NIV on iPad

Dan Member Posts: 13 ✭✭
edited November 2024 in English Forum

Hello! I love Logos and can we please get the NIV to be able to read on the iPad! It's the most common Bible as you know - and would be so helpful to be able to read on the iPad for  personal Bible reading and study via the iPad. 

Tercarta Bible, Olive Tree and YouVersion all have the apps to be able to read the NIV and the NIV2011 on the iPad. So I have been going to them for my reading.  But it would be great to have Logos catch up to them and be able to read the NIV on iPad through Logos.

I love Logos and read the NIV as my primary Bible and the new 2011 version is great - so it is sad I can't read the any of the NIV's on Logos. I use Logos for everything but reading my Bible (I want to - but you can't via Logos on iPad).  So I have to go to other apps who have it. 

Is there a reason we can't read the NIV on iPad and those other apps have it already? And is there a date for when we can read the NIV on our iPads vis Logos?

Thank you so much!!!  Again, I love Logos! 



  • Kevin Becker
    Kevin Becker Member Posts: 5,604 ✭✭✭

    Hey Dan,

    Logos needs permission from publishers to push books out to the iOS app (and etc.). This is because it is a form of distribution not anticipated by their initial contracts. So far Logos has been unable to get permission to do this. They have said that they are working on it; will they succeed in convincing the NIV's copyright holder? I don't know.

  • John Kight
    John Kight Member Posts: 1,618 ✭✭✭

    Hi Dan!,

    Your not alone. Alot of users are anticipating the usage of NIV on the IOS App. As far as my knowledge runs the power is not in the hand of Logos rather its in the hands of the publisher.

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  • Dan
    Dan Member Posts: 13 ✭✭

    I wonder how Tercarta Bible, Olive Tree and YouVersion all got the NIV and NIV2010 apps to read on iPad?

    I am using both Olive Tree and Tercarta now for my Bible reading on iPad since they do. But would much rather be reading it on Logos. 

  • LaRosa Johnson
    LaRosa Johnson Member Posts: 603 ✭✭

    I wonder how Tercarta Bible, Olive Tree and YouVersion all got the NIV and NIV2010 apps to read on iPad?

    Because with those apps you're purchasing a license for the NIV. The philosophy & model that Logos is trying to push is that you only purchase a book once, and you can use it for all your devices, which some publishers don't like. Publishers would rather have you purchase another license to use the book on a different device/medium.

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  • Dan
    Dan Member Posts: 13 ✭✭

    It would be helpful if we could then purchase the NIV for iPad usage if the issue is buying it for iPad. I would gladly buy it if I could read it via Logos.

  • lostlogik
    lostlogik Member Posts: 187 ✭✭

    It would be helpful if we could then purchase the NIV for iPad usage if the issue is buying it for iPad. I would gladly buy it if I could read it via Logos.

    And that's where you and I differ. I already gave a licence to use it on my PC. I don't see why I should have to buy another licence to use it on my iPhone. I don't buy more than one copy of the NIV so that I can read one in my livingroom, or maybe on the train or even before I go to sleep. I just take the book to the different locations.
    Then there is also the matter of managing all the licences. If Logos had to start managing multi-customer licences for different books and different computers/devices I'd imagine it would soon become a headache.


    I don't profess to know the solution but I do know I prefer the Logos one licence any device approach and will wait for them to resolve it their way.

  • Mike Childs
    Mike Childs Member Posts: 3,134 ✭✭✭

    I am sure Logos could arrange for us to purchase an additional license to use NIV on the app.  Most of us would be willing to do that just for the NIV.   However, keep in mind that once you start that every publisher will want you to buy a second license to use their products.  You would have to buy your whold library twice.

    Logos is doing us a big favor by insisting on one license.  Be patient.

    Maybe we should all be emailing the NIV publisher to register to complain?

    "In all cases, the Church is to be judged by the Scripture, not the Scripture by the Church," John Wesley

  • nicky crane
    nicky crane Member Posts: 1,374 ✭✭✭

    Maybe we should all be emailing the NIV publisher to register to complain?

    I think you should!  I personally don't use the NIV aS DEFAULT bIBLE, but I do appreciate the problem for those who do.

  • Chuckk Gerwig
    Chuckk Gerwig Member Posts: 37 ✭✭

    Hi Dan I didnt know u joined the ipad ranks w/ Logos.  I did too and it's pretty fabulous.


  • Tom Geswein
    Tom Geswein Member Posts: 235 ✭✭

    I contacted the publisher recently and I think everyone should, that has any concern about this.  If they hear enough complaints, maybe something will get done.  I didn't hear anything back from them, but I think it would make a difference if enough people made their voice heard.

    "It seems our problems solve themselves when we look beyond us to those truly in hell."  -  Beyond Our Suffering - AILD

  • Ryan Schatz
    Ryan Schatz Member Posts: 147 ✭✭

    I contacted Zondervan at the end of April on this issue and they said that they were working with Logos to come to an agreement 'soon'.  It is now 2 months later and still nothing.  To top it off, there is another bible app on that is 100% free and includes the NIV.  So Zondervan is making no royalties on that at least none that I have to pay.

    What is up, Logos?

  • Richard Hendricks
    Richard Hendricks Member Posts: 26 ✭✭

    I think part of the problem is how Logos resources are provided to us. We can access the resources on our computer (PC/Mac), or we can access them online (via the web or the iOS App). The stumbling block appears to be the online part.

    The Florida based Bible software company has things setup such that you can download resources from their servers to be stored on your computer (Mac/PC with emulator) AND on your iPhone/iPad. However, they don't allow you to access these resources online on the web.

    The web access part may be the critical difference.

  • Bob Pritchett
    Bob Pritchett Member, Logos Employee Posts: 2,280

    What is up, Logos?

    You're asking the wrong party in this transaction. ;-)

  • Armin
    Armin Member Posts: 1,512 ✭✭✭


    Is there any resolution in sight? How can we as Logos community contribute to getting this resolved?


  • Dan
    Dan Member Posts: 13 ✭✭

    I love Logos on my laptop. But I mainly use "Glo" the Bible program now on my iPhone and iPad as they have had the new NIV on it and you can use it on laptop, iPad or iPhone. I love the NIV and use the other programs now (NIV Plus app). Hopefully one day Logos will have the ability to have NIV on the iPhone as I use Logos on my laptop all the time. 

  • Ryan Schatz
    Ryan Schatz Member Posts: 147 ✭✭

    What is up, Logos?

    You're asking the wrong party in this transaction. ;-)

    Hi Bob,

    I have already asked Zondervan and they said they were in discussions with Logos and hoped to resolve it soon.  So it seems that what they mean by this is if you agree to their terms, it will be resolved. [*-)]

    I downloaded the free youversion Bible app and I discovered what may be the way to get by for now.  They allow you do download almost every Bible in the app except for anything from the NIV family.  I can view the NIV and NIV84 and even listen to Max McLean read it (cool!), but I can't download it.

    Would it satisfy Zondervan if you provided the NIV/NIV84 as only network accessible within the app?  At least that way I'll have access to it most of the time without having to use another app.  Then one day (hopefully in the next decade or before Logos5), Zondervan will allow Logos to include the NIV as downloadable.


  • Ryan Schatz
    Ryan Schatz Member Posts: 147 ✭✭

    I think part of the problem is how Logos resources are provided to us. We can access the resources on our computer (PC/Mac), or we can access them online (via the web or the iOS App). The stumbling block appears to be the online part.

    The Florida based Bible software company has things setup such that you can download resources from their servers to be stored on your computer (Mac/PC with emulator) AND on your iPhone/iPad. However, they don't allow you to access these resources online on the web.

    The web access part may be the critical difference.

    Actually, I'm not sure of this.  It may be the other way around.  The NIV is accessible from many resources through a web interface.  In fact, I have no problem even right now accessing the NIV using Logos' online tool, biblia.  So it must be that they don't want you to download it onto an iPhone/iPad.  What is wrong with Zondervan?  Sheesh.

  • Dan
    Dan Member Posts: 13 ✭✭

    Ryan - I bought the NIV with YouVersion, so I can have it with me all the time without going online. So they have the option now of buying it a fairly cheap price so you don't have to be on the web to read it. Same with Glo and with Olive Tree NIV Plus. 

  • JT (alabama24)
    JT (alabama24) MVP Posts: 36,523

    I have already asked Zondervan and they said they were in discussions with Logos and hoped to resolve it soon.  So it seems that what they mean by this is if you agree to their terms, it will be resolved. Confused

    Ryan - 

    There was some discussion a while back that perhaps Zondervan was asking Logos users to pay twice for the NIV. Logos, of course, is of the view that we should be able to view our resources whenever, and wherever we want to. This very well may be the sticking point.

    I downloaded the free youversion Bible app and I discovered what may be the way to get by for now.  They allow you do download almost every Bible in the app except for anything from the NIV family.  I can view the NIV and NIV84 and even listen to Max McLean read it (cool!), but I can't download it.

    Of course there is a big difference between Logos and YouVersion. Logos is a for profit company, and YouVersion is a not-for-profit company. Zondervan may get a tax write off when they allow YouVersion to use their translation.


    I bought the NIV with YouVersion, so I can have it with me all the time without going online. So they have the option now of buying it a fairly cheap price so you don't have to be on the web to read it.

    Dan - 

    You must be confused with something else. YouVersion is not-for-profit and does not sell anything, cheap or otherwise. It is true that, for a brief period of time, users could download the NIV2011. This was limited time and in conjunction with the 400th anniversary of the KJV and the launch of the NIV2011. You can no longer download the NIV.

    My screen shot below shows that I have downloaded the NIV (which is the 2011 version). The "old" NIV is now called the NIV84. You will notice that it has not been downloaded and cannot be. The NASB is available for download, and I have not done so, which is evidenced by the green circle with download image.






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  • Dan
    Dan Member Posts: 13 ✭✭

    Hello!  Yes, I meant the NIV 2011 version is the one I downloaded. I am using it right now and looking at it. I also use the NIV 2011 on Glo and on the NIV Plus app from Olive Tree. So I use those on my iPhone and iPad and await Logos to get the NIV 2011 so I can use my Logos more on those. Looking forward to when it finally is settled so we can have the NIV on Logos. 


  • Alan Charles Gielczyk
    Alan Charles Gielczyk Member Posts: 776 ✭✭

    The problem here is Zondervan. The solution is simple, pick another translation. Many aspects of Zondervan's business model falls short of being christian and their arrogance concerning the NIV not being the least. It is not that great a translation and the update has made it a just plain bad translation. Let your voice be heard by Zondervan and move to a different translation!