Charts found in the Woman's Study Bible

i have built a Word document which has a list of links to Charts found in the Woman's Study Bible.
Word file with links to charts: 4532.Woman's SB Charts.doc
You can add the links from the Word document into a Logos 4 Note file:
here are instructions that work in the windows version of Logos4.
Download the Word file from the above link and open it, then
1. Use your mouse to drag over some of the text in Word to select it. Then right click on the selected text.
a. Word shows a pop-up menu, click on Copy.
2. In Logos4, click on File in the top menu
a. In the drop down menu click on Notes to open a new note file.
3. Now you see the Note file.
a. Click on Add note to add a note to the Note file.
4. Logos4 adds a new blank note.
a. Right click in the note body, Logos4 shows a pop-up menu, click on Paste (to paste what you copied in step #1.
5. Now hover your mouse over a link, Logos4 shows a preview.
a. Notice at the bottom of the preview are instructions. Hold the Ctrl key down and left click on the link.
6. Logos4 opens the Woman's Study Bible to the link location which should be close to the chart.
- Don't forget to name your new Note file.
Great work. Thanks.
Orthodox Bishop Alfeyev: "To be a theologian means to have experience of a personal encounter with God through prayer and worship."; Orthodox proverb: "We know where the Church is, we do not know where it is not."
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Thanks for your work on this.
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Steve - WOW! Thank you. Are there other word files out there that also have links as you have laid out.
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Thanks Steve. I just purchased the ESV Study Notes, thinking that they would work with the notes files - but they don't. I have the ESV text for the reverse interlinear version that came with my package. What elese do I need to get to make them work with these fine note files you have provided?
Thanks in advance.
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Hi Paul,
Paul Lund said:I just purchased the ESV Study Notes,
If you have just purchase the ESV Study Bible, then Logos 4 will be downloading it, then Logos 4 will start Indexing your new book. This can take a while until it is finished indexing. If it is indexing you should see the icon
in the lower right side of your taskbar. Once that it is finished indexing the ESV SB notes then the links that i sent you to should work. (the ones for the ESV SB)
Paul Lund said:I have the ESV text for the reverse interlinear version that came with my package.
This is a Bible version and the links that i sent you to do not work with the ESV Bible itself. But the ESV Study Bible.
P.S. The links at the top of this post were for the Woman's Study Bible. And the links for the ESV Study Bible were in this post that i showed you.
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You are a true gentleman and a scholar. Works! Thank you so vey much for your time and effort.
Blessings, and a very happy Easter to you and your family.
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Thanks, Steve!
I have enjoyed your document of charts and maps in ESV Study Bible as well.
I'm using Open Office and if copying your document to a notefile it will losing all links. My workaround is to paste it into a Libronix/Logos 3 note file and then import the note file to Logos 4.
Is there any better way to do this?
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Hi Ebbe,
Here is a .mht which Internet Explorer 8 can open. i had to zip it for the Forum editor to allow it, so you will need to unzip it.
File: 8154.Woman's SB
After you unzip it, here are the steps that i used to get it into a L4 note and it worked for me. See if this works for you...
1. Open Internet Explorer. Then click on File.
2. In the drop down click on Open. Then you will see a pop-up box, navigate to locate the extracted file.
It should open in the browser window with links in tact.3. Drag over the text that you want to copy.
4. In the menu click on Edit.
5. In the drop down click on Copy to get it into your clipboard.6. Right click in a new note's body and in the pop-up menu click on Paste (not shown).
7. Now you should be able to Ctrl Click on one of the links to have it open in the Woman's Study Bible.Please let me know if this works for you.
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Thank you so much Steve! I have also used the ones you did in the ESV. They have come in handy in my studies. Awesome job.
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Thank you, Steve,
This works great!
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Thank you, Steve! I backtracked to obtain the other files and all were very easy to install. I appreciate your hard work on these.
God bless
running Logos Bible Software 6.0a: Collector's Edition on HP e9220y (AMD Phenom II X4 2.60GHz 8.00GB 64-bit Win 7 Pro SP1) & iPad (mini) apps.
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- Solo a Dios la Gloria Apoyo
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great work! Question: Is there a way for notes to show up in search results? If so, could this become a temporary PBB replacement?
Pastor, seminary trustee, and app developer. Check out my latest app for churches: The Church App
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Hi Chris
If you do a "Basic Search" and search in the "Entire Library" then hits in your notes files will show up in the "My Content" section.
There have been various requests for different ways of searching notes but this does make them searchable
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Graham Criddle said:
Hi Chris
If you do a "Basic Search" and search in the "Entire Library" then hits in your notes files will show up in the "My Content" section.
There have been various requests for different ways of searching notes but this does make them searchable
Hmm - well I tried that and nothing came up in the "My Content" section. I copied and pasted wording from the notes section to make sure I typed it correctly.
Pastor, seminary trustee, and app developer. Check out my latest app for churches: The Church App
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Hi Chris
To check this I have just set up a test notesfile as below:
I then did the search as below:
as you can see it found the notesfile.
However, it did take a few minutes for it to appear in the search results - due, I believe, to indexing.
Does this throw any light on things?
If not, can you show a screenshot of the relevant note and the search you are using?
Thanks, Graham
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Odd - I tried the same thing and couldn't get it to come up. Maybe I need to force an index? Here are my screenshots:
First the note:
Now the search:
Pastor, seminary trustee, and app developer. Check out my latest app for churches: The Church App
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Now it shows up for my test file - it did take a few minutes, as you said. Strange that the indexing icon never showed up.
Pastor, seminary trustee, and app developer. Check out my latest app for churches: The Church App
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Glad its working now.
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Okay - so now a question on how to get hyperlinks to work correctly in Word. I was able to copy the Word document into a note without problem. But I'm trying to create a new Word document with different content and hyperlinks that can be copied into a note. However, Word for Mac 2008 is giving me problems.
For instance: I'm trying to create a hyperlink for the Bible reference of 1 Samuel 25. Here's what it looks like when I create the hyperlink:
However, immediately afterword, Word changes the hyperlink to a local-file reference. If I re-open the hyperlink edit box, this is what I get:
That obviously becomes something that is unrecognizable by Logos. Can I not create notes in Word 2008?
Pastor, seminary trustee, and app developer. Check out my latest app for churches: The Church App
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Hi Chris
Suggest it best you post a new note regarding this in the Mac forum.
It would probably get best traction there
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Ebbe Andréasson said:
I'm using Open Office and if copying your document to a notefile it will losing all links. My workaround is to paste it into a Libronix/Logos 3 note file and then import the note file to Logos 4.
I assume this explains my problems with George Somsel's index of the ECF. I'm not using OpenOffice, but I am using NeoOffice, which is based on OpenOffice. The links are there in NeoOffice, and they are there the first few minutes in Logos, but then they disappear. And the same thing happens when I try this file.
Since I'm on Mac, none of the solutions offered so far is available for me: I don't have L3, and I don't have IE. Anyone who can think of a third way? Not that I need this file, not having the resource, but I'm assuming that a solution that works for this, would also work for the index, since the problem behind seems to be the same.
Mac Pro (late 2013) OS 12.6.2
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Pastor, seminary trustee, and app developer. Check out my latest app for churches: The Church App