Logos glitch for selecting?

I've been exploring quite a bit without really going through basics yet. I'm not sure if I turned a setting off?
I have Logos for Mac running, when I perform a Search All Text in Entire Library for instance, I have Library Results that are shut closed and collapsed. I'm finding that the only way to open up one book's results is to hit that little tiny tiny arrow to the left of the given book picture and title.
Such a crazy small target! How cumbersome I am. Can these results just all be expanded by keyboard shortcut? Is there an option to change this kind of thing?
I also have Parallels 6 running Vista (don't snarl at me!) with Logos. The funny thing is, I'm finding Logos for PC to be more efficient! So strange, usually it's the other way around (the Mac version being a bit more polished). In the same scenario, I can rollover to see results in a pinch (not so on Mac) and I can select anywhere (arrow, book cover, book title) to expand it. Much better!
Can I fix this on the Mac side?
PS - have any of you compared the title bar design with the PC title bar design? I can't believe the fumble, the PC version is skinnier more attractive and efficient. I sure hope Logos gets a Mac GUI / polisher in there soon.
thanks for any thoughts
Hi Jacques
Jacques said:Such a crazy small target! How cumbersome I am. Can these results just all be expanded by keyboard shortcut? Is there an option to change this kind of thing?
On the Windows version (sorry I'm not a Mac user) you can right-click on a book and select "Expand All".
Would this give you what you want? Is there something equivalent on the Mac?
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Graham Criddle said:
Hi Jacques
Jacques said:Such a crazy small target! How cumbersome I am. Can these results just all be expanded by keyboard shortcut? Is there an option to change this kind of thing?
On the Windows version (sorry I'm not a Mac user) you can right-click on a book and select "Expand All".
Would this give you what you want? Is there something equivalent on the Mac?
There appears to be no way to do this in the Mac version, at least not yet. I tried a right-click all over the search results without receiving a response anywhere.
Thank you, Graham, for giving me the idea on what to try. If it works of Windows, it should be coming to the Mac in the near future.
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Jack, on your Logos for Mac install - are you able to select the book by clicking anywhere (book cover / title) or are you restricted to just the little arrow?
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Jacques said:
Jack, on your Logos for Mac install - are you able to select the book by clicking anywhere (book cover / title) or are you restricted to just the little arrow?
Not Jack, added rectangles to screen shot to show clickable search result areas using Logos 4.2a SR-5 on Mac:
Keep Smiling [:)]
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Umm, those boxes around the arrows need to be a LOT smaller!! It's a crazy small click zone.
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Jacques said:
Umm, those boxes around the arrows need to be a LOT smaller!! It's a crazy small click zone.
Actually, it seems to be a good sized click zone, being roughly the size of KS4J's boxes. At least, that is what I am seeing on my machine.
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Jack Caviness said:Jacques said:
Umm, those boxes around the arrows need to be a LOT smaller!! It's a crazy small click zone.
Actually, it seems to be a good sized click zone, being roughly the size of KS4J's boxes. At least, that is what I am seeing on my machine.
Logos 4 Mac boxes were drawn after clicking to roughly find boundaries. In contrast, Logos 4 PC has larger click area to expand/collapse an article in search results:
plus right click option to expand/collapse individually or expand/collapse all:
Added entry to Feature Parity list on Mac and PC User Interface Differences wiki page.
Keep Smiling [:)]
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You know, it's quite possible my frustration at the time shrunk that box! I did have a hard time hitting it..
Since then I've been in Parallels 6 using Logos for PC. To be quite honest, everything is MUCH nicer and better thought out. Lots of pop-ups I've never seen, better executed code. The only oddity is that the font seems a little uneven even in full screen - the Mac font is nicer I think. Maybe it's how Windows and Mac are different in anti-aliasing technology? Not sure.
The layout on the PC side definitely cleaner and nicer, have you compared screenshots? It's embarassing! The Mac design is overall so much nicer usually, than the PC counterpart. I'm sorta grinning as I see Logos on the PC in all it's proper...
Let's hope some real Mac GUI folks join Logos soon, they need help quick!
PS - I'm new to Logos, wish I was around with Owen was in Community!!
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Jacques said:
Since then I've been in Parallels 6 using Logos for PC.
WIki Logos 4 Mac page has Need Logos 4 PC feature? section that includes Parallels configuration. For some actions, Windows 7 is faster than Vista. Also, Logos 4 Mac page has Logos 4 => Common Experience on Mac & PC section. Thankful for easy switching between Mac and PC.
If using Logos 4 Mac and Logos 4 PC at same time, have opportunity for sync item(s) to duplicate. Some Logos 4 Mac users edit notes using Logos 4 PC then sync to Logos 4 Mac. By the way, wiki page Mac and PC User Interface Differences includes an Easter Egg in Logos 4 Mac.
Keep Smiling [:)]