro 7/Intel Core i7-1065 G7@1.30GHz/16 GB RAM/Win10 Home
iPad Air/Pixel/Faithlife Connect
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Mary-Ellen said:
the link, that first opens my browser before I can send it to Logos
What application are you using this link in?
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In Word 365.
Dell XPS 8930/Intel Core i7-8700@3.20GHz/32GB RAM/Win10 Pro
Surface Pro 7/Intel Core i7-1065 G7@1.30GHz/16 GB RAM/Win10 Home
iPad Air/Pixel/Faithlife Connect
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I just noticed that your example included one more substitution, that I just discovered by trial and error: replace the "+" with "_"
In addition, I found that the "&" needs to replaced with ";":
Dell XPS 8930/Intel Core i7-8700@3.20GHz/32GB RAM/Win10 Pro
Surface Pro 7/Intel Core i7-1065 G7@1.30GHz/16 GB RAM/Win10 Home
iPad Air/Pixel/Faithlife Connect
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Somehow my last line of text didn't make it.
Dell XPS 8930/Intel Core i7-8700@3.20GHz/32GB RAM/Win10 Pro
Surface Pro 7/Intel Core i7-1065 G7@1.30GHz/16 GB RAM/Win10 Home
iPad Air/Pixel/Faithlife Connect
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Thank you so much! Lifesaver !!
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Unsure if you are still interested in using L4 links but with the removal of L4 links also for non-subscription based customers now in the latest update I expect this thread to gain attention. Personally I don't want to use anything else given that the new links are so much slower. This has led me to into the creation of a simple program that converts links into L4. This is hopefully a temporal solution in the wait that they release something faster than, or undo the removal of L4. Basically you can paste almost any link into the converter and get a working L4 link as output. I say almost any since I haven't made support for tools I expect people generally don't use as much, such as Canvas etc. More popular tools such as Factbook is supported along with all books and "normal" resources. If anyone reading this wants to try it out and wish to get support for said tools, or even manages to finds errors, feel free to hit me up.
The converter as well as updates to the converter can be downloaded from this link.
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@Leonard Metsäranta The converter as well as updates to the converter can be downloaded from this link.
It doesn't correctly convert links of type;nicnt73th1 =⇒ logosres:nicnt73th1;ref=BibleNICNT73TH1.1Th4.13. It should be: logosres:nicnt73th1;ref=Bible.1Th4.13
But it does do well with;otpseud01 =⇒ logosres:otpseud01;ref=BibleOTP.1En6.6
===Windows 11 & Android 13
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Thank you @Dave Hooton for noticing this! I've now fixed the issue. The updated version can be downloaded by the same link above. Please notify me if you run into other issues!
While fixing the issue I found yet another problem with the link that thankfully automatically gets corrected during the L4 conversion. The error with the link occurs when copying a shorthand-link location in a resource that has within the commentary a corrected verse by the author. An example of this is in the Anchor Yale commentary 24C. Here when you copy the location of Joel 3.1 the link (;anchor29joe) erroneously opens Joel 4.1 instead of 3.1. Converting it to L4 (logosres:anchor29joe;ref=BibleBHS.Joe3.1) however makes it work.
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I found yet another problem with the link
FWIW this was already discovered in internal testing and fixed for the next version of Logos.
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Yes, v1.3 has corrected the issue I raised, and works with offsets as well e.g.
===Windows 11 & Android 13
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New version of the converter is out. It fixes some issues when handling links by an author with spaces in its name (Pliny the Elder etc.)
Still waiting for Logos staff to reintegrate L4 into the program or fix the issue on Windows!0