BUG: Scroll "glitch"

I looked for other posts on this issue and could not find any. Perhaps I was searching for the wrong thing. I noticed while I was reading through my reading plan that when I advanced the page, after a while the bible window would "glitch up" creating a blank spot. If I select the area with the cursor, the text reappears.
It seems that it happens more often when I use the down arrow key over the space bar.
Any thoughts?
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Wonder if changing number of columns in ESV affects scroll "glitch" ?
Apologies, away from Mac computer for another day or two.
Keep Smiling [:)]
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KS4J -
Thanks for your help... Have you seen/heard of this problem? At some point, I had checked "1" in the column box. The rest of my Bibles were not checked this way. After I posted, I discovered that the problem was only in the ESV. Your post led me to check the columns.
After adjusting the columns to "none," the problem has disappeared.
Thanks again.
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Justin Mayo said:
Have you seen/heard of this problem?
Personally had not seen this scroll glitch before.
Once have access to Mac computer again, want to try replicating.
Please edit post title to include "BUG:" prefix.
Keep Smiling [:)]
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KS4J -
I adjusted the title as you suggested.
I experimented some more and found that the problem exists for any resource I tried. When the resource (bible/book) is set to 1 column (or when it is set to "auto" and defaults to a single column), then the scrolling issue appears.
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Choose Truth Over Tribe | Become a Joyful Outsider!0 -
Justin Mayo said:
I adjusted the title as you suggested.
I experimented some more and found that the problem exists for any resource I tried. When the resource (bible/book) is set to 1 column (or when it is set to "auto" and defaults to a single column), then the scrolling issue appears.
Thanks for adjusting title; concur scroll "glitch" description is buggy (sounds like column view needs some improvement).
Keep Smiling [:)]
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This looks like it did for me some days ago. I didn't have time to write a post about it, but i did take some screen shots:
Let's see if I took the time to save the log... No, sorry, seems not.
EDIT: Try this log, it looks like the right one: 7673.Logos4.log110510,13.31.zip. (Found it in the Trash. Seems I used it for another bug post and forgot it was relevant for this issue as well.) (The screen shots were taken at 12.16.46; 12.19.55; and 12.23.40.)
Mac Pro (late 2013) OS 12.6.2
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fgh -
If you get a chance, can you see if your column view for that resource is set to "1"? If so, try setting it to "none" and see what happens.
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Choose Truth Over Tribe | Become a Joyful Outsider!0 -
Justin Mayo said:
If you get a chance, can you see if your column view for that resource is set to "1"? If so, try setting it to "none" and see what happens.
Let's see... I was in Reading View, and I was trying to figure out how Column View was supposed to work, not having used it before. The shortcut didn't show up where it should, and nothing whatsoever changed when I clicked 1, 2, None, Auto...
Today, the shortcut is there, I can change the number of columns, and the "glitch" doesn't seem to appear no matter what I try.
Unfortunately, that doesn't mean everything works as it should. I'm in the JPS Genesis commentary. The Introduction, which is what I was reading last time, still won't show anything but None or 1 column. I have to scroll all the way to The Second Group/Day Four before it switches to 2 columns. But if I go backwards from there I get 2 columns until I've reached The First Group/Day One, when it's back to 1. Then when I go forward again it' stays at 1 column until I'm back to The Second Group/Day Four when it's 2 again. The 2 pages in between switches between 1 and 2 columns depending on whether I go backwards or forward! And the first pages won't show more than 1 whatever I do.
Plus the highlighting has gone mad. The shortcut key wouldn't highlight, and cmd-shift-k added a "highlight" (one I don't even have), instead of deleting one. Had to hit Esc and open the Highlighting panel and fiddle around for a while before I got it back to normal (for now at least).
Something's seriously wrong here!
Log: 8712.Logos4.log.zip
Mac Pro (late 2013) OS 12.6.2
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Sorry fgh -
I do not seem to have the same troubles as you. I did check reading view, and the problem I noted exists there as well. I can, however, switch to all the column views. Highlighting is also working fine for me.
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Then you at least seem to have a consistent problem. Mine seem to change from day to day, and only have the columns and the book in common.
As for my lack of columns in the beginning of the JPS Genesis volume, that may well be a problem in the resource rather than with the column view as such. If anyone reading this has that book, could you please check if you can replicate my findings?
Mac Pro (late 2013) OS 12.6.2
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I don't have that resource, sorry!
macOS, iOS & iPadOS |Logs| Install
Choose Truth Over Tribe | Become a Joyful Outsider!0 -
This will be fixed in version 4.5.