PROBLEM - logging not installing properly on new install - is it a windows7 issue

[edit - replacing thr download manger file did not help
I think I have been having the "it keeps downloading" but "the index never completes" problem.
This is a NEW INSTALL I've tried on a Windows 7 laptop. (I did all the betas on my XP machine.)
Everything "works" except (I think) the indexing keeps "hanging"? at 2-3 hours. It also keeps wanting me to download (the same 80 mg file?) I finally turned "downloads" to off.
There is a log file drawer on this W7 laptop but it only has one document and that document only has two lines in it.
It installed like this:
C:\Users\"me"\Documents\Logos Log Files
- called ' logos4.log" None of the other "usual" log "type" notes appear in the drawer.
2009-11-01 23:50:45.0015 1 Info OurApp Starting application (version
2009-11-01 23:50:45.4135 1 Info OurApp Terminating application.
I've replaced a couple of the suspect resource files that others have had problems with - to seemingly no effect.
It is quite possible that there is a resource book file. But I can't seem to find any way to get the same logging "results" work on this machine like it was on the XP machine. Is this because you folks have changed the process? Or is it just that I can't figure out the Windows7 version, ie. as to how it should work or where the files shuld be located?
The indexing just seems to keep looping between 2 hr 26 min and 3 hr 30 minutes.
After turning off "downloads" the Home Page immediately displays: Updates Available - Click to download available updates. etc But every time i do that it downloads 80mg then gets a tray message to restart and then the process begins again.
I.m assuming a faulty book file - but don't know how to get the info to you.
Regards, SteveF
IT indexed - 9 hrs for 1700 items -
I had to turn downloads off.
Regards, SteveF
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Hi please enable logging by downloading this file: saving it to your desktop and then running it. This will help us determine what's really going on with the download manager. Enable downloads, restart Logos4 and allow it to do the download, before installing the update or restarting Logos4 (you should get one of these choices from the task-bar icon after the download finishes) please save the logs (they are now in Logos Log Files folder, still in Documents folder) and attach them here. Thanks.
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Hi George, thanks for that - now something else is happening.
The downloads have stopped.
But when I load L4 I get a message that the indexer is not working Windows tries to get me to go online/offline/close in order to find out why BUT allows me to close the error box and keep on working -actually that is fine with me
-- I have also not had any downloads in 2 days - which is also fine with me.
Have there been any?
I have SR-2
I do not know if Bradley has sent out any newly re-worked resource files. If he has, I did not get any of them. I am away at a conference so cannot check the XP tower that i did all the beta testing on. This is a clean instaqll on a Windows7 laptop.
But I will send both of my log files just in case.
Regards, SteveF
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you can't attach more than one file. But in windows if you
- select both files you want to include
- right click one and
- select "Send to zip/compressed folder"
- then upload the new zip file.
The folks at Logos will be able to handle it.
Sarcasm is my love language. Obviously I love you.
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What ever was going on has stopped.
Have SR-3 installed
Platinum upgrade went well.
All indexing started before went to bed.
It was all finished this morning.
Regards, SteveF