Coloring different Pentateuchal sources via Visual Filters

Tim Finlay
Tim Finlay Member Posts: 123 ✭✭
edited November 2024 in English Forum

In AFAT syntax searches, it is possible to restrict searches to a particular pentateuchal source --J, E, D, P, Lay etc. (or what AFAT designates as belonging to that source). Is it possible to create a visual filter that will put the different sources into different colors? This would be helpful for students to evaluate the strengths and weaknesses of the documentary hypothesis for a particular passage. In a similar vein, is it possible to create a visual filter in Luke for the presumed Markan source material, and for the presumed Q material? I have various harmonies in Logos, so if it can be done for this, it could also be done for Samuel/Kings/Chronicles etc. I would be happy for the visual filter to work either in English or in the original languages.
