BUG: 2-Column mode often fails to give two columns

JimTowler Member Posts: 1,383 ✭✭✭
edited November 2024 in English Forum

On the iPad, I generally leave it set to 2-column mode. However, it often fails to work.

In some cases, its been in 2-col mode for some time, and on a page-turn it drops back to 1-col. In some cases, setting rotation unlock, and turning the iPad 90 degrees left and back restores the two columns.

Also, after using search or one of the other screens, and on returning to "Read", the 2-cols are gone yet again. Again, sometimes rotating the device and back will restore it.

Also, changing font size seems to impact this. In "auto" I can understand its doing best-effort, but when I set to 2, thats what I would expect it to stay in.

Please review and fix for next update if possible. Thanks.

