Greek sentence diagramming help.

I'm looking for someone who knows Greek and is good at sentence diagramming to help me out with a diagram I did. This is the first time I've done diagramming like this (I usually phrase) and we didn't have much time in class for our prof to explain it. All I have to go on is one sheet that explains what the different symbols mean and I have several doubts.
If anyone is willing to help me I'd be greatly appreciative. My doubts have mainly to do with how to connect certain structures. I've attached screen shots of the passage. The red circles indicate the areas. Any other issues observed will be well received.
And if you're wondering why I don't just ask my prof, it's because the Sentence Diagramming tool in L4 only allows exporting as an .xps file, and I can't open it. Help with this would be great as well!
Costa Rica
Stefan Feliz-Kent said:
I'm looking for someone who knows Greek and is good at sentence diagramming to help me out with a diagram I did
Do you have "Diagrammatical Analysis" by Lee Kantenwein in your library? It is only $8.95, and is worth its weight in gold.
I'll let someone who has a better command of Greek grammar answer the diagramming questions. I tend to attach things where they make most sense to me, and your professor may not agree with my thoughts.
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I do have that book in my library. Brilliant! It's quite helpful; thanks a bunch.
Costa Rica