Hey people from LOGOS!
There is a device outside there with an amazing potential, and an easy programation interface program, thats the Windows Phone 7.
It would be amazing to have Logos OFF LINE in my SAMSUNG OMNIA 7 to do GODS work on the go, specialy in small groups.
Im dreaming with that.
And no, there is no possibility or any chance for me to get an IPHONE, in my country it cousts 3 times more than any other phone.
Here Androids and WIndows devices are the most populars, but of course, the old windows devices are not worthy work with, so people are planing to change to windows phone 7, you should consider that too.
Thanks any ways!
That device is too new. You should get an android device as Logos is already working on an app for that. There is no mention of a Blackberry app and I am sure they would get an app before Windows 7 phones do. I am afraid your phone will be long dead before Logos releases an app for that.
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Im really happy with my new windows mobile, and out side US to change smart phones is not that easy, they are quite expensive. And to gain money is more difficult. Thats why you guys have lots of immigrants.
So, Im just a voice calling in the middle of a multitude for an app for my phone.
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[I] Can use Windows Phone 7 browser => to access your Logos Library.
Keep Smiling [:)]
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Alan Charles Gielczyk said:
That device is too new. You should get an android device as Logos is already working on an app for that. There is no mention of a Blackberry app and I am sure they would get an app before Windows 7 phones do. I am afraid your phone will be long dead before Logos releases an app for that.
Windows Phone 7 has one big advantage over the other phone platforms - its development is entirely based on Silverlight, which is a flavor of the .NET WPF platform. That's the same platform that Logos 4 already uses for Windows. In theory, anyway, the port of significant portions of the app should be a lot easier.
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Can use Windows Phone 7 browser => to access your Logos Library.
Keep Smiling
I need an off line app for my small group and missionary meetings!
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+1 for this request. Windows Phone 7 now has 8000+ apps in it's Marketplace with several bible apps there already. Nokia signed a huge agreement and will be producing Windows Phone 7 devices going forward. Worldwide Nokia owns ~40% of the cellphone marketshare.
Here's hoping Logos is paying attention and makes an bible study app available soon for this fast growing platform.
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I am certain that if wp7 is a success you will see it, but not till then. With Nokia deal you are more likely to now.
Dr. Kevin Purcell, Director of Missions
Brushy Mountain Baptist Association0 -
Hey Kevin! This agreement with Nokia is a light in the end of a tunel! Let's see what will happen now!
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Ruy Silveira said:
This agreement with Nokia is a light in the end of a tunel! Let's see what will happen now!
Likewise watching to see what happens (curious about light in tunnel)
Wonder if article conclusion will be correct =>
Keep Smiling [:)]
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WP7 isn't doing so bad: See
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I've got friends with WP7 phones and they very happy with them. They seem to think using it as a scheduler is way easier than on an iPhone. It will be interesting to see how Logos adapts their interface to the WP7 design language.
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To vote for a Logos App for Windows Phone 7 go here:
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Regarding whether WP7 will be a "success" or not (and therefore worthy of a mobile Logos4 app):
After upgrading to WP7 Samsung Focus phones, my wife and I are STUNNED at how much BETTER Windows Phone 7 is than the competition.
As an IT consultant, I used to prefer Windows Mobile over the competition because I could "control" it better and it could do much more (even if somewhat clumsily). I worked Mac/PC cross platform for a decade and made the same assessment about those two platforms. Windows used to NOT hide the engine compartment and that gave me more power and control. Now with WP7, Microsoft has gone over to the dark side of "easy" computing. And that, as it turns out, is GOOD.
My wife meets with several smartphone toting women's groups every week. Now that she has a Windows Phone 7 device, she is amazed at how hard it is for her friends to do anything with their phones. They are always having trouble while she, smugly perhaps, just "gets in, gets out, gets back to her life". The ads were right. It is far faster to use her movile device to do what you need while mobile--email, wiki, social updates, photo sharing. Now it just "happens" automatically on the device without her having to think about it or me having to configure it (and fix it).
THEREFORE, since Logos4 has "paved the way" for a smart interface for an interactive Bible, it is FITTING that Logos should figure out how best to do that on a smartphone. By the way, I know that Logos4 uses some programming shortcuts to make it look so cool--and that those shortcuts wouldn't work at all in Silverlight on WP7. I suggest using a cloud database with a WP7 frontend and designing that forntend from scratch. All we need is tabbed resource displays with one or two sync groups. Maybe caching some detached record sets could help with bandwidth or offline sessions. Simple, eh?
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Bob Pritchett posted Please try the user survey! which includes link to that has a question about mobile device ownership, with a check box for Windows Phone 7 among other mobile devices.
Looking at Logos Apps page => noted iPhone app is shipping and Android app being developed.
Thankful for Bob Pritchett's comments => (ensuing discussion includes iOS and Android future due to Apple's in-app purchasing changes earlier this year).
Keep Smiling [:)]
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Hey sounds like a fan boy!
I can show you another articles that speaks very good about the agreement.
“To every thing there is a season, and a time to every purpose
under the heaven;…A time to weep, and a time to laugh; a time to mourn, and a time to
dance;”[;)]0 -
Let me just include a nice article that I've read recently:
“To every thing there is a season, and a time to every purpose under the heaven;…
A time to weep, and a time to laugh; a time to mourn, and a time to dance;”
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Windows phone power user website =>
includes recent purchase article =>
and Android copycat (with pictures) =>
Wonder about another smartphone lawsuit => Smartphone patent fight: 'World War III' (not know future rulings and ramifications)
An editorial => includes Windows Phone 7 prediction link => 2nd place in smartphone market share by 2015
If prediction becomes reality (e.g. # 1 Andriod, # 2 Windows Phone 7, others), hoping for Logos application sooner rather than later.
Participating in along with voting for helps build Logos business case for developing Windows Phone 7 application.
Keep Smiling [:)]
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Here's something that should make porting a Logos app to the Windows Phone 7 platform a lot easier:
API mapping tool: iPhone/iOS to Windows Phone 7 iPhone/iOS to Windows Phone 7 API mapping tool helps developers find their way around when they discover the Windows Phone platform. With this tool, iPhone developers can grab their apps, pick out the iOS API calls, and quickly look up the equivalent classes, methods and notification events in WP7. A developer can search a given iOS API call and find the equivalent WP7 along with C# sample codes and API documentations for both platforms.