Thanks Bob and Logos

spitzerpl Member Posts: 4,998 ✭✭✭
edited November 2024 in English Forum

My wife and I have had some pretty up and down days for the last couple weeks. Most have been pretty down. Our Foster baby, whom we got when she was 1.5, went to be with her grandparents when she was a couple days shy of her 6 month birthday. She was a dream child and her smile lite up our lives. Whenever we find a little sock...and a million other things, my eyes start to water up. But tonight we did a youth event during which 8 teens accepted Christ as savior. 32 kids came out and our youth group is 8 kids normally. Then I was able to come home and enjoy perusing some great new Logos resources I get to play with. Thanks for being a part of a great day of blessing. He gave us 180+ of them with that little girl, and its been hard living in the "...takes away" part of life. But he used you guys as a reminder that whatever part of life we are in...God is good.



  • DominicM
    DominicM Member Posts: 2,995 ✭✭✭

    Phil just cos beta is over doesn't mean we wont be remembering and praying for you and your wife on an ongoing basis.

    Thank you for this Testimony that even in the valleys, when we are faithful to him, he is faithful to us, great rejoicing in heaven over those finding Christ, may our Saviour continue to richly bless your ministry.

    Never Deprive Anyone of Hope.. It Might Be ALL They Have

  • spitzerpl
    spitzerpl Member Posts: 4,998 ✭✭✭

    DominicM said:

    Phil just cos beta is over doesn't mean we wont be remembering and praying for you and your wife on an ongoing basis.

    Thank you for this Testimony that even in the valleys, when we are faithful to him, he is faithful to us, great rejoicing in heaven over those finding Christ, may our Saviour continue to richly bless your ministry.

    And certainly thank you to all who have and are praying for Lorra, myself and Dezarae. You have been a blessing to us and it has been a pleasure betaing with you!