Some further things for improvement

1. Would like to be able to edit all entries in the library since I have many books with missing information.
2. Would like to be able to removed all unnamed layouts with a simple instruction.
3. Would like to keep library open after I make a selection.
4. Delete unwanted books from Library with the library open.
5. Be able to select collections in library, as I did L3.
6. When setting up collections, would like list to stay in place after removing book, instead of reindexing the list.
DavidLGarber said:
1. Would like to be able to edit all entries in the library since I have many books with missing information.
Are you referring to the resource description that comes up when you hover over a title in Library or click the Info button for a particular resource?
Which books are missing data?DavidLGarber said:2. Would like to be able to removed all unnamed layouts with a simple instruction.
I can suggest that. Currently you can delete each one by clicking the X in the upper-right corner of the thumbnail. I believe older snapshots will drop off.
DavidLGarber said:3. Would like to keep library open after I make a selection.
You can do this now using two different methods:
1) Right-click on the Library button and choose "Open," "Open in a new tab," or "Open in a floating window."
2) Click on the Library button and drag its tab to the right or left side of the main window and drop it when you see the blue hotspot highlighting the area.DavidLGarber said:4. Delete unwanted books from Library with the library open.
Hiding resources you don't want to see may be available in a future release.
DavidLGarber said:5. Be able to select collections in library, as I did L3.
Typing a collection name in the Library Find box may cause additional possible matches to appear. I recommend adding unique tags to resources to accomplish this. If you tag certain resources, you can type the tag name in the Library Find box to bring up just those resources. For instance, I've tagged five favorite commentaries with the tag: FavCom. If I type favcom in the Find box in Library, just those five commentaries appear. I also created a collection called "My Commentaries" and used mytag:FavCom as the "Start with resources matching" criteria, so I can choose "My Commentaries" from the Basic Search resource chooser. (I can also choose "mytag:FavCom.")
DavidLGarber said:6. When setting up collections, would like list to stay in place after removing book, instead of reindexing the list.
How long does this refresh take? It's almost instantaneous on my system.
Thanks,Melissa0 -
Melissa Snyder said:DavidLGarber said:
2. Would like to be able to removed all unnamed layouts with a simple instruction.
I can suggest that. Currently you can delete each one by clicking the X in the upper-right corner of the thumbnail. I believe older snapshots will drop off.
Thanks for suggesting this, Melissa. But a warning needs to go here. I was thinking I could clear out all the layouts on the right side and that my named layouts in the left pane were safe. However, I discovered when I deleted one of the named layouts on the right pane, it did indeed delete it off of the layouts named in the left pane! Fortunately I had one "unnamed" layout that had some of the same resources open. Otherwise, it would have taken some time to get the right resources laid out again!
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Charlene said:
Thanks for suggesting this, Melissa. But a warning needs to go here. I was thinking I could clear out all the layouts on the right side and that my named layouts in the left pane were safe. However, I discovered when I deleted one of the named layouts on the right pane, it did indeed delete it off of the layouts named in the left pane! Fortunately I had one "unnamed" layout that had some of the same resources open. Otherwise, it would have taken some time to get the right resources laid out again!
Hi Charlene,
David had asked about deleting 'Unnamed' snapshots, not 'Named' layouts. I'm glad you were able to save your layout. That probably underscores the reason there isn't a 'global' delete option.
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1. In reference to missing entries in Library data base, I must have hundreds with no subject and I would like to add to or change others. There are other books without authors not as many I think, There are some series that are shown, or at least I would make them series ex. Archaeology. I have a library of close to 7000 books.
2. As for the layouts, I would think once you name a layout, it would be deleted from the right side of the screen, at which time you could delete all unnamed layouts. It appears as if these layout can go on forever.
3. That right click got to me again, since I was use to having something on the screen.
4. I wait to see what happens.
5. Your answer is not satfactory to me. When you open the Library in ver L3 you had the choice of what books (or collections) you wanted to look at. I see no reason why I shouldn't be able to do here also. It a simple drop down menu.
6. I'm not referring to the refresh time, I regferring to moving a book to the - minus column and still wanting to delete more books. You lose your place when you go to the top of the list every time you remove a book.
Added item
7. All devotionals should open to the current date. Currently when I open one to the current date, the next one then opens to the current date.
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DavidLGarber said:
1. In reference to missing entries in Library data base, I must have hundreds with no subject and I would like to add to or change others. There are other books without authors not as many I think, There are some series that are shown, or at least I would make them series ex. Archaeology. I have a library of close to 7000 books.
Logos said early on in the piece that a lto of this information is missing, and that it is being worked on and will be added to resources and won't require a re-indexing. Sorry I don't have the specific place that is mentioned to refer you.
DavidLGarber said:2. As for the layouts, I would think once you name a layout, it would be deleted from the right side of the screen, at which time you could delete all unnamed layouts. It appears as if these layout can go on forever.
Sounds fair enough... can we look at this aspect Logos ?
DavidLGarber said:4. I wait to see what happens.
Also waiting on 'hidden resources ' feature along with a few others....
DavidLGarber said:5. Your answer is not satfactory to me. When you open the Library in ver L3 you had the choice of what books (or collections) you wanted to look at. I see no reason why I shouldn't be able to do here also. It a simple drop down menu.
I agree this should be availble...but I think Logos is trying to devalue collections and move us over to tagging as the primary means of organising our libraries... its a bit of a shift for existing users who have had drummed into us from the start of Libronix 1.0 to create collections to manage your library and so for that reason alone I think it still should be there in L4. Not everyone is going to embrace tagging straight away.
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DavidLGarber said:
When you open the Library in ver L3 you had the choice of what books (or collections) you wanted to look at. I see no reason why I shouldn't be able to do here also. It a simple drop down menu.
I agree. I'd really like to see it.
MacBook Pro (2019), ThinkPad E540
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I've submitted that request. In the meantime, you can open Tools | Collections, then open the collection to view and open resources.
Melissa0 -
Melissa Snyder said:
've submitted that request. In the meantime, you can open Tools | Collections, then open the collection to view and open resources.
Yuk! Next request will be to change collections in Library.
===Windows 11 & Android 13
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Melissa Snyder said:
David had asked about deleting 'Unnamed' snapshots, not 'Named' layouts. I'm glad you were able to save your layout. That probably underscores the reason there isn't a 'global' delete option.
I would like to see a protect feature for Layouts. I could see where it would be easy to delete an elaborate layout by mistake.
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DavidLGarber said:
6. When setting up collections, would like list to stay in place after removing book, instead of reindexing the list.
I agree with this 100%. I just went through the frustrating experience of trying to set up a collection on my netbook. I could only see three books at a time. It was a constant chore to scroll down and remember where I had been.
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Dave Hooton said:Melissa Snyder said:
've submitted that request. In the meantime, you can open Tools | Collections, then open the collection to view and open resources.
Yuk! Next request will be to change collections in Library.
Not from me.. management of collections should be separate along with resource prioritisation. Resource prioritisation in library is v.messy.
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AndrewMckenzie said:
Not from me.. management of collections should be separate along with resource prioritisation. Resource prioritisation in library is v.messy
Yes! I'm hoping Bob will realise that Browse is an ugly partner to Prioritize and that both are unnecessary in Library.
===Windows 11 & Android 13