License Management Update?

There may be an update on this in another thread, but I didn't find it so I will ask.
Has Logos made any further indication of how much control we will have over our license? Will we be able to install from a license backup?
In L3 we had the license backup and could reinstall without needing to connect with Logos. In L4, the licenses will be centrally managed. This allows for many possibilities (mobile devices, web access, etc), but still requires internet access to install the program. I am all for the "cloud" for licensing as long as we can also have a local backup to install Libronix without an internet connection.
It is possible that I will be moving to a new location where I will use a new desktop, but will have VERY limited internet access and most sites will be blocked (eg. Logos or any sites dealing with similar topics). This will effectively keep me from using L4.
This is by far my largest concern with L4. If I will need to access the internet to install, I will be staying with L3 (sad, since L4 has some great features I have been hoping for) and, unfortunately, will not be purchasing additional resources in the future.
If this has been addressed by Logos please point me in the right direction. If not, I would love to hear how this will be handled.
Note: I realize that we haven't even seen an "unlock resources" feature yet to know what it will look like, so we don't know what Logos has planned. I am just very interested/concerned about this point and want to ask. - Simple Abundant Legacy
Elswhere the answer has been kind of given. Logos will be able to
- email you your licenses if you're in a place you can get them.
- send you a cd/dvd with your licenses on it so that you can install without net access.
So yes, you'll be alright.
And like you I'm anticipating what SHOULD and hopefully WILL be a robust and functional purchase resources from within the program function.
Sarcasm is my love language. Obviously I love you.
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Sounds good. I am surprised I didn't see that mentioned since I have been watching this issue. Anyhow, I am glad to hear it.
Thank you for letting me know.
Rob - Simple Abundant Legacy