Logos 4 and Large Updates - back to 3 for me!
Russ White said:
For those who have internet access metered by the MB, there's a direct financial tradeoff between paying for shipping and paying for downloads. If you exposed this cost to your customers through a regular process, then you'd have the option of choosing when (how often) to update, based on the cost. Right now, the cost is hidden, which makes it hard for people to make the tradeoff.
Yes, users who would have to pay $300 for 2 GB (the recent big download) would be quite happy to pay $25 for a disc and are wondering when Logos will provide one for 4.0d.
Russ White said:Another thing that might alleviate some pain in this space to to allow users to choose when to have updates run beyond manually turning the system on and off manually. Virtually every auto update on my system --I've checked MS, Adobe, Corel, HP, Trend, and a couple of others-- allow me to say, "tell me about updates, but let me decide when to install them." Or, in some cases, "update between x and y time once a week." Part of the issue here is that you must keep synch off completely, and then manually turn it on periodically, to get this effect in Logos. A process that's automated elsewhere, in other words, is manual in Logos. A bit of automation would be useful, I think.
I keep Automatically Download Updates = NO as that tells me about the update and I decide when it will happen!
===Windows 11 & Android 13
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Dave Hooton said:
I keep Automatically Download Updates = NO as that tells me about the update and I decide when it will happen!
I didn't even realize it would ask --I normally keep it turned off on my mac when I'm on the road, and on when I'm at home. On my PC, it just stays on all the time. It might be that that mac doesn't have this implemented yet (?), or that I've just never hit an update while I'm on the road. Right now I'm updating and shutting down the updates, because I'm about to fly, and hotels don't much like 650MB of updates on their service (in fact, most of the time, it just flat doesn't work).
Added --what would be really, really, nice would be for Logos to go beyond what other current software offers, and actually be able to download updates only when connected to specific networks, but not others. I could then set it up so it only downloaded updates when I'm connected to my home network, and not while I'm at work, or anyplace else, like sitting at a coffee shop, or something.