Biblical event context interactive

MJ. Smith
MJ. Smith MVP Posts: 54,882

A rough mockup:

Before creation



Cultural eras

Cavins, Gray, and Chrismyer historical eras

Augustine of Hippo: 6 ages

Law era




Scripture (Cavins, Gray, and Chrismyer)

13.787 billion years ago

2,458 BC

First age: Adam to Noah

13.787 billion years ago

2,000 BC

Early world

Genesis 1-11

4.54 billion years ago


Old earth

10,000-4004 BC


Young earth

2,000,000 BC


Paleolithic (Old stone age)

12,000 BC

10,000 BC

Mesolithic (Middle stone age)

10,000 BC


Neolithic (New stone age)

4,114 BC

1,446 BC


4,114 BC

4,005 BC

Dispensation of innocence

Edenic covenant

4,005 BC

2,458 BC

Dispensation of conscience

Adamic covenant

3,300 BC

1,200 BC

Bronze age

2,458 BC

2,091 BC

Second age: Noah to Abraham

Dispensation o human government

Noahic (Noahide) covenant

2,091 BC

1,446 BC

Dispensation of promise

Abrahamic covenant

2,091 BC

1,010 BC

Third age: Abraham to David

2,000 BC

1,700 BC


Genesis 12-50

2, 000 BC

1,000 BC

Stone altar worship

1,700 BC

1,280 BC

Egypt and Exodus


1,446 BC

30 AD


Dispensation of law

1,446 BC

1010 BC

Mosaic covenant

1,446 BC

1000 BC

Tabernacle worship

1,280 BC

1,240 BC

Desert wanderings


1240 BC


Conquest and Judges

Joshua, Judges, 1 Samuel 1-8

1,200 BC

539 BC

Iron age

1050 BC

930 BC

Royal kingdom

1 Samuel 9-30, 2 Samuel, 1 Kings 1-11

1010 BC

600 BC

Davidic covenant

1010 BC

586 BC

Fourth age: David to Babylonian captivity

950 BC

586 BC

Solomon’s temple

930 BC

722 BC

Divided kingdom

1 Kings 12-22; 2 Kings 12-25

722 BC

540 BC


2 Kings 17, 25

600 BC

30 AD

Jeremiah’s covenant

586 BC

4 BC

Fifth age: Babylonian captivity to Jesus Christ

539 BC

330 BC

Classical antiquity: Achaemenid

538 BC

167 BC


Ezra, Nehemiah

516 BC

70 AD

Second temple

330 BC

31 BC

Classical antiquity: Hellenistic and Parthian

167 BC


Maccabean revolt

1 Maccabees

31 BC

634 BC

Classical antiquity: Roman and Persian

4 BC


Sixth age: Jesus Christ to second coming


33 AD

Messianic fulfillment


30 AD




Dispensation of grace

New covenant

33 AD


Acts of the Apostles

70 AD


Rabbinic Judaism

Eschatological time: 1. Christ’s return → 2. Final judgment → 3. Eternal state

  • First two columns are dates which should be scaled for time. There should be a choice for old earth or young earth perspective. Discrepancies in dates should be normalized to either all early or all late dates.
  • Column 3 of cultural eras could be expanded e.g. Egyptian culture, farming development etc. but I am comfortable with it as it is for a minimums.
  • Column 4 should offer a choice of the historical eras described in Logos/Verbum resources - I've found six; I chose the scheme I was most familiar with.
  • Column 5 should offer a choice of the historical eras as described by the early Christian authors - I chose Augustine of Hippo as a widely known example.
  • Column 6 shows the Law - I've not run into alternative divisions
  • Column 7 should offer a choice of the primary lists of dispensations - I chose one at random
  • Column 8 should offer a choice of the primary lists of covenants - I chose the one I was most familiar with
  • Column 9 maps the events to the place of corporate worship at the time of the events
  • Column 10 offers scripture that covers the divisions provided by a particular column; I chose column 4 as it provides Biblical references specific to its divisions.
  • The columns should have bibliographic links where appropriate i.e. when not based on "common knowledge"
  • For each column, there is no need to require a choice - simply omit if no choice was made.
  • For each column, there is no need to require a single choice - showing multiple choices allows for the comparison of different frameworks.

For the initial no date section, I know of no common divisions. For the final no date section i.e. eschatological time there are a number of Jewish and Christian options for the user to choose among.

This chart allows on to draw a line across it to represent the event being narrated or for poetic passages, the time written, or for prophecy the time spoken and fulfilled. This saves significant time tracking down the context of the text as well as ensuring "all" critical components are considered. Others may know of additional columns that would be helpful.

Orthodox Bishop Alfeyev: "To be a theologian means to have experience of a personal encounter with God through prayer and worship."; Orthodox proverb: "We know where the Church is, we do not know where it is not."

2 votes

Submitted · Last Updated


  • NichtnurBibelleser
    NichtnurBibelleser Member Posts: 525 ✭✭✭

    Nice! And it could be really a time-saver. But what exactly should I vote on?

  • NichtnurBibelleser
    NichtnurBibelleser Member Posts: 525 ✭✭✭

    I found this timeline very instructive, but I don't remember its origin. So I don't know if it is in Logos or not. Therefore, I don't post the entire file, but only the left part of it. Notice the presence of other ancient reigns/cultures and the more granular subdivision of the Early Bronze Age and Intermediate Bronze Age at the very top and bottom (with yellow markers):

    I don't know if that is what you are looking for, @MJ. Smith

  • MJ. Smith
    MJ. Smith MVP Posts: 54,882

    It is a single request for a multiple column timeline with the content of those columns selectable. My example is simply tht, an example of columns I could chose in a very basic presentation. One is voting for the concept letting Logos determine what the implementation that fits best into the application is.

    Orthodox Bishop Alfeyev: "To be a theologian means to have experience of a personal encounter with God through prayer and worship."; Orthodox proverb: "We know where the Church is, we do not know where it is not."