What kind of books does Logos publish?

Bob Pritchett
Bob Pritchett Member, Logos Employee Posts: 2,280
edited November 2024 in English Forum

If there’s one adage businesses follow, it’s “Avoid discussing religion and politics.”

Alas, this people-pleasing path of non-offense is not available to a Bible software company. Not one of the thousands of books available for Logos Bible Software is wholly acceptable to all of our customers. And that includes the Bible: every modern translation has critics who believe it corrupts the truth, and every edition of ancient text is likewise considered suspect by some Christian brother or sister.

It’s been 20 years since the leadership of Logos first confronted the question of whether or not we would make available an electronic book that we didn’t personally agree with theologically. We decided that we would; we believed that our users were interested in personal study, and that they could evaluate each book, author, and publisher on their public statements and reputation, and that it was unnecessary for us to add another theological filter which only reflected our personal positions.

And we discovered there were even some theological disagreements between the three company founders. To sell only what all three of us could recommend without reservation would be to offer few tools at all.

In the years that followed Logos Bible Software grew from a small tool with a few Bible translations into a digital library of wide scope. And it seems like someone has called to complain about every single thing we’ve made available, up to and including the English dictionary. (There are vulgar words in the dictionary, and the mother who called me wanted us to remove them so children couldn’t encounter or look them up.)

I’ve taken angry calls from people who I respect as leaders and teachers. I’ve taken calls from people who I think espouse heresy. And I’ve taken calls from people whose positions simply strike me as silly.

All these people who have objected to content Logos sells have been sincere, passionate about God’s Word and His truth, and wanted nothing but to keep others from inducement to error. I can’t help but respect that, and I am the same way.

I want to speak up for the truth. I want to challenge those who are in error, to call out false doctrine and poor teaching, and to be unashamed of the Gospel. And I am: in my home, in my church, and in one-on-one conversations. Were I called to preach, I would do so with boldness and authority.

But I am called, for now, to an office, not a pulpit. And in this office we create, sell, and support a library. And I believe that a library is a useful thing, and that it is useful even when it contains error, heresy, the silly and the sacred. Because students and teachers alike need access to resources to learn, to grow, to be encouraged and challenged and corrected, and even to refute.

There is room for a church on every corner, and for a book to be published expounding on each theological distinction. It is possible for us as individuals to live and teach without compromise on even the smallest point; we can even maintain a church united in a specific understanding of the truth. But a library can rarely grow beyond a single book without some compromise, and we’d all find it frustrating if each library (or digital library tool) was restricted to one viewpoint.

Are there no limits then? Can a library contain anything?

Well, yes. In a large enough library (or bookstore) you will find the sacred and the obscene, shelved in equanimity. (Check under “Art” to see them side-by-side.) But in many cases a library takes a label that provides a filter: Medical Library, Law Library, Children’s Library. Or, even more specifically, My Library – we each have one.

Logos offers a Bible Library. If the book references the Bible, is related to the Bible, talks about the Bible, or is of use to people who study the Bible, it fits in our library.

But isn’t Logos a Christian company? I believe X, and I’m okay with your having books from the slightly misguided believers in Y, but the people who believe in Z aren’t even Christians!

True. For many values of Z, I agree with you: they’re beyond the bounds of orthodoxy. But Logos is a library, not a church, and the Z-content relates to the Bible and its study, whether you choose to read it for instruction or in order to refute it.

How can we trust Logos then?

Good question. And here is where, for the first time in 20 years, the answer has changed; there are now two parts:

The historic answer: As an electronic bookseller, Logos Bible Software does not represent any theological filter (and never has). You should not assume that every electronic book we sell represents orthodox Christian belief, or any particular understanding of such. What you can be sure of is that content we sell is labeled with the author, publisher, and other descriptive metadata that will help you identify who is responsible for the content. We trust that our users will exercise discernment in their choice of digital content just as they would when walking through a paper library or bookstore, and we will soon be adding support for user reviews and ratings where you can get and share other perspectives beyond the marketing copy from a book’s dust-jacket.

The new, second part: Recently Logos has become something of a publisher. We create and sell Bible Study Magazine, the Lexham English Bible, HD Commentary, Evangelical Exegetical Commentary, and more. It’s fair to ask what theological perspective is behind these publications. And the answer is “Evangelical Christian.” Logos Bible Software is a member of the Evangelical Christian Publishers Association, and we subscribe to the Statement of Faith of the Association (http://www.ecpa.org/?page=about_ecpa).

When Logos Bible Software is the publisher, you can expect that the work does not conflict with this statement of faith. In the future we may choose to publish works aligned with even more detailed statements of faith, in which case they will be clearly indicated.

Logos Bible Software exists to serve everyone who studies the Bible. Our offering a large library of content is not an attempt to minimize the importance of theology or right discernment in even the smallest details. It is rather an affirmation of our belief in sola scriptura (“Scripture alone”): as an organization that sells thousands of books we dare not draw a line and say these 10,000 books are orthodox and these 10,000 are not. We don’t have the courage (or the time or wisdom) to make that call. We draw the line at Scripture, and consider everything beyond a resource to be read and considered with discernment.

For many years Logos has sold Jewish works and the Koran, among other obviously non-Christian resources. When I point this out to customers upset that we are selling this or that book containing poor doctrine they explain that the difference is that no Christian will be accidentally misled by the Koran, which missionaries/apologists/researchers have need to reference, but the book they’re worried about “looks Christian.”

Sadly, there is in our world much that “looks Christian” but which represents something other than the Gospel. We must ourselves be discerning; no pastor or editor or Bible software company can relieve us of the responsibility to rightly divide the word of truth.

Logos Bible Software will soon be offering general Christian books in e-book format. We’ll be partnering with Christian publishers to offer all of their electronic titles for our Vyrso e-Book Reader, which is compatible with Logos Bible Software 4. The number of titles offered for Logos will more than double very quickly. In this new, larger catalog I know you will find many books you have long wanted to have available digitally. I also know that there are authors and titles there that both you and I wish had never been published. But that’s the price of a large library, and a consequence of the fact that we might actually disagree on some particulars, even while finding unity in essentials.

Moving forward we at Logos will try to do an even better job helping you understand what’s what among the books in our library. We will continue to publish Jewish, Muslim, Catholic, Orthodox, and denominationally-specific works. (Along with academic works by atheists and agnostics.) We will, however, make it clear who the author is, who the publisher is, and the faith tradition of the work. Our own publications, however, will continue to reflect an evangelical perspective. (Some technical and academic works from Logos will contain contributions from non-evangelical scholars, but nothing contrary to our statement of faith.)

We hold Scripture in the highest regard and believe in its unique authority. We see it as the job of the Bible student and Bible teacher to interpret and apply God’s Word, and we have intentionally (and consistently) taken the position that as a business we serve Bible study best by offering a large library and powerful tools, rather than a small library reflecting our own (strongly held) theological positions. 

I know that some of you agree, but only to a point, believing that this position or that, or this book or that book, are one step too far outside the fold. But I hope that in a world where every modern Bible translation, point of theology, author and pastor has a sincere and thoughtful critic, you can appreciate the value of a library that doesn’t take sides, and come to value Logos Bible Software as a useful tool whose content must still be approached with discernment, like any library, bookstore, radio, television or even the Internet.

I welcome your thoughts and feedback; you can reach me at bob@logos.com or by calling 360-527-1700.


Bob Pritchett

President/CEO, Logos Bible Software




  • Matthew C Jones
    Matthew C Jones Member Posts: 10,295

    We must ourselves be discerning; no pastor or editor or Bible software company can relieve us of the responsibility to rightly divide the word of truth.

    Thank you for reminding us of our personal responsibility.

    With God's help, all students of the Bible can seek, find, and obey the truth.


    Logos 7 Collectors Edition

  • Ryan
    Ryan Member Posts: 152

    Bob, thank you for this post.

    I agree theologically, philosophically, and politically.

  • MJ. Smith
    MJ. Smith MVP Posts: 54,175

    We will continue to publish Jewish, Muslim, Catholic, Orthodox, and denominationally-specific works. (Along with academic works by atheists and agnostics.) We will, however, make it clear who the author is, who the publisher is, and the faith tradition of the work. Our own publications, however, will continue to reflect an evangelical perspective

    [Y] and I fear you'll need many prayers and much wisdom to determine the "faith tradition of the work" for many works.

    Orthodox Bishop Alfeyev: "To be a theologian means to have experience of a personal encounter with God through prayer and worship."; Orthodox proverb: "We know where the Church is, we do not know where it is not."

  • Todd Phillips
    Todd Phillips Member Posts: 6,735 ✭✭✭

    MJ. Smith said:

    We will continue to publish Jewish, Muslim, Catholic, Orthodox, and denominationally-specific works. (Along with academic works by atheists and agnostics.) We will, however, make it clear who the author is, who the publisher is, and the faith tradition of the work. Our own publications, however, will continue to reflect an evangelical perspective

    Yes and I fear you'll need many prayers and much wisdom to determine the "faith tradition of the work" for many works.

    There could be an "unknown" or "unspecified" category for those books which are not from a publisher or individual with a known perspective.

    MacBook Pro (2019), ThinkPad E540

  • Al
    Al Member Posts: 105 ✭✭


    I appreciate your very thorough stating of the philosophy of Logos - both the historical framework and the new framework that exists because Logos is now publishing its own materials.

    While I am not an evangelical in the main usage of that term these days, I do find myself - and I think if we really thought about it, all of us - whether conservative, moderate, liberal, pentecostal, charismatic, evangelical, mainline, whatever terminologies we wish to use - are in far more agreement than we are in disagreement. I would suspect that the tent is much larger than we often think it is.

    Thanks for products Logos produces - the ones I'm very happy with, the ones that challenge me, and even the ones that exist on the hard drive without any interaction with me.

  • JimTowler
    JimTowler Member Posts: 1,383 ✭✭✭

    Thanks Bob! Your position above is one I am happy to work with. Thankyou for such a statement, as it seems clear you have spent time on the words and the position they stand for.

  • MJ. Smith
    MJ. Smith MVP Posts: 54,175

    There could be an "unknown" or "unspecified" category for those books which are not from a publisher or individual with a known perspective.

    Actually the author who came to mind is "several of the above" - I'm thinking of Jaroslav Pelikan who wrote as a Lutheran who sounded Catholic but became Orthodox.[:)]

    Orthodox Bishop Alfeyev: "To be a theologian means to have experience of a personal encounter with God through prayer and worship."; Orthodox proverb: "We know where the Church is, we do not know where it is not."

  • Milford Charles Murray
    Milford Charles Murray Member Posts: 5,004 ✭✭✭

    MJ. Smith said:

    There could be an "unknown" or "unspecified" category for those books which are not from a publisher or individual with a known perspective.

    Actually the author who came to mind is "several of the above" - I'm thinking of Jaroslav Pelikan who wrote as a Lutheran who sounded Catholic but became Orthodox.Smile

    Peace, Martha!                            *smile*

                         That is an incredibly good point!                        Great thinking!                     Right to the heart of the matter .......................

    Philippians 4:  4 Rejoice in the Lord always; again I will say, Rejoice. 5 Let your reasonableness be known to everyone. The Lord is at hand..........

  • Ward Walker
    Ward Walker Member Posts: 1,213 ✭✭✭

    ...The number of titles offered for Logos will more than double very quickly...

    I've got the "own us onus" & I need a wealthy benefactor in order to feed my literary addiction..[;)]

    Fortunately L4 doesn't make it as apparent in-app as L3 did WRT how many resources I hadn't "unlocked"...


  • Clifford B. Kvidahl
    Clifford B. Kvidahl Member Posts: 235 ✭✭


    I have never had a problem with Logos selling books that are not "evangelical." You could sell the Book of Mormon (which I sometimes wish you did, just to have for reference), and I would not question your company's convictions or beliefs. Like you mentioned, we as users are building a library for personal study. We can pick what we want to buy and what we do not want, it is that simple. Sometimes we as Christians get so caught up in things like this we go nuts.

    As to your publishing books, I can see your point. You have a certain standard you must abide by as members of a publishing group. Also, as creators or publishers of something, you have a different standard to operate by.

    Anyways, keep on doing what you are all doing, and I will keep supporting (read buying) you as a company.


  • Mark Smith
    Mark Smith MVP Posts: 11,806

    Thank you for the explanation and the stand you've taken. I agree with what you are doing.

    Just because a book is made available in my favorite format doesn't mean I need to buy it, but at least I can if I choose to.

    The growth of Logos' offerings in the past couple of years has been amazing to me. I don't need it all nor am I interested in owning a lot of it, but someone is and I'm glad they have the chance to use it, and I have the chance to use the new resources you've been able to provide.

    Pastor, North Park Baptist Church

    Bridgeport, CT USA

  • Michael Anda
    Michael Anda Member Posts: 497

    Anyways, keep on doing what you are all doing, and I will keep supporting (read buying) you as a company.





  • Jacob Hantla
    Jacob Hantla MVP Posts: 3,872

    Perfect response, Bob. Thank you.

    Jacob Hantla
    Pastor/Elder, Grace Bible Church

  • Matt Hamrick
    Matt Hamrick Member Posts: 1,284

    [Y] Thanks for your time and response Bob. Please keep doing what you are doing. Your products help more people than you know.

  • Mike Childs
    Mike Childs Member Posts: 3,134 ✭✭✭

    Well said, and wise policy. Thanks, Mr. Bob.

    "In all cases, the Church is to be judged by the Scripture, not the Scripture by the Church," John Wesley

  • T MacLeod
    T MacLeod Member Posts: 112 ✭✭

    I don't know why people expect Logos to be the guardian at the gate of "orthodoxy" and protect them from buying something that "looks" orthodox but isn't. If you can download Logos books, you almost certainly have access to Google. It's not hard to do some research.

  • Michael G. Halpern
    Michael G. Halpern Member Posts: 266 ✭✭

    Excellently and eloquently stated sir.  Thank you and blessing to you and the Logos family.

  • Dave Hooton
    Dave Hooton MVP Posts: 35,938

    I welcome your thoughts and feedback;

    Well stated and timely.


    Windows 11 & Android 13

  • Bohuslav Wojnar
    Bohuslav Wojnar Member Posts: 3,473 ✭✭✭

    Thank you Bob so much for that very well explained philosophy of Logos.

    I almost dare to say, if that recent argument on the forums made you to write this, it was worth of the pain to go through all of it. [:)]

    I suggest your post is made easily available both in forums and in Logos Web or Blog.

    Thank you very much for an excellent work. [Y]


  • Graham Criddle
    Graham Criddle MVP Posts: 32,911


    I really appreciate your post and thank you and Logos for the technology you provide that has enabled me to study the Bible much more effectively


  • David Matthew
    David Matthew Member Posts: 169

    A sound policy, I believe. Over the years, while I've fed well on books espousing my own theological position, I've been more challenged by books from different perspectives. Indeed, that is what has helped establish me in my own position. So well said, Bob. We Christians don't need to run scared.

  • Jack Caviness
    Jack Caviness MVP Posts: 13,551

    I almost dare to say, if that recent argument on the forums made you to write this, it was worth of the pain to go through all of it. Smile

    Very well stated Bohuslav.

    Bob, thank you for that superb summary. Thanks you for the wide range of materials offered in Logos. I especially appreciate the statement concerning materials published by Logos.

    We Christians don't need to run scared.

    [Y] [Y] [Y] [Y] [Y] [Y] 

  • TCBlack
    TCBlack Member Posts: 10,979 ✭✭✭

    Well Said Bob!


    I am grateful that I can study multiple viewpoints to help me avoid setting up the logical fallacy of the straw man argument.  

    I like my library and like others wish I could grow it faster.  But I am content. (well...trying to be)  :-)


    Thank you Bob so much for that very well explained philosophy of Logos.

    I almost dare to say, if that recent argument on the forums made you to write this, it was worth of the pain to go through all of it. Smile

    I suggest your post is made easily available both in forums and in Logos Web or Blog.

    Thank you very much for an excellent work. Yes


    Ok, I'm going back on vacation now.[H]


    Hmm Sarcasm is my love language. Obviously I love you. 

  • Rev Chris
    Rev Chris Member Posts: 570

    I'll add my thumbs up as well, Bob. (even though I can't make the graphic on my iPad!) ;)

    Pastor, seminary trustee, and app developer.  Check out my latest app for churches: The Church App

  • Lynden O. Williams
    Lynden O. Williams MVP Posts: 9,001

    I join my voice in singing in harmony with the rest of those on this thread. Only wish that I had the money to purchase more of the resources. 

    See my signature.

    Mission: To serve God as He desires.

  • Lynden O. Williams
    Lynden O. Williams MVP Posts: 9,001

    Ok, I'm going back on vacation now

    I am in my first of four weeks Thomas. But I thought that was the reason why we took vacations, so we could spend more time on the forums. [;)]

    Mission: To serve God as He desires.

  • Terry Poperszky
    Terry Poperszky Member Posts: 1,576

    Good luck Bob, personally I am uneasy with the path you have chosen, but frankly I don't see how you can do anything else.




  • Jack Hairston
    Jack Hairston Member Posts: 1,088 ✭✭✭

    Bravo, Bob! What a br-r-rave laddie you are. May angels continue to protect you.

  • spitzerpl
    spitzerpl Member Posts: 4,998

    Great post, Bob. I believe your rational is sound. If I were in your shoes, aside from the fact that Logos would have went belly up years ago due to lack of business competence, I believe I would have made the same decision.