Scripture Insertion in Sermon Manager

Dan Starcevich
Dan Starcevich Member Posts: 104 ✭✭

I am on a MacBook Pro, macOS Sequoia 15.3.2. I am a Logos Max subscriber running Logos 40.2.4.

When using Sermon manager I no longer get the scripture insertion pop-up giving me the options to insert in-line or block.




  • Dan Starcevich
    Dan Starcevich Member Posts: 104 ✭✭

    I was just experimenting with this a little more and the problem only comes up if the scripture reference is in a line I have applied a heading style to. If it is in "normal" style it works just fine.


  • Dustin Mackintosh
    Dustin Mackintosh Member, Logos Employee Posts: 40

    Thanks for reporting this, Dan. You are correct that passage insertion helpers do not show up in Headings… and I agree that is confusing. The team is going to look at improving this behavior. Most likely, we will enable the insertion helpers for Headings in the near future.

  • Dan Starcevich
    Dan Starcevich Member Posts: 104 ✭✭

    Thanks Dustin. I haven't noticed this behavior before. I will move this from "problem" to "feature" ! 😀

  • Joey Midgett
    Joey Midgett Member Posts: 248 ✭✭✭

    I like it not giving that option in the headers. It used to and it would include the whole scripture within the header which was annoying.

  • DAL
    DAL Member Posts: 10,832 ✭✭✭

    I’m glad I copy my lessons from Word and then paste them into the sermon editor and now it’s working hyperlinking all verses. In version 39 it wasn’t hyperlinking all the verses for whatever reason.

  • Joey Midgett
    Joey Midgett Member Posts: 248 ✭✭✭

    I'm almost at that point, but I really do like the Sermon Editor, or at least I did before all the bugs came in in the last few updates.