Logging in



  • Keep Smiling 4 Jesus :)
    Keep Smiling 4 Jesus :) MVP Posts: 23,145

    To change file and folder ownership from "root  admin" to "Mark  staff" within ~/.config folder (in Mark's home directory): in Terminal, please run this sudo (super user do) chown (change ownership) command with -R (recursive) option:

    sudo chown -R Mark:staff /Users/Mark/.config

    Note: the sudo command prompts for password to verify authorization to become root (super user).  As root, using path to Mark's home directory since ~ is a shortcut to the current user's home directory.

    To verify ownership change in Terminal, please run this list (ls) command:

    ls -alR ~/.config

    After ownership changed, please try logging into Logos 4 Mac.

    Keep Smiling [:)]

  • Mark Rodgers
    Mark Rodgers Member Posts: 157 ✭✭

    Keep Smiling

    Thanks for that. I changed the command instead to sudo chown -R Mark /Users/Mark/.config

    It's all working now.

    On a completely separate matter - do you do any freelance work. We have a small office with an all mac setup. We have had problems with file permissions on each computer for the purposes of sharing. I was wondering if we could pay you to look at our logs and assist us in making sure we have all the file permissions set up correctly.

    If that's of interest to you feel free to email me mark (at) mrassociates (dot) org

    Once again, thanks for your help.

    Original Libronix user, living in Scotland, running 29,500 resources on Mac Studio (2022).

  • Richard Forschner
    Richard Forschner Member Posts: 1 ✭✭

    Thanks!  I was having the same problem and this worked for me!!

  • Thanks!  I was having the same problem and this worked for me!!

    Welcome [:D]

    Glad to read about this forum discussion being helpful; added Logging in section to Mac Troubleshooting wiki page.

    Keep Smiling [:)]

  • Dennis Miller
    Dennis Miller Member Posts: 222 ✭✭

    During one of the past updates I started having the logon problem also on my desktop I will try these fixes and see if it works. Funny thing though is I have the same updates on my laptop and have never had the logon issue.

  • Bmickey
    Bmickey Member Posts: 102 ✭✭

    I began having this log in issue as well a couple of weeks ago.  I too get the "Unable to change file mode..." message. Can someone walk me through the fix. I am unable to do it from the above info.



  • I began having this log in issue as well a couple of weeks ago.  I too get the "Unable to change file mode..." message. Can someone walk me through the fix. I am unable to do it from the above info.



    Welcome [:D]

    In Terminal, please run these four list (ls) commands (one at a time) and reply with output for each command:

    ls -alR ~/.config

    ls -ld ~

    ls -ld ~/.mono

    ls -ld ~/Documents

    Keep Smiling [:)]

  • Bmickey
    Bmickey Member Posts: 102 ✭✭

    Thanks so much!


    Brian-Mickeys-MacBook-Pro:~ bmickey9$ ls -alR ~/.config

    total 0

    drwxrwxrwx   3 root  admin  102 May  2 08:13 .

    drwxrwxrwx  24 root  admin  816 Jun  8 10:27 ..

    drwxrwxrwx   4 root  admin  136 May  2 08:13 .mono



    total 0

    drwxrwxrwx  4 root  admin  136 May  2 08:13 .

    drwxrwxrwx  3 root  admin  102 May  2 08:13 ..

    drwxrwxrwx  3 root  admin  102 May  2 08:13 certs

    drwxrwxrwx  3 root  admin  102 May  2 08:13 keypairs



    total 0

    drwxrwxrwx  3 root  admin  102 May  2 08:13 .

    drwxrwxrwx  4 root  admin  136 May  2 08:13 ..

    drwxrwxrwx  2 root  admin   68 May  2 08:13 Trust



    total 0

    drwxrwxrwx  2 root  admin   68 May  2 08:13 .

    drwxrwxrwx  3 root  admin  102 May  2 08:13 ..



    total 8

    drwxrwxrwx  3 root  admin   102 May  2 08:13 .

    drwxrwxrwx  4 root  admin   136 May  2 08:13 ..

    -rw-rw-rw-  1 root  admin  1448 May  2 08:13 [1][98f3a7e3-0d6e-f432-8a18-e1144b53633f][-1].xml

    Brian-Mickeys-MacBook-Pro:~ bmickey9$ 


    drwxrwxrwx  24 root  admin  816 Jun  8 10:27 /Users/bmickey9

    drwxrwxrwx  3 root  admin  102 May  2 08:13 /Users/bmickey9/.mono

    drwxrwxrwx  12 root  admin  408 Dec 18  2010 /Users/bmickey9/Documents

  • Thanks so much!

    To change bmickey9 home directory file and folder ownership from "root  admin" to "bmickey9  staff", in Terminal, please run this sudo (super user do) chown (change ownership) command with -R (recursive) option:

    sudo chown -R bmickey9:staff /Users/bmickey9

    Note: the sudo command prompts for password to verify authorization to become root (super user).  As root, using path to bmickey9's home directory since ~ is a shortcut to the current user's home directory.

    To verify ownership change in Terminal,  please run these four list (ls) directory commands (one at a time):

    ls -ld ~

    ls -ld ~/.config

    ls -ld ~/.mono

    ls -ld ~/Documents


    After ownership changed, suggest logging out and in (or restarting Mac), then try logging into Logos 4 Mac.

    Keep Smiling Smile

  • Bmickey
    Bmickey Member Posts: 102 ✭✭

    Didn't work [*-)] Here is the output from the commands above.



    Last login: Mon Jun 27 08:19:07 on console

    Brian-Mickeys-MacBook-Pro:~ bmickey9$ ls -ld ~

    drwxrwxrwx  24 bmickey9  staff  816 Jun  8 10:27 /Users/bmickey9

    Brian-Mickeys-MacBook-Pro:~ bmickey9$ ls -ld ~/.config

    drwxrwxrwx  3 bmickey9  staff  102 May  2 08:13 /Users/bmickey9/.config

    Brian-Mickeys-MacBook-Pro:~ bmickey9$ ls -ld ~/.mono

    drwxrwxrwx  3 bmickey9  staff  102 May  2 08:13 /Users/bmickey9/.mono

    Brian-Mickeys-MacBook-Pro:~ bmickey9$ ls -ld ~/Documents

    drwxrwxrwx  12 bmickey9  staff  408 Dec 18  2010 /Users/bmickey9/Documents

    Brian-Mickeys-MacBook-Pro:~ bmickey9$ 




  • Bmickey
    Bmickey Member Posts: 102 ✭✭

    I am still having this issue on my MacBook. Are there any other suggestions from anyone?



  • I am still having this issue on my MacBook. Are there any other suggestions from anyone?

    Wonder about Logos 4 Mac version ?  Perhaps use steps => Update Error  to manually update Logos 4 Mac application.

    Curious about diagnostic log content; wiki Mac Troubleshooting => How to Report Bugs in Logos 4 Mac includes link to 5504.Logos4MacLogging.app.zip (display logging setting, then optionally change); also links to Logos Log Scribe (create zip file of Logging folder with copy of console messages)

    Other option is contacting Logos Mac Support => http://www.logos.com/about/contact  With your permission, Logos can connect with desktop sharing (Monday thru Friday).

    Keep Smiling Smile

  • Bmickey
    Bmickey Member Posts: 102 ✭✭

    Anton Antig fixed me up!


    Thanks to everyone that helped.....issue solved.

  • Dennis Miller
    Dennis Miller Member Posts: 222 ✭✭

    I'm having this problem also and have had it for some time now. Just wondering why there has not been a simple answer posted here to such a simple issue. Every other app builder in existence does this without a problem but for some reason this is an unanswerable issue here. Why no options to keep logged in or a place in the app to store your user information and a check box to say whether you want auto log-in or not. Is it really that difficult or just not worth the time?

  • Bmickey
    Bmickey Member Posts: 102 ✭✭

    Dennis, I can't really answer your question, but I can tell you that my issue was a permissions issue that Anton repaired by remote login.  Give Customer Service a call and see what they can do for you. They were very helpful and were able to fix the problem. I wish I had called them back in June when the problem first started presented itself.

    Good Luck and God Bless!


  • Why no options to keep logged in or a place in the app to store your user information and a check box to say whether you want auto log-in or not.

    Observation: Logos 4 on Mac and PC does store Logos.com user account and password information.

    If Program Settings => Use Internet is Yes, then Logos 4 does an automatic login each time program is launched (allows security certificates to be updated).  Caveat: folder and file permissions can interfere with automatic login.  Occasionally Logos servers are unavailable (seem to remember a login issue for many hours one day).

    If Program Settings => Use Internet is No, then Logos 4 works offline (using resource licenses downloaded during a previous connection).

    Keep Smiling [:)]

  • Laurie Caday
    Laurie Caday Member Posts: 7 ✭✭

    I wrote this up to complete all the posts for those of us with problems the easy way.

    First thing in a word processor change Your username the username of your computer.

    When you type into Terminal: chmod 700 ~/.config/.mono/keypairs

    If you
    obtain the results: chmod: Unable to change file mode on /Users/Your username/.config/.mono/keypairs: Operation not permitted

    You will need to first type in:  sudo chown -R Your username /Users/Your username/.config

    Hit return. You have signed in as
    the superuser, or root user.

    Next type in: ls -alR
    and hit return.
    You will not see anything happen but it has.

    Next type in: ls -ld ~ and hit return. You will not see anything happen
    but it has.

    Next type in: ls -ld ~/.mono and hit return. You will not see anything happen
    but it has

    Next type in: ls -ld ~/Document and hit return. You will not see anything happen
    but it has

    The next time you login, it will be the last time you will
    use your login and password. Then quit Logos. The next time you start Logos,
    all your woes will disappear.