Bug: 4.3 SR3 LSGNT syntax search

boxes at word level will not stay checked. see screenshot
this used to function.
2768.LogosLogs L Goodwin 20110330-011012.gz
I have found exactly the same problem. [^o)]
Logs submitted.
2541.LogosLogs Alan Macgregor 20110330-131941.gz
Every blessing
iMac Retina 5K, 27": 3.6GHz 8-Core Intel Core i9; 16GB RAM;MacOS 10.15.5; 1TB SSD; Logos 8
MacBook Air 13.3": 1.8GHz; 4GB RAM; MacOS 10.13.6; 256GB SSD; Logos 8
iPad Pro 32GB WiFi iOS 13.5.1
iPhone 8+ 64GB iOS 13.5.1
0 -
There are a number of known issues with Syntax Search on Mac that are being addressed.
David Mitchell
Development Lead
Faithlife0 -
Thanks, David.
Every blessing
iMac Retina 5K, 27": 3.6GHz 8-Core Intel Core i9; 16GB RAM;MacOS 10.15.5; 1TB SSD; Logos 8
MacBook Air 13.3": 1.8GHz; 4GB RAM; MacOS 10.13.6; 256GB SSD; Logos 8
iPad Pro 32GB WiFi iOS 13.5.1
iPhone 8+ 64GB iOS 13.5.1