Bug: Reading Plan filter results in incorrect morphology in NA27 and BHS

Craig Downey
Craig Downey Member Posts: 47 ✭✭
edited November 2024 in English Forum

After creating a reading plan for either NA27 or BHS and opening the selected passage to be read mousing over a word in the 1st verse brings up the incorrect morphology.


  1. Open Logos 4
  2. Create reading plan for either BHS or NA27 (possibly other original language resources, these are the only I have tried.)
  3. Open reading plan to first day's reading.
  4. Mouse over any of the words in the first verse (BHS) or first paragraph (NA27).
  5. Morphology shows results incorrectly from either the 2nd verse (BHS) or the 2nd paragraph (NA27)

Actual Result

Morphology is incorrectly display at the beginning of a reading plan for NA27 and BHS.

Expected Result

Correct Morphology should display.

System Specs (if using multiple computers or not in your signature)

  • Windows 7 on a laptop, Intel dual core, 2GB RAM,
  • Windows Vista on a desktop, Intel dual core, 4 GB RAM


Turning off the reading plan under visual filters corrects the problem.



  • Melissa Snyder
    Melissa Snyder Member Posts: 4,702 ✭✭✭

    Hi Craig,

    To clarify, you're looking at the morph tip window that appears in the lower-left corner of the resource? I'm not seeing a change when the visual filter is on or off, and the morph info appears to be correct. Perhaps other beta testers can confirm they are having the same problem, though.


  • Craig Downey
    Craig Downey Member Posts: 47 ✭✭

    Correct, I am looking at the morph window in the lower left of the resource. It  usually happens on the first reading of a new plan, but I just had it happen on the second day of a plan I set up for the LXX. Once I check a first reading as completed the second reading in the plan works just fine (with the exception of the LXX plan just described). This happens consistently on both my desktop and my laptop.

  • Craig Downey
    Craig Downey Member Posts: 47 ✭✭

    Hey Melissa I don't know if you were ever able to reproduce the problem I am having, but it is still an issue for me even after the update to beta 4. I'm attaching two screenshots of the problem in action. I've added a mouse graphic so you can see where was mouse was during capture.



  • Melissa Snyder
    Melissa Snyder Member Posts: 4,702 ✭✭✭

    Craig ~  I am able to reproduce this now. It seemed I had to change the duration of my reading plan so the amount for one day was shortened and Stop Reading was visible in order to see this problem.  I've reported it.  ~ Thanks, Melissa