Downloading, Restarting over 30x

Robin K
Robin K Member Posts: 47 ✭✭
edited November 2024 in English Forum

I don't know what's going on here, but L4 has been updating/downloading and restarting over 30x since  yesterday and again this morning. This is the process:

1. L4 is downloading 24.9 mb of updates.

2. Resources ready to be added to your library.

3. L4 is preparing your library

4. L4 restarts

5. L4 is downloading 5.7 mb of updates.

6. Steps 2-4

7. L4 is downloading 24.9 mb of updates.

8. Repeat

Is this normal? Is anyone else having this problem? It is getting really annoying! I want to cancel downloading, but am afraid to miss updates. Logs attached.



  • Milford Charles Murray
    Milford Charles Murray Member Posts: 5,004 ✭✭✭

    Peace to you, Robin!  And Joy!

         Are you aware that Logos 4 RC 1 is now downloading ...........   and - it seems - for some folks Logos 4 RC 2

    As we approach the final release this is probably the most critical time for downloading         .........     it's a bit of a strain             .........  but, if we are patient ..  a whole new vista will be open for us ........*smile*               Yours in Christ,             ........  Mel

    Philippians 4:  4 Rejoice in the Lord always; again I will say, Rejoice. 5 Let your reasonableness be known to everyone. The Lord is at hand..........

  • Bradley Grainger (Logos)
    Bradley Grainger (Logos) Administrator, Logos Employee Posts: 12,053

    This isn't normal behaviour.

    The log file you sent showed the correct behaviour of upgrading from Beta 9 to RC1. Can you please ensure that logging is enabled ( and send log files from one of the resource updates?

  • DominicM
    DominicM Member Posts: 2,995 ✭✭✭

    Robin, I belive it is a (unacknowledged) problem with the automatic download, and had it myself (and reported it)

    Presuming automatic download is off set to NO set it to yes and restart and it will do the lot, I had ecactly same problem when mine was set to NO.


    Never Deprive Anyone of Hope.. It Might Be ALL They Have

  • Ruben Gomez
    Ruben Gomez Member Posts: 145 ✭✭

    I have the exact same problem! Will try setting to Yes.

    Rubén Gómez

  • Ruben Gomez
    Ruben Gomez Member Posts: 145 ✭✭

    No change. I keep getting the 5.7 and 24.9 MB updates.

    My current version in About LBS is

    Any help will be appreciated.


    Rubén Gómez

  • Mark Martin
    Mark Martin Member Posts: 147 ✭✭


    I don't know if I have done this correctly or  not.  I have attached log files because I continue to work through the download cycle as well.  I hope that you receive these.  Otherwise, I need a little instruction on how to attach them.

  • Robin K
    Robin K Member Posts: 47 ✭✭


    This isn't normal behaviour.

    The log file you sent showed the correct behaviour of upgrading from Beta 9 to RC1. Can you please ensure that logging is enabled ( and send log files from one of the resource updates?

    Thanks Bradley for your help, but it's still cycling.  I went to that forum topic and clicked on the link to enable logging. My browser opened up to a page full of code (I hope that's what I was supposed to see?). I closed L4 and restarted. Prior to that, I made sure automatic updates was set to Yes. However, just as I opened L4  the cycle still continues! What did you mean send log files from one of the resource updates? Is there a different location? Right now the folder is found in: C:\Users\Robin Koshy\Documents\Libronix Log Files I am attaching those again.


    Thanks again,


  • Robin K
    Robin K Member Posts: 47 ✭✭

    Ok I went back to the forum and tried to enable script via IE instead
    of firefox. It worked. Attached are the files from "logos log files."

  • Robin K
    Robin K Member Posts: 47 ✭✭

    Sorry I meant the script worked...but the cycling still continues!

  • Joe K
    Joe K Member Posts: 48 ✭✭

    Logos, i too am in the pertetual update cycle - it downloads a 24.9MB resource and after it restarts it downloads another 5.7MB resource.  And, it keeps doing this, and has been for 2 days.


  • Bradley Grainger (Logos)
    Bradley Grainger (Logos) Administrator, Logos Employee Posts: 12,053

    Ah, now I think we're getting somewhere!

    This looks like a conflict between a resource you have in your Libronix DLS resources folder, and the resource that Logos 4 is automatically downloading.

    Please download and replace the "C:\Program Files\Libronix DLS\Resources\ENCYCHRQUO.lbxlls" file with it. Logos 4 may go through one more download cycle, but that should straighten it out.

    If not, please send more logs. (I'm continuing to look into the problem in case this isn't the final solution.)

  • Bradley Grainger (Logos)
    Bradley Grainger (Logos) Administrator, Logos Employee Posts: 12,053

    Logos, i too am in the pertetual update cycle - it downloads a 24.9MB resource and after it restarts it downloads another 5.7MB resource.  And, it keeps doing this, and has been for 2 days.

    Joe, can you please follow the instructions above and attach some log files; that will help us figure this out.

  • Bradley Grainger (Logos)
    Bradley Grainger (Logos) Administrator, Logos Employee Posts: 12,053

    Otherwise, I need a little instruction on how to attach them.

    Hi Mark, I got your log files, and they are helpful. They don't have all the information I'm looking for, so if could could attached another set, that would be even more helpful.

  • Bradley Grainger (Logos)
    Bradley Grainger (Logos) Administrator, Logos Employee Posts: 12,053

    Any help will be appreciated.

    Please follow the instructions above to create logfiles, which will help us diagnose the problem.

  • Bradley Grainger (Logos)
    Bradley Grainger (Logos) Administrator, Logos Employee Posts: 12,053

    I have attached log files because I continue to work through the download cycle as well.

    I have another diagnostic step to try, which might help. In the command box, please enter

    open LLS:7.0.1204

    Pressing Enter should open a resource. (If it doesn't, let me know.) If it does, please click the circled (i) in the upper-right of that pane, and take a screenshot of the "About" display; it's most important to include the "Support Info" section at the bottom.

  • Joe K
    Joe K Member Posts: 48 ✭✭

    Hi Bradley,

    Your suggestion resolved my problem, L4 has now moved on to indexing.  So, it downloaded one more 24.9MB file and restarted and started indexing.  Before, it would start indexing but be interrupted with another download.  So, it appears to have worked.

    Thanks! -Joe

  • Robin K
    Robin K Member Posts: 47 ✭✭

    Thanks a lot Bradley! It has done the trick! Thanks so much!

    Now I noticed I have 2 resources named "Encyclopedia of Christian Quotations" by Mark Water, with the same icon and information regarding them. When clicking on one it is the correct resource, however, the second is some spanish reference book. See attached video. How do I get rid of the spanish one? (no offense to our hispanic logos users, but I have no use for it). 


    Thanks again,


  • Bradley Grainger (Logos)
    Bradley Grainger (Logos) Administrator, Logos Employee Posts: 12,053

    Now I noticed I have 2 resources named "Encyclopedia of Christian Quotations" by Mark Water, with the same icon and information regarding them. When clicking on one it is the correct resource, however, the second is some spanish reference book. See attached video. How do I get rid of the spanish one? (no offense to our hispanic logos users, but I have no use for it). 


    To fix this, drag the second "Encyclopedia of Christian Quotations" (that is actually a Spanish book) to your Hidden Resources list.

    Background: A mistake was made in initially building these resources (over five years ago) and they were erroneously given the same internal identifier. This wasn't discovered until after the resources had both shipped (and been purchased by customers). The problem is that the ID is what's unlocked when you buy the resource, so if we changed that ID, the resource would become locked. We could have gone through the purchase history of everyone who had bought it, figure out whether they owned predominantly English or Spanish resources, then lock one and unlock the other, but it was far simpler and quicker to just make both resources unlocked for anyone who had purchased either. In the LDLS3 days, you were unlikely to ever get the other resource, so you probably wouldn't ever know you "owned" it. Now that Logos 4 downloads anything you own, the problem is more noticeable. Fortunately, the hidden resources feature makes it easy to get rid of the unwanted one, but if you ever learn Spanish, consider it our gift to you. [:)]

  • Gerald Rodgers
    Gerald Rodgers Member Posts: 232 ✭✭


    Has an answer been found to the poblem Robin and others have experienced?

    I would be glad to have some help too as this problem is most frustrating.

    Hope someone can respond ASAP please. Thanks in anticipation.



  • Robin K
    Robin K Member Posts: 47 ✭✭


    Has an answer been found to the poblem Robin and others have experienced?

    I would be glad to have some help too as this problem is most frustrating.

    Hope someone can respond ASAP please. Thanks in anticipation.




    It seems like I (and others too) have seen the problem go away when we followed Bradley's instructions:

    Bradley Grainger">

    Ah, now I think we're getting somewhere!

    This looks like a conflict between a resource you have in your Libronix DLS resources folder, and the resource that Logos 4 is automatically downloading.

    Please download and replace the "C:\Program Files\Libronix DLS\Resources\ENCYCHRQUO.lbxlls" file with it. Logos 4 may go through one more download cycle, but that should straighten it out.

    If not, please send more logs. (I'm continuing to look into the problem in case this isn't the final solution.)

    If it doesn't work, post some log files here. 


  • Robin K
    Robin K Member Posts: 47 ✭✭


    Has an answer been found to the poblem Robin and others have experienced?

    I would be glad to have some help too as this problem is most frustrating.

    Hope someone can respond ASAP please. Thanks in anticipation.




    It seems like I (and others too) have seen the problem go away when we followed Bradley's instructions:


    Bradley Grainger">

    Ah, now I think we're getting somewhere!

    This looks like a conflict between a resource you have in your Libronix DLS resources folder, and the resource that Logos 4 is automatically downloading.

    Please download and replace the "C:\Program Files\Libronix DLS\Resources\ENCYCHRQUO.lbxlls" file with it. Logos 4 may go through one more download cycle, but that should straighten it out.

    If not, please send more logs. (I'm continuing to look into the problem in case this isn't the final solution.)

    If it doesn't work, post some log files here. 



  • Bradley Grainger (Logos)
    Bradley Grainger (Logos) Administrator, Logos Employee Posts: 12,053

    Has an answer been found to the poblem Robin and others have experienced?

    The problem has been caused (so far) by having older, incorrectly-built versions of LBXLLS resources in your Libronix DLS Resources folder. ENCYCHRQUO seems to be a common one for a lot of users, but an E4 resource was a problem for Mark (

    As Robin said, please post log files; we'll take a look, determine the specific problem on your system, and let you know how to fix it.