Fix "Paste without formatting" in Notes

Daniel McCoy
Member Posts: 70 ✭✭
I like the "notes" function in Logos. It's become my primary notes app for anything related to Scripture. However, I waste *so much time* in it because the "paste without formatting" function does not work with the keyboard shortcut. Instead, I have to place quotation marks, create a space within them, select the space, right-click, and then click "paste without formatting." Otherwise, it messes up all the formatting in my notes document. I don't know why the keyboard shortcut does not work for me on Mac. I would love for it to be much more streamlined. This has multiple times made me strongly consider taking notes somewhere like MS Word that actually handles pasting well. Thanks!
Bump for attention - this needs to be fixed. Shift + Cmd + V is listed as a keyboard shortcut, but it doesn't do anything. Shift + Cmd + Opt + V adds a ◊ for some reason.
Also, pasting anything automatically removes a space after it, which is incredibly annoying.
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Thanks Bob, hopefully Logos can address this! It works in the Web app like it is supposed to I just discovered this week, but the desktop app puts that strange diamond symbol, unfortunately, with the keyboard shortcut.