Fix "Paste without formatting" in Notes

Daniel McCoy
Daniel McCoy Member Posts: 70 ✭✭
edited November 2024 in English Suggestions
I like the "notes" function in Logos. It's become my primary notes app for anything related to Scripture. However, I waste *so much time* in it because the "paste without formatting" function does not work with the keyboard shortcut. Instead, I have to place quotation marks, create a space within them, select the space, right-click, and then click "paste without formatting." Otherwise, it messes up all the formatting in my notes document. I don't know why the keyboard shortcut does not work for me on Mac. I would love for it to be much more streamlined. This has multiple times made me strongly consider taking notes somewhere like MS Word that actually handles pasting well. Thanks!
4 votes

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  • Bob Matsy
    Bob Matsy Member Posts: 25 ✭✭

    Bump for attention - this needs to be fixed. Shift + Cmd + V is listed as a keyboard shortcut, but it doesn't do anything. Shift + Cmd + Opt + V adds a ◊ for some reason.

    Also, pasting anything automatically removes a space after it, which is incredibly annoying.

  • Daniel McCoy
    Daniel McCoy Member Posts: 8 ✭✭
    edited March 18

    Thanks Bob, hopefully Logos can address this! It works in the Web app like it is supposed to I just discovered this week, but the desktop app puts that strange diamond symbol, unfortunately, with the keyboard shortcut.