Logos for iOS 1.7.0 Release Notes
Robert Mullen said:
Am I missing something or did the "book history" bar at the bottom of the old reading view disappear?
Bar disappeared; was replaced by History drop-down list. Tap and hold back arrow to display History that can be edited (also includes pages navigated to within Resource, a nice improvement over ribbon bar). Looking forward to history fix for ?? bug -problem with history on new iPad app
Keep Smiling [:)]
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I have used it but it will take some time to catch up with my library use so kind of lacking in the short term. I can see how this might be better so I will give it a chance. Will have to get used to the tap and hold though as it has fought me a little so far.
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John Kight said:
Downloaded, Installed, and it crashes every single time...Haven't had it opened once...Sinking electronics
Yesterday my iPad started crashing on startup. I would estimate I have attempted to open it at least 100 time, and the loading after 20 seconds or so stops, and it comes out of Logos. I did a restart, and that didn't help.
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Thanks very much for all your hard work with this. The app has improved beyond recognition.
The improvements to the resource download speed are particularly pleasing. I downloaded a bunch of commentaries yesterday and it was blisteringly fast... More so than the previous update (which, itself, was a vast improvement).
Thank you again.
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I didn't find that, either, and missed it. I'll see how well this works going forward...Robert Mullen said:Am I missing something or did the "book history" bar at the bottom of the old reading view disappear?
Bar disappeared; was replaced by History drop-down list. Tap and hold back arrow to display History that can be edited (also includes pages navigated to within Resource, a nice improvement over ribbon bar). Looking forward to history fix for ?? bug -problem with history on new iPad app
Keep Smiling
That said, the improvements to the app are incredible! Thank you! From Sepia (YEA!!!) to the other settings adjustments, download speed, and more, it's a great update. Thank you!
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BTW, does Logos for iPad/iPhone keep downloading when the app is in the background or the iOS device is put to sleep (like when I use the Smart Cover on my iPad 2)?
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In your article "New Reasons to Download the Free Logos App" I found under the chapter "Split Screen" a passage of 2. Samuel 7 in the "The Lexham Hebrew-English Interlinear Bible" in a clear and fine exposition. In my iPad Logos 1.7 iApp I can't verify this: What have I to do to get this order?: Right to left orientation instead of left to right and a clear arrangement of Hebrew and English text. I am missing this arrangement in your other programs like "Lexham Greek English Interlinear" too. Many of these programs present a disorientated mix of Greek or Hebrew and English Words. Do I need a special accommodation and how can I get it?
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Well done! It's awesome that you guys are constantly adding to and improving this app.! I can't wait for bookmarks and highlighting!!
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Did we lose the ability to switch resources between panes with 1.7 update. If this feature is still available, how do you use it? It was tied to the resource history Icons.
To swap books in panes, tap the first pane. The active pane will appear normal and the inactive pane will be in shadow. In the recent resources view at the bottom of the screen, tap the book cover for the book that is in the inactive pane.
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I really like the updated app on my iPad. However, on my iPod Touch (and I would guess also on the iPhone) the verse chooser button and the history buttons are hard for both me and my wife to press, and neither of us have huge hands. [:)]
Maybe the top bar that appears when you swipe down could be bigger? Since we're not reading the text of the open book(s) while choosing a different location. Or perhaps the center field where you type in a reference manually could be made a little smaller so the history/verse chooser buttons would have room to be larger. Otherwise, it's a great update.
Thanks so much!0 -
I just purchased Nota Bene and was wondering if there is an easy way to add the Logos bibliography to Ibidem? Any help would be appreciated
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Awesome. Nota Bene is unrivaled for academic research and writing. Sign-up for the mailling list too.
Did you also purchase Archiva Platinum with the bibliographic converter?
I print / export entire collections this way.
I actually have one collection in Logos called "Bibliography". And I
reuse it to create collections of books for bibliographic conversion.Copy the formatted bibliographic exported text into a Nota Bene document, select the text, and then from the menu, select Archiva->Convert Bibliographies.
I find that sometimes the Place and Publisher are in the wrong place. But the bibliographic converter gives you the option of assigning the Place and Publisher for all the entries that you plan to convert. This works well with collections of commentaries.
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Thanks Robert,
I am going to read as much as I can - need this for thesis, but am not looking forward to having to learn how to use the program[:P]
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I agree. The navigation I think is now worse in the update. Often times I will go to a new book/chapter/verse. For instance I go to John 10:16 but the top of the page shows Ezekiel 24:10 and it doesn't stick with the books I select. Really not enjoying this update and wondering if perhaps it simply downloaded poorly.
The buttons do not seem to be near as responsive as they were before.
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Chad said:
I agree. The navigation I think is now worse in the update. Often times I will go to a new book/chapter/verse. For instance I go to John 10:16 but the top of the page shows Ezekiel 24:10 and it doesn't stick with the books I select.
I agree. After a few days of use I like all the changes to reading view except navigation. I have experienced the same navigation uncertainty. I also just tried to navigate to a new verse by typing the reference into the verse box and it went nowhere. I went back and did the same (and double checked that it was a valid reference) again and it still didn't move to the new reference (and it was not already visible on the page.)
I have also tried to work with the history instead of the recent books bar that was removed and am finding it much less useful for my reading. I typically have a dozen or so books I am frequenting at any point in time and would use the recent book bar to quickly open them while reading. These books are often related so if I am in my bible and my daily reference has moved me to say Rev 18:3 I would want any book I open to move to this new spot. Right now when I open the history I can get the book open (but only after touch and hold as opposed to a simple touch) but I get the beginning of the previous day's reference instead of where it left off the previous day or a sync'd reference to the current parallel resource or desktop reading location. This is something I will often do a half dozen times in a reading session so slowing it down so substantially seriously degrades the usability for me.
I think on its own the navigation history is an enhancement and should stay. I also think that in at least the iPad form factor the recent books bar above the navigation tabs should come back. That was a very useful feature that I came to rely on heavily and its placement and function (a historically ordered recently used book list) are important to its usability.
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Dave, any word on this? I also am having an issue with my screen being locked in portrait mode.
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Hi Chris
I was able to fix my issue with the portrait by uninstalling and reinstalling the app. That fixed my issue. Try it and see if it works for you
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I found the Copy feature and I want the Notes and Highlighting but I would like two more options added. When I touch and hold on a Bible word Logos provides the word morphology, the Strongs number, and several options. I want the additional optiions added to see the Strongs Definition and an option to see the Webster's definition. I would like the Webster definition option made available for ALL English titles, too.
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Thanks for the tip! That did free up the app to rotate as I rotate my phone. It didn't exactly solve my problem though as there seems to be no way to lock it in landscape mode. I need this because I read in bed quite often and as you can imagine, without the ability to lock the rotation it's always facing the wrong direction. It's not an issue for the iPad as I can lock that in either mode, but the iPhone can only be locked in portrait mode.
Logos, if you're listening I'm going to use every software company's least favorite word... REGRESSION.
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Please, another request for the urgent return of the Recent-Books Ribbon. The loss of this on the iPad is a massive step backwards. Maybe let it be an option, and gives control. The new Nav buttons are way too small and too slow now. More important, they sometimes DO NOT WORK: I can select a new resource from a Search Result or even the new History, but the app stays on the current page of the current resource. It can take 3 identical attempts before the app changes to the new resource. Never seen this prior to new 1.7 release. But got to say, overall I love where the app is going, and how useful it is. Many Thanks.
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JimT said:
I can select a new resource from a Search Result or even the new History, but the app stays on the current page of the current resource.
I've had this issue as well, can be quite annoying. I notice it when trying to open up to a reading plan - often the reading panel stays on whatever resource/location it had last rather than opening the new resource/location from my reading plan. The problem is not consistent, and I haven't yet figured out the pattern of when it will or will not happen.
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I've had this same issue repeatedly with the reading plan and just assumed I was doing something wrong.
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I'll create a new thread reporting the bug.
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Things work great. copy/paste is a GREAT addition.
Installation and performance are smooth.
Have tried the View Settings. Have my columns set to 2, but when my iPad is in landscape mode, I used to have 2 columns. Now I have only one large one. Anybody know how to correct this?
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JimT said:
Please, another request for the urgent return of the Recent-Books Ribbon. The loss of this on the iPad is a massive step backwards.
I have to agree. Was disappointed in this change.
Dr. Kevin Purcell, Director of Missions
Brushy Mountain Baptist Association0 -
Try this: Touch "Library", then "recent books".
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Its not an acceptable replacement. For one, it more keys, and for another, the recent books are a mess and not sorted as how the Ribbon worked. I stand by my position that its a step backwards. Maybe if it sorted recent to the top, or alphabetical as a user-option it might help. Right now it seems random and unhelpful.
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JimT said:
Its not an acceptable replacement. For one, it more keys, and for another, the recent books are a mess and not sorted as how the Ribbon worked. I stand by my position that its a step backwards. Maybe if it sorted recent to the top, or alphabetical as a user-option it might help. Right now it seems random and unhelpful.
Seconded. This only works half way for my uses and is far more clumsy. The ribbon bar was very useful lets just bring it back.
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I might be the only one, but I would prefer to have a hybrid ribbon...user chooses what shows in the ribbon like the iPad dock at the bottom of the screen. The ribbon showed the most recently used resources, but that often (at least for me) is not representative of the most commonly used resources over the long haul so I would prefer the dock concept.
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Hi all,
I just received my iPad yesterday and installed Logos on it. Is it safe to assume that I have the latest iOS 1.7.0?
Soli Deo Gloria,
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Yes. You can see you current version by click the more button along the bottom of the screen and the selecting About.
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Thanks Chris. I figured that out after I posted my question.
Soli Deo Gloria,
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This build seems to be more stable than the previous one, and seems to be much faster as well.
By the way, is there a way for us to control the font size in the split screen? What I want to achieve is to have a larger font for the main text, and smaller font for the commentaries.
"And you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free", John 8:32.
"你們必定認識真理,真理必定使你們自由", 約翰福音 8:3.0 -
Steven Yu said:
By the way, is there a way for us to control the font size in the split screen? What I want to achieve is to have a larger font for the main text, and smaller font for the commentaries.
I don't believe so. The slider controls both sides at once.
Dr. Kevin Purcell, Director of Missions
Brushy Mountain Baptist Association0 -
I agree!! I loved the old history bar. It made life so easy to go from one version to another or to go to other resources. Please, Please, Please bring it back!
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just give Dave some time. Logos is listening to us
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Here is another vote to bring back the ribbon. It really slows things down when switching between resources also it served as a good visual indicator to where I had been studying.
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I'm not sure what you are talking about as the "old history bar". If that was the ribbon thingy you got that you could scroll and select from, I hated it. It reflected any book that had been opened and could not be edited. I like the fact that in the history window, you can delete resources so you can have an easy way of switching between resources you are currently using, but can get rid of one when you are finished. Such as a commentary for a particular book of the Bible, say, the Opening Up. If the ribbon comes back, I'd like to be able to clear the whole thing and start over or just remove selected items from the list.
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Odin Ortiz said:
Here is another vote to bring back the ribbon. It really slows things down when switching between resources also it served as a good visual indicator to where I had been studying.
Suggest upgrading to 1.7.1 Logos for iOS 1.7.1 Release Notes and check out History improvements. Tapping More, found History with scrolling list of resource names with book covers; also can tap blue arrow for historical locations within resource. Likewise, have option to edit history to delete stuff.
Keep Smiling [:)]