Greek Audio Bible with Logos 4?

Wouldn't you know... I just purchased the Greek Audio Bible yesterday and upgraded to Logos 4 today. Am I going to be able to use the Greek Audio Bible with 4? I don't see the funcationality in V4.
Thank you for your assistance.
Bradley S Rosel said:
Wouldn't you know... I just purchased the Greek Audio Bible yesterday and upgraded to Logos 4 today. Am I going to be able to use the Greek Audio Bible with 4? I don't see the funcationality in V4.
Thank you for your assistance.
Yes this should work fine. In the greek resource eg NA27 click on the book icon and select read aloud or press the combination CTRL+R and it should work
How to ask for help for Logos issues.
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Bradley S Rosel said:
Wouldn't you know... I just purchased the Greek Audio Bible yesterday and upgraded to Logos 4 today. Am I going to be able to use the Greek Audio Bible with 4? I don't see the funcationality in V4.
Thank you for your assistance.
It only works with the NA27 If you try any other version you get a weird voice and gibberish. After you open NA27 start the reading with CTRL+R or click the small arrow under the book icon in the left corner of the tab and click "read aloud." Be patient. It takes a few minutes to get started. Audio controls will appar in the upper right of the program window next to layouts (not the tab window). After it starts, reading progress will be indicated by a visual cue in the NA27 as well as the audioplayer.
That was probably clear as mud, but hopefully somewhaat helpful.
Mac Pro 13 Retina 8GB, 256 flash
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I just tried this and it woudn't work. The "audio player" came up but no sound...and no indication that it was reading like in the old audio bible from V3
I actually purchased the "Greek Audio New Testament" for 39.00 not too long ago for V3...
is this going to function in V4?
Robert Pavich
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Mine works fine. id you give it a few minutes to start?
Mac Pro 13 Retina 8GB, 256 flash
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I'm doing that now but if it takes "a few minutes" to have the Greek Audio Bible start every time you use it....then that's pretty lame in my opinion.
Robert Pavich
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Robert Pavich said:
I'm doing that now but if it takes "a few minutes" to have the Greek Audio Bible start every time you use it....then that's pretty lame in my opinion.
Unfortunately, you are right, but I expect things to improve as time wears on. The reality is that though we have been testing for six weeks (not long really), this thing is just out of the door.
Mac Pro 13 Retina 8GB, 256 flash
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20 + minutes and no audio bible.... [:@]
Robert Pavich
For help go to the Wiki:
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Are you sure it is the NA27? Did you make sure the window is active, click CTRL+R, Had a cuup of coffeee :-)
Seriously, I only have to wait about a minute. Dos the audio player apear in th right hand corner of your program next to layout? Mine does almost instantly but doesn't play immediately (kind of greyed out until it plays). I guess, other than what I already mentioned, it is a question for the techies. Sorry! [:S]
Mac Pro 13 Retina 8GB, 256 flash
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I have the NA27 opened; and the audio player comes up instantly, and is not greyed out....but no sound...
By the way...are we talking about the "Stephen-Hawking-style-Microsoft-bob reader" or are we talking about the "Greek Audio new Testament" that Logos sold me?
Robert Pavich
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I have greek audio NT. I had it before L4 and it is the same voice I had in L3 (John Schwndt). I find if I use any other Bible than the plain NA27 I get the MS voice and it speaks a bunch of gibberish.
Mac Pro 13 Retina 8GB, 256 flash
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at least that's good to know...
Now a call to Logos I guess. [:D]
Robert Pavich
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It definitely was working completely normally at one point during the beta process, I haven't tried to use it for a few weeks but it does appear to be broken now...
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Robert Pavich said:
I have the NA27 opened; and the audio player comes up instantly, and is not greyed out....but no sound...
Bob I have the '"Greek Audio new Testament" that Logos sold me' as well and just to be sure I checked again just now. There was no wait and it worked sounding like it you have your sound on?
I get something that looks like this on my screen up near the layouts button
Anyway, for me there is no delays to start and works on NA27 only. I remember there were restrictions on it to 2? bibles but can't remember, I think the other was UBS4. Just tried that as well but only got a MS voice.
Appears restricted to NA27
How to ask for help for Logos issues.
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The Greek Audio Bible works with all versions of the Greek Bible in my Logos 3, but even just using NA27 it is just trying to sound out the English equivalent letter sounds for the Greek letters and it's using the default Windows voice. I don't think that the GAB is actually installed or working. I went back to the download for the addin and did exactly what it said to do, but it just wanted to reinstall to Logos 3.
I'm running WIndows 7 RC1, so maybe it has something to do with that. However, I haven't had any other weird problems with other software.
By the way, I think the Logos 4 is incredible. I just would like to be able to use the GAB and my sermon addin. I didn't uninstall v3 yet, so I still have access to those things if I need them. Having both programs on my laptop is just consuming a great deal of space with two full complete copies of all of my resources in place.
Thanks for everyone's help. Maybe Logos will come up with a solution soon.
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Robert Pavich
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Okay... strangely enough, I restarted Logos 4 again and the software told me that it was indexing and then I tried NA27 again and it worked. It didn't work with other versions, of course, but it worked fine with NA27. Maybe it just hadn't downloaded that resource yet, but I was trying it 5 minutes ago and it didn't work then. It completed downloading everything else yesterday afternoon including everything else that I purchased with the GAB.
Hey, miracles really do happen. [:D]
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Wait! Is that proof that time + chance = life? [^o)]
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Bob It appears Logos 4 hasn't recognised your Greek Audio Bible. You may want to get hold of support (when its quietened down !) and check this out.
How to ask for help for Logos issues.
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Jason...will do....thanks.
Robert Pavich
For help go to the Wiki:
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Hi Bob,
Could you check your Logos 4 Resources folder to see if the ELNT.lbxaud file is present? If it's not, try typing update resources in Command box to download it.
Melissa0 -
Just to let everyone know...I purchased a new laptop with win7 and the Greek Audio Bible works fine. (without the little arrow)
It must be something with XP.
I remember on V3; when I upgraded to Windows Media player 10 it stopped working so I had to roll back....but on V4 that didn't seem to change anything.
Robert Pavich
For help go to the Wiki:
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I'm having the exact same problem that Robert had and I tried updating resources, but it didn't work.
Costa Rica
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StefanFeliz-Kent said:
I'm having the exact same problem that Robert had and I tried updating resources, but it didn't work.
Hello Stefan,
Which Greek text have you tried this in? When you have the Logos NA27 open and press Ctrl+R do you hear any voice reading the text? If the Greek Audio NT is working correctly, you would hear Prof. Schwandt's voice. If it's not, you would hear the default Microsoft voice.
Melissa0 -
Hi Melissa,
I notice a few problems with Greek Audio Bible in Logos 4.
1) It does not work with NA27 w/Appararus.
2) The pointer to the current greek word read is missing.
3) The Audio player at the top right hand on Logos 4 shows "Audio Player" instead of the name of book and verse read.
Ka Liong
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Ka-LiongLau said:
I notice a few problems with Greek Audio Bible in Logos 4.
1) It does not work with NA27 w/Appararus.
2) The pointer to the current greek word read is missing.
3) The Audio player at the top right hand on Logos 4 shows "Audio Player" instead of the name of book and verse read.
1 - 3 ) These are all known issues that have been corrected in the 4.0a beta, which is currently in testing.
Ka Liong ~ What Windows version is installed on your computer?
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I see that this thread is coming alive again so I'll just post my problem with the Greek Audio again, hoping that it can finally be fixed.
I have the Greek Audio NT in Libronix 3 and it's working nicely, but it doesn't work in Logos4.
I synced my license, did the update now and update resources command, did the scan L3 resources folder but nothing worked.
When I open the NA27 and select read aloud it just plays back the computer default voice. I'm running windows xp sp3.
I noticed that it was mentioned that the "ELNT.LBXAUD" file is needed. I checked my L4 folder and it's not in there. I guess this is where the problem is, but Logos4 just isn't downloading this resouce. Update now nor update resources does anything. I know for sure that the L4 updating through the internet does work, because a few weeks ago, I was notified of available updates and downloaded about 1gb of data without any problems. But the above mentioned file never came through.
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Henry Finkle said:
I see that this thread is coming alive again so I'll just post my problem with the Greek Audio again, hoping that it can finally be fixed.
I have the Greek Audio NT in Libronix 3 and it's working nicely, but it doesn't work in Logos4.
I synced my license, did the update now and update resources command, did the scan L3 resources folder but nothing worked.
When I open the NA27 and select read aloud it just plays back the computer default voice. I'm running windows xp sp3.
I noticed that it was mentioned that the "ELNT.LBXAUD" file is needed. I checked my L4 folder and it's not in there. I guess this is where the problem is, but Logos4 just isn't downloading this resouce. Update now nor update resources does anything. I know for sure that the L4 updating through the internet does work, because a few weeks ago, I was notified of available updates and downloaded about 1gb of data without any problems. But the above mentioned file never came through.
It would probably be best for you to contact our support dept by phone (800-875-6467) or email ( regarding this problem, so they can confirm that the correct licenses are installed, and help you download the missing book.
Melissa0 -
Ok. I've tried it with NA27, NA27 interlinear, UBS4 and UBS4 interlinear. None of them work.
With the NA27 resources the play box appears in the upper right, but no sound and I know that my sound is working fine.
With the UBS4 resources I get the Windows voice that speaks gibberish.
I also checked for the ELNT.lbxaud file in my L4 folder and it IS there. I've also done update resources several times.
If the only thing left to do is call support, I'm international, so how does that work?
Thanks, Melissa.
Costa Rica
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StefanFeliz-Kent said:
Ok. I've tried it with NA27, NA27 interlinear, UBS4 and UBS4 interlinear. None of them work.
With the NA27 resources the play box appears in the upper right, but no sound and I know that my sound is working fine.
With the UBS4 resources I get the Windows voice that speaks gibberish.
I also checked for the ELNT.lbxaud file in my L4 folder and it IS there. I've also done update resources several times.
If the only thing left to do is call support, I'm international, so how does that work?
Stefan ~ What is the date of the ELNT.lbxaud file and what version of Logos 4 is installed? (Click on Help icon and choose Logos Bible Software to check.) If you do need to contact support, you can use the address. If needed, tech support can schedule a time to call you via Skype, or remotely connect to your computer to work on it directly.
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ELNT.lbxaud file created and last modified: Oct. 6, 2009. (I installed L4 Dec. 2)
L4 version: SR7
Costa Rica
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StefanFeliz-Kent said:
ELNT.lbxaud file created and last modified: Oct. 6, 2009. (I installed L4 Dec. 2)
L4 version: SR7
These are the same as my system. I'm curious if any other audio resources, such as the Logos Hymnal, work for you.
Since Version 4.0a is due out fairly soon, let's wait for your system to update when that's been made available, and we'll see if the update makes any difference.
Melissa0 -
Melissa Snyder said:
I'm curious if any other audio resources, such as the Logos Hymnal, work for you.
Good call! The hymnal doesn't work either. Same thing... the play box shows up but no sound.
I guess I'll wait for the update. Hope that fixes it.
Thanks a lot, Melissa.
Costa Rica
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Thanks for replying Melissa. I didn't want to bother tech support all this time because I know they are very busy nowadays. And sometimes this forum is even faster than tech support[:)]
Anyway, I tried from scratch yesterday. I removed Logos4 and reinstalled it. And with the help of the instructions I found on this forum I started L4, then killed the indexer after it wanted to start that huge download. Then I went into offline mode and did a scan on my old L4 resources folder (which I moved to another drive). After that I fired up L4 in online mode and the huge download went to about 100mb. After finishing the download, I think I had to restart L4.
After restarting L4 and waiting for it to finish whatever it wanted to do I opened up NA27 to try the audio again. This time I didn't hear the MS voice. This time I have almost the same problem like Stefan, but the Logos Hymnal works fine. The MS voice also comes up with other books.
Only with the NA27 I see like something want to happen, but it stays quiet.
I checked my folder and this time I do have the elnt.lbxaud in my resources folder. But I'm wondering about the size of the file though. How big should this resource be? The one I have in my folder is only about 50mb, which really doesn't look like much to me for a greek audio resource. If this is not the correct size, how do I get rid of it so it can re-download it? I don't see it as a book in my library, so I can't do the "hide" and then "unhide" option.
Edit: Sorry. I made a typing mistake. The file is only about 5mb
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Hi Melisa,
Thanks for your replay. Logos 4 is running on Windows 7 64-bit. I installed the Logos 4a.RC2 today. I still see the same problem. Thanks.
-Ka Liong
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The Gk NT Audio Bible works for me in v4, but only in NA27 (with the little green bouncing ball) and only after a noticable pause after asking for it to start...and I've got a very powerful computer.
I'm saddened that I've lost the capability to use this in multiple bibles/interlinears like I have in V3, and I hope this is just a temporary thing...that in a future software release, it will be fully functional again and without the 4th trimester pregnant pause.
- Ward
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Well, after upgrading to 4.0a the problem is still there. NA27 right top corner audio control comes up but no sound. I've been waiting for about 30 mins now.
Starting Logos4 I hear the welcome sound. Read aloud on a different book, I hear the MS robotic voice. Starting Logos Hymnal plays music.
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Is there a way to slow the audio bible down or make it read only a certain selection of Scripture?
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Thanks for the update about the file. The ELNT.lbxaud file should be 358 MB, so it sounds like just a partial file was installed. Close Logos 4 and delete the file. Then restart Logo so it can re-download the complete file. If Automatically Download Updates is turned on, you shouldn't have to do anything. If it is turned off, enter update resources in the Command box.
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Thanks Melissa.
I tried what you suggested but still nothing. I deleted the file, did "update resources" and my hd went busy for a while. After it was done nothing happened for a few minutes and then I got a popup about downloading updates. I clicked on it and then it downloaded something and said updates ready to be installed and had to restart or something like that. After restarting I tried the NA27 again but still no sound. The audio player in the corner comes up though.
I checked the folder again and saw the lbxaud file in there again with a size of about 5mb.
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Henry Finkle said:
Thanks Melissa.
I tried what you suggested but still nothing. I deleted the file, did "update resources" and my hd went busy for a while. After it was done nothing happened for a few minutes and then I got a popup about downloading updates. I clicked on it and then it downloaded something and said updates ready to be installed and had to restart or something like that. After restarting I tried the NA27 again but still no sound. The audio player in the corner comes up though.
I checked the folder again and saw the lbxaud file in there again with a size of about 5mb.
Please contact Customer Support, if possible, at 800-875-6467, so a tech can help you get the correct file on your system. If you are unable to call Support due to conflicting hours, or it would be an international call, and don't mind providing your email address here, I will ask someone in support to contact you.
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Thanks Melissa . I'll send a mail to them later. I think you posted the tech support mail here somewhere.
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Henry Finkle said:
Thanks Melissa . I'll send a mail to them later. I think you posted the tech support mail here somewhere.
But the phone will be faster.
Sarcasm is my love language. Obviously I love you.
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I have a question after reading this, I have the Greek Audio Bible, and it works fine on both L3 and L4. But I see the file ELNT.lbxaud in my L4 resources folder, but not in L3! Is that correct, how is it working? I did a search of my whole computer for that file and it only found the one occurrence in L4 Resources.
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Dominick Sela said:
I have a question after reading this, I have the Greek Audio Bible, and it works fine on both L3 and L4. But I see the file ELNT.lbxaud in my L4 resources folder, but not in L3! Is that correct, how is it working? I did a search of my whole computer for that file and it only found the one occurrence in L4 Resources.
The Logos 4 function and file is different than Logos 3. If the ELNT.lbxaud file is present, you should be able to open the NA27, for example, and press Ctrl+R to begin Read Aloud. However, instead of the default Read Aloud voice (Microsoft), the voice will be John Schwandt's, and there will be a visual cue on each word as the text is read.
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Melissa Snyder said:
there will be a visual cue on each word as the text is read.
I can hear John Schwandt's voice OK, but I do not see a visual cue on each word. Are you sure this it working in L4 or is it just something L3 has?
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P. Keith Larson said:Melissa Snyder said:
there will be a visual cue on each word as the text is read.
I can hear John Schwandt's voice OK, but I do not see a visual cue on each word. Are you sure this it working in L4 or is it just something L3 has?
What version of Windows is on your computer?
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P. Keith Larson said:Melissa Snyder said:
there will be a visual cue on each word as the text is read.
I can hear John Schwandt's voice OK, but I do not see a visual cue on each word. Are you sure this it working in L4 or is it just something L3 has?
I also hear Scwandt's voice on L4 in NA27, but the visual cue I see in L3 is not there. I am running Windows 7 64 bit.
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Hi Melissa,
I have the same problem (no visual cue). I reported this problem a few weeks ago. None the current updates fix the problem.
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Windows 7 64bit