Philemon Sentence Diagram

Bart Ehrmann recently commented that onl 7 of 13 letters of the NT attributed to Paul were actually written by him. Ehrman bases this on the idea that Paul "wrote in short pointed sentences." Philemon is the fourth letter attributed to Paul that I've diagrammed and through my personal study I say Ehrmann is full of it! This little book is NOT in any meaningful way different from 1 or 2 Thess or Galatians. If there are differences there are better explanations than "forgery" (as Ehrmann calls them).
I have attached a zip file of a Reed/Kellogg Greek sentence diagram of Paul's letter to Philemon.
Terry Cook
Thanks Terry
Really appreciate the work you are sharing with us
Blessings, Graham
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Peace to you, Terry, and my heart-felt thanks!
I think I'm one of the biggest fans of your many shared sentence diagrams. Often as I am studying -- which is often! -- I open and peruse one of those you have shared with us, always thinking kind thoughts of your sharings.
Philemon downloaded easily into my Libronix L3.0g Sentence Diagrams file, and L4 found it and zapped it in very quickly! *smile*
I may start perusing it today; however today in Canada is "The Queen's Birthday"! Also called Victoria Day. Not actually the present Queen's birthday, but a glorious May holiday that celebrates family and great Spring Life!
Everything is shut down including the government run liquor and beer stores and supermarkets and banks and postal service -- just about everything; and people are spending time with family, camping, going to cottage, planting flowers and gardens, and whatsoever....
And! I can schedule my day any way I want today. Think I will be putting in a few betting plants ............. and then ......... whatsoever! Maybe even look at your Philemon!
My wife and daughter are exploring London and Paris - taking the Chunnel tomorrow -- the first time in the Chunnel for my wife, and she's quite excited.
And! I'm excited about being alone - me and the Lord! Privacy! *smile*
privacy /ˈprɪvəsi, ˈprʌɪ-/
noun a state in which one is not observed or disturbed by others.
\ˈprī-və-sē, especiallyBritain ˈpri-\ noun
plural -cies 15th century
My wife and daughter prefer the British pronounciation. I haven't made up my mind yet how to pronounce it.
However! Privacy is sure great -- at least now and again! *smile*
a : the quality or state of being apart from company or observation : seclusionPhilippians 4: 4 Rejoice in the Lord always; again I will say, Rejoice. 5 Let your reasonableness be known to everyone. The Lord is at hand..........
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Thanks Terry!
updated wiki: Some posts which have Sentence Diagram files
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Thanks for these Terry, they are great. We appreciate all your hard work. God Bless you and may your tribe inrease. I agree with you on the Pauline authorship. I beleive that he wrote all the books that are attributed to him. ISince the Bible is inspired and we have his name at the beginning in the greeting that settes it for me. Besides he has a writing all his own. I have my personal suspicions that he may have written Hebrews too. Enough speculation.
God Bless
Steve Caswell
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Terry Cook said:
I have attached a zip file of a Reed/Kellogg Greek sentence diagram of Paul's letter to Philemon.
Thank you again, Terry.
Terry Cook said:Ehrmann is full of it! This little book is NOT in any meaningful way different from 1 or 2 Thess or Galatians. If there are differences there are better explanations than "forgery" (as Ehrmann calls them).
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Terry Cook said:
I have attached a zip file of a Reed/Kellogg Greek sentence diagram of Paul's letter to Philemon.
Thanks Mate.
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Andrew! *smile*
Peace to you! and!
Always Joy in the Lord!
How good it is to see your post! *smile*
A most cordial welcome back to the Logos Forums!
Philippians 4: 4 Rejoice in the Lord always; again I will say, Rejoice. 5 Let your reasonableness be known to everyone. The Lord is at hand..........
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I wish these would work on the Mac! [:(] [:'(]