iPad Wishlist

Pastor Mick
Pastor Mick Member Posts: 68 ✭✭
edited November 2024 in English Forum

I am sure the following has been suggested before but I just purchased a iPad and love the app for it. So a big thank you to Logos Team for the work done so far. I do have some input on where I hope the app may be able to go in the future in meeting my personal needs in teaching and writing.

I enter lots of notes in my PC version of Logos 4 on my laptop. There I use the cut/copy/paste features the majority of the time. So what follows is my wish list fro the iPad.

1. Syncing with my Logos 4 notes between my laptop and iPad. This would allow all the hard work on note-input on my laptop to be available on the iPad for teaching classes in our church.

2. Cut/copy/paste features so that I can continue to input notes (synced with laptop) on my iPad and also continue writing and editing documents that I created on my laptop on my iPad. I use iPads 'Pages" as a simple word processor on the iPad and I could move documents back and forth between laptop and iPad.

It is tremendously easy to carry iPad around rather than a laptop all the time. I will never think that my iPad would take the place of my laptop but would like the ability to do the above mentioned functions.

3. NIV and NJB Bibles in the iPad library. I realize that you are probably working on licensing issues on either or both of these Bibles. So hope  these will be available in the future.


In written form the list looks simple, but as a programmer I am totally aware that features are rarely 'simple.'

Again thanks for everything you do for us.




  • David Palmer
    David Palmer Member Posts: 55 ✭✭

    passage guide available in split window and exegetical guide.

    Pastor of Lower Three Runs Baptist Church - Martin, SC

    Romans 12:1-2


  • Chuckk Gerwig
    Chuckk Gerwig Member Posts: 37 ✭✭

    here's a help for now?    http://chuckk.sacreddigital.com/


  • Mike Childs
    Mike Childs Member Posts: 3,134 ✭✭✭

    I would like the ability to zoom in on pictures and charts with finger pinching, as with most iPad apps.  Be a great help in the Christian History Magazines, etc.

    "In all cases, the Church is to be judged by the Scripture, not the Scripture by the Church," John Wesley

  • When vocabulary lists are added to Logos 4 => http://www.logos.com/4/missingfeatures - dreaming about mobile syncing (e.g. iPad, Android) and flash cards (tap to hide/show language word or gloss).

    Dreaming of Louw-Nida greek vocabulary list (possibly with flash card show/hide for domain number)

    Keep Smiling [:)]

  • Pastor Mick
    Pastor Mick Member Posts: 68 ✭✭

    Thanks Chuckk. I use the NJB Study Bible as my main Bible. However Logos only provides the NJB (not the study Bible). So I have undertaken the task of adding all study notes from the study Bible to my Logos NJB in a special note file so that they are available to me while studying in Logos. I have another note file for personal commentary entries. Then of course i can use copy/paste from there to created Word documents for study classes and sermon prep, etc.

    It is my understanding that all my notes are backed-up on the Logos server so that if I ever crashed and had to reload software then my notes will still be there???? I am hoping that in the future that I will able to see those notes I have created on my iPad when I am studying away from my laptop or making a presentation in classes I teach. It is a lot easier carrying around my iPad rather than my laptop. However, your work-around is a great idea and I will use that until the future arrives :)


  • Andy
    Andy Member Posts: 2,282 ✭✭✭

    1. The ability to select resources to be downloaded via the full desktop version of the programme.

    2. Better organisation of favourites (the app does not appear to retain the folders and, instead, produces a long list of resources.

    3. And notes and highlighting (obviously!) [:P]

    The latest update is a fantastic improvement... Thank you to the developers.

  • Henry Au
    Henry Au Member Posts: 28 ✭✭

    I love Logos for iPad and want to have the following update:

    1.Copying content (with/without citation)


    3.Note taking & note sync

    4.Look up words (English/Greek/Hebrew) from downloaded dictionaries/lexicons

  • Daniel Bender
    Daniel Bender Member Posts: 383 ✭✭


    Henry Au said:

    I love Logos for iPad and want to have the following update:

    1.Copying content (with/without citation)


    3.Note taking & note sync

    4.Look up words (English/Greek/Hebrew) from downloaded dictionaries/lexicons

    I do not have an iPad but have been considering one for sometime now. When these suggestions are implemented I will probably make the jump. Perhabs the main purpose in acquiring an iPad for me is that I will be using it for reading books. I find it rather difficult in doing extensive reading at my computer. According to some reviews and comparisons I have read, the iPad reading experience isn't as good as you might get on a Kindle. It would be great to hear from some of you. Also, what other choices are there for reading your logos books than on your computer.

    Thanks for your suggestions and feedback.

    Daniel Bender

  • According to some reviews and comparisons I have read, the iPad reading experience isn't as good as you might get on a Kindle.

    Kindle e-ink is better for reading in direct sunlight; iPad is better in shade or indoors (including in bed where Kindle not usable) - screen is glossy and reflective; iPad color screen great for Map display and pictures.  Logos 1.6.2 has background color choices: white, paper, or black (also have accessibility option to reverse screen colors); likewise Logos 1.6.2 has split screen - can have 2 resources open at same time, optionally linked for scrolling.

    Also, iPad useful for Logos videos => http://www.logos.com/product/5876/learn-to-use-biblical-greek-and-hebrew-with-logos-bible-software (did use handbrake to reduce movie sizes before copying to iTunes to sync with iPad) - wish could drag Logos resources from desktop to iTunes to sync with Logos application.

    Keep Smiling [:)]

  • Daniel Bender
    Daniel Bender Member Posts: 383 ✭✭

    Keep Smiling. . .

    Thank you for your response to my question. Greatly appreciated [:D].


  • Philana Crouch
    Philana Crouch Member Posts: 2,151 ✭✭✭

    " rel="nofollow">Keep Smiling 4 Jesus :) said:

    According to some reviews and comparisons I have read, the iPad reading experience isn't as good as you might get on a Kindle.

    Kindle e-ink is better for reading in direct sunlight; iPad is better in shade or indoors (including in bed where Kindle not usable) - screen is glossy and reflective; iPad color screen great for Map display and pictures.  Logos 1.6.2 has background color choices: white, paper, or black (also have accessibility option to reverse screen colors); likewise Logos 1.6.2 has split screen - can have 2 resources open at same time, optionally linked for scrolling.

    Also, iPad useful for Logos videos => http://www.logos.com/product/5876/learn-to-use-biblical-greek-and-hebrew-with-logos-bible-software (did use handbrake to reduce movie sizes before copying to iTunes to sync with iPad) - wish could drag Logos resources from desktop to iTunes to sync with Logos application.

    Keep Smiling Smile

    Yes the iPad screen is glossy, but I found that if you put a matte screen protector this makes it much easier to read. The cool thing with the iPad is you are not limited to who you buy your books from. You can buy from Amazon for the Kindle App, B&N with the Nook app, or anyone else. And of course it has Logos!


  • Wish could use iTunes to copy and remove Logos resources for offline use via Applications interface (copy resource files from desktop Logos 4) - could expose resource list - Logos application could verify resource license - only show licensed resources for offline use.

    Keep Smiling [:)]

  • Erik Eggleston
    Erik Eggleston Member Posts: 9 ✭✭

    I'm with you all the way  in regards to your list Henry. Especially  #2 and #3.  I didn't realise how much highlighting and note taking i did on my imac until I got my ipad, and found these features missing on the Ipad app.  I googled and found another product which does these things. Now I find myself torn between the two products. .....[:S]

    I found myself using it alot now.more than my Logos, It's a shame because Logos is so good. and powerful desktop product.  But since owning a Ipad, i found it hard to sit at my desktop now. So in fairness  maybe its apple's fault for making such a great idevice, [:P] .

    However I really would like to encourage Logos, to put some serious efforts and resources into bringing their Ipad app up to speed, the opposition have it over you at this stage.

    New features I would like/ need if am to keep using Logos are: HIGHLIGHTING.  NOTE TAKING, NOTE SYNC,  


    God bless you

    Erik Eggleston  Australia

  • Nicky
    Nicky Member Posts: 110 ✭✭

    My wish list would mainly be to have search and passage guide to show up in a side panel along with the resources once selected.
    Also to have the option to show table of contents at the side of the book as we have in the pc format, rather than the having to click for it to be displayed.

    Take notes,
    Pinch and expand images,

    I guess what I would really like is the same UI for the iPad as I have on the PC. (I know, I don't want much do I ;) )

    I know It's all work in progress really, and ultimately I am grateful for the App in the first place and it was the main reason I bought an iPad in the first place. I love the app and look forward to every update :)

  • Fred T Daniel Jr
    Fred T Daniel Jr Member Posts: 54 ✭✭

    CUT & PASTE is a must!!!

  • Tony Bulawa
    Tony Bulawa Member Posts: 2 ✭✭

    Logos for iPad has potential but it is severely limited at present do to the lack of:

    1.  Copying content

    2.  Highlighting

    3.  Note taking & snyc

    All of these are available in the far more basic programs such as 'Olivetree'.  But if being a Logos 4 owner, I'd like to keep all my studying confined to one program as much as possible.  Hope to see these improvements in the near future.

  • Aaron Knotts
    Aaron Knotts Member Posts: 208 ✭✭

    [Y] x 2   The process of downloading (with constant failure) offline resources is rendering this almost useless for me in its current form.

    " rel="nofollow">Keep Smiling 4 Jesus :) said:

    Wish could use iTunes to copy and remove Logos resources for offline use via Applications interface (copy resource files from desktop Logos 4) - could expose resource list - Logos application could verify resource license - only show licensed resources for offline use.

    * pinch zoom for images

    * spilt screen - scroll bible versions together or bible and commentary

    * highlighting

    As with others, I don't really want to use other software....but function (or lack thereof) is most important. That said, having thousands of dollars invested in this platform, and seeing its power, I really want to be able to tap into it properly.

    MacBook Pro (Retina, 15-inch, Mid 2015), 2.5 GHz Intel Core i7

    16 GB 1600 MHz DDR3, AMD Radeon R9 M370X 2048 MB



  • Dave Dunkin (Logos)
    Dave Dunkin (Logos) Member, Logos Employee Posts: 1,043

    * spilt screen - scroll bible versions together or bible and commentary

    This is already in the app. Touch the splitter in the bottom right corner of the screen.

  • Aaron Knotts
    Aaron Knotts Member Posts: 208 ✭✭

    * spilt screen - scroll bible versions together or bible and commentary

    This is already in the app. Touch the splitter in the bottom right corner of the screen.

    Seriously good deal! I love the splitter....took me a while to find it....for the life of me it wasn't obvious even though I had seen the "Link Panels" setting which was a clue that there was more than one panel now. Turns out my case was obscuring it a wee bit. I wonder if somewhere in the app it could refer to the little splitter in case others are like me and can't find it.

    I can't help myself when it comes to images though.....I keep trying to pinch and zoom....P L E A S E introduce this feature. And oh how I wish I could tap some text and have the little "select all / copy" menu pop up so I could take that text over to Pages or into an email.

    MacBook Pro (Retina, 15-inch, Mid 2015), 2.5 GHz Intel Core i7

    16 GB 1600 MHz DDR3, AMD Radeon R9 M370X 2048 MB



  • Lanre S.
    Lanre S. Member Posts: 1 ✭✭

    I think it is pretty clear we all need this features on the Ipad version. I am so grateful to God for this software. Can anyone from logos give us an idea of when we can expect these? i.e. note taking, highlighting, copy and paste and note sync? 3 months, 6months out?  Not asking for a firm date just a non-committal possible availability date? Anyone please....


    Lend your voice to the importance of these features by voting here. As of 7:37am Central time these featurese were ranked #11 in the priority list based on user votes

  • Aaron Knotts
    Aaron Knotts Member Posts: 208 ✭✭

    Lend your voice to the importance of these features by voting here. As of 7:37am Central time these featurese were ranked #11 in the priority list based on user votes


    MacBook Pro (Retina, 15-inch, Mid 2015), 2.5 GHz Intel Core i7

    16 GB 1600 MHz DDR3, AMD Radeon R9 M370X 2048 MB



  • Jeff Valentine
    Jeff Valentine Member Posts: 1 ✭✭

    I would like the ability to sort my library by category maybe, bibles, commentaries, books, etc.

  • I would like the ability to sort my library by category maybe, bibles, commentaries, books, etc.

    Welcome [:D]

    Workaround: can use type:bible to filter library for Bibles and type:commentary to filter library list for commentaries (same syntax as desktop Logos 4 library).

    Keep Smiling [:)]

  • Aaron Knotts
    Aaron Knotts Member Posts: 208 ✭✭

    " rel="nofollow">Keep Smiling 4 Jesus :) said:

     use type:bible to filter library for Bibles and type:commentary to filter library list for commentaries (same syntax as desktop Logos 4 library). 

    That is a very helpful suggestion. I gave it a shot a week or so back when reinstalling my online titles, to my surprise it worked. Made it easier to bulk load the items I wanted, as I'd do a page full at a time.

    MacBook Pro (Retina, 15-inch, Mid 2015), 2.5 GHz Intel Core i7

    16 GB 1600 MHz DDR3, AMD Radeon R9 M370X 2048 MB



  • Aaron Knotts
    Aaron Knotts Member Posts: 208 ✭✭

    Since this is a wishlist...

    I'd quite like the works of Warren Wiersbe to be available for the iOS platform.
    There are times when I am needing something lighter to enjoy reading, and much of his I find enjoyable and suit my need for a more devotional type of read. 

    MacBook Pro (Retina, 15-inch, Mid 2015), 2.5 GHz Intel Core i7

    16 GB 1600 MHz DDR3, AMD Radeon R9 M370X 2048 MB