What purpose in suggesting new titles here?

Jim Dean
Jim Dean Member Posts: 314 ✭✭✭
edited November 2024 in English Forum

Just curious - new to the group and still trying to learn what topics are appropriate.

For years I was told to send in requests for new titles to suggest@logos.com and was *assured* repeatedly that they were regularly reviewed.

So, I'm wondering if those of you who make such requests here, have also done that - if not, have y'all been told that L also collects the requests from here?

Seems like a lot of posts are in this category ... if it's not really accomplishing anything, maybe redirection to suggest@logos.com would help "tailor" the forum traffic.

Just an idea - fwiw Smile

Redeeming the time (Eph.5:16+Col.4:5) ... Win 10, iOS & iPadOS 16
Jim Dean


  • Donovan R. Palmer
    Donovan R. Palmer Member, MVP Posts: 2,795

    JimDean said:

    Seems like a lot of posts are in this category ... if it's not really accomplishing anything, maybe redirection to suggest@logos.com would help "tailor" the forum traffic.

    I would hope they would continue to encourage/allow people to make suggestions here in public. By doing so, sometimes someone suggests something for which we can see others lend their support to. It can be sort of a public voting system of sorts.

  • spitzerpl
    spitzerpl Member Posts: 4,998 ✭✭✭

    JimDean said:

    For years I was told to send in requests for new titles to suggest@logos.com and was *assured* repeatedly that they were regularly reviewed.

    Bob and Phil (Bob = President, Phil Gons = Logos' Public relations guy...I think) keep a pretty good eye on these forums..or at least they did with the newsgroups. They may not always respond, but they always seem to be listening.

  • Floyd  Johnson
    Floyd Johnson Member Posts: 4,007 ✭✭✭

    JimDean said:

    For years I was told to send in requests for new titles to suggest@logos.com and was *assured* repeatedly that they were regularly reviewed.



    The forums are too new, but I do know that a number of suggestions that I have made via the newsgroups in the past (sometimes distant past) have made it into pre-pub.  The two sets of Wesleyan commentaries were first suggested by me sometime ago, as was the theological volume by Miley.  Two of these three have now gone into production - the third is still waiting enough buyers to make the transition.  My original list incuded a number of other resources (e.g. Watson and Pope have each written excellent multivolume theologies) that I would like to see move into pre-pub.  My guess is that we need to be patient.



  • J.R. Miller
    J.R. Miller Member Posts: 3,566 ✭✭✭

    We must also keep in mind, that Logos cannot do anything without the publisher's agreement.  

    We can want it.

    Logos can want it.

    But if the publisher does not want it... it wont happen.  

    I am sure this all takes quite a bit of effort on Logos' part to negotiate deals and royalties, etc...

    So if someone really wants a book, post a suggestion here, send it via email, and then contact the publisher directly with your request.  That helps Logos in their negotiations because it demonstrates customer interest and potential increase in market / revenues.

    My Books in Logos & FREE Training

  • Donovan R. Palmer
    Donovan R. Palmer Member, MVP Posts: 2,795

    We must also keep in mind, that Logos cannot do anything without the publisher's agreement.  

    This is true. I think though that the tide is starting to change in that publishers are starting to recognize they can't ignore digital publishing. One thing we can do is continue to send feedback to these publishers directly and encourage them to publish on platforms of our preference... i.e. Libronix, kindle, etc. I am still convinced one day Zondervan will choose to publish on platforms other than pradis, so I regularly feedback through their customer source channels that I would like to see specific materials that I am using on Libronix.

  • Ed Blough
    Ed Blough Member Posts: 98 ✭✭

    There have been some great replies here but no one has really answered the question. Is Logos now using this site or  Suggest@logos to receive feedback on new book request?  The answer could be they are using both, or they would like to shift to this site or they still prefer requests to be made at Suggest@logos . 

    I think someone from Logos needs to answer this question giving Logos' perferred method.


  • spitzerpl
    spitzerpl Member Posts: 4,998 ✭✭✭

    EdBlough said:

    I think someone from Logos needs to answer this question giving Logos' perferred method.

    Just in case someone from Logos doesn't reply I'll give my opinion :-) Since this is a replacement to the newsgroups I assume the same method applies as has always applied which I believe is Suggest@logos is #1, suggest forum #2, and both work equally well at relaying information to Logos.

  • Jim Dean
    Jim Dean Member Posts: 314 ✭✭✭

    EdBlough said:

    There have been some great replies here but no one has really answered the question. Is Logos now using this site or  Suggest@logos to receive feedback on new book request?  The answer could be they are using both, or they would like to shift to this site or they still prefer requests to be made at Suggest@logos . 

    I think someone from Logos needs to answer this question giving Logos' perferred method.


    I agree.  Would someone from Logos please reply.

    As a newby, I did not realize the forum was not to be used for discussion about Bible content.  I apologized, and intend to follow the rules in the future.  However, the rules are not clear to me at all.  My opinion (not that it matters) is that the proliferation of multiple posts that attempt to cajole L to add particular books is NOT a particularly welcome practice.  My inbox needs clearing out very regularly, and there does not seem to be any segregation on the forum for such requests that I can selectively discontinue.

    IF L determines that it is OK to put such requests (for books) on the forum, I'd ask that you PLEASE establish a separate folder for them, and allow us to indicate that we don't want automatic feed to our inboxes from that folder, while still maintaining autofeed from other folders.  In fact, more folders of this independently-controllable nature would be very helpful.


    Redeeming the time (Eph.5:16+Col.4:5) ... Win 10, iOS & iPadOS 16
    Jim Dean

  • Jim Dean
    Jim Dean Member Posts: 314 ✭✭✭

    JimDean said:

    IF L determines that it is OK to put such requests (for books) on the forum, I'd ask that you PLEASE establish a separate folder for them, and allow us to indicate that we don't want automatic feed to our inboxes from that folder, while still maintaining autofeed from other folders.  In fact, more folders of this independently-controllable nature would be very helpful.

    To clarify, I am requesting a folder dedicated SOLELY to requests for new resources(books), distinct from other suggestions or requests about features of the program.  Along with that folder, the "rules of the road" should state that ALL such (book) suggestions should go to that folder.  That way, people who ARE interested in proposing and commenting and soliciting "votes" will be able to focus their attention on those activities, while others, who are content with just sending in the suggestion to suggest@logos.com, will not be burdened with the multitude of postings about it.

    Nuff said - need L feedback, please.


    Redeeming the time (Eph.5:16+Col.4:5) ... Win 10, iOS & iPadOS 16
    Jim Dean

  • Steve Workman
    Steve Workman Member, Logos Employee Posts: 282

    Hey guys,

    The forums is something we do keep an eye on much like the newsgroups.  The best place for suggestions or feedback is still suggest@logos.com or for mac feedback would be macfeedback@logos.com.  That said, if a topic gets a lot of interest that we will still consider creating a new book if possible.  But the email address is the go to place.  I hope that helps shed some light.

  • Jack Caviness
    Jack Caviness MVP Posts: 13,588

    Hey guys,

    The forums is something we do keep an eye on much like the newsgroups.  The best place for suggestions or feedback is still suggest@logos.com or for mac feedback would be macfeedback@logos.com.  That said, if a topic gets a lot of interest that we will still consider creating a new book if possible.  But the email address is the go to place.  I hope that helps shed some light.

    But with email suggestions you get a single request for a resource that others may not even know exists. When the suggestion is posted on the forum, more people who are interested can add their affirmation.


  • Ed Blough
    Ed Blough Member Posts: 98 ✭✭

    Hey guys,

    The forums is something we do keep an eye on much like the newsgroups.  The best place for suggestions or feedback is still suggest@logos.com or for mac feedback would be macfeedback@logos.com.  That said, if a topic gets a lot of interest that we will still consider creating a new book if possible.  But the email address is the go to place.  I hope that helps shed some light.

    But with email suggestions you get a single request for a resource that others may not even know exists. When the suggestion is posted on the forum, more people who are interested can add their affirmation.




    I agree I would think forum would be the go to place For Logos to get an idea of what LOGOS' customer base wants. It seems like e-mail method in myopic because no else knows what has been suggested. With E-mail good ideas are single appeals for implementation where on the forum an idea can be reviewed and many people can jump on the bandwagon.  However if Logos doesn't response to forum entries on a regular basis people will lose interest fast.


  • Donovan R. Palmer
    Donovan R. Palmer Member, MVP Posts: 2,795

    EdBlough said:

    I agree I would think forum would be the go to place For Logos to get an idea of what LOGOS' customer base wants. It seems like e-mail method in myopic because no else knows what has been suggested. With E-mail good ideas are single appeals for implementation where on the forum an idea can be reviewed and many people can jump on the bandwagon.  However if Logos doesn't response to forum entries on a regular basis people will lose interest fast.

    The answer to this for the time being is to send an email AND post the same email to this forum. My hope would be that Team Logos would be in here and connect up with as much stuff here as possible because it undergirds the Logos user community.

  • Floyd  Johnson
    Floyd Johnson Member Posts: 4,007 ✭✭✭

    The answer to this for the time being is to send an email AND post the same email to this forum. My hope would be that Team Logos would be in here and connect up with as much stuff here as possible because it undergirds the Logos user community.

    Or, if it makes more sense, if you reply to a suggestion here in the forums, copy your reply via e-mail to Logos.





  • Dave Hooton
    Dave Hooton MVP Posts: 36,088

    EdBlough said:

    I agree I would think forum would be the go to place For Logos to get an idea of what LOGOS' customer base wants. It seems like e-mail method in myopic because no else knows what has been suggested.

    One short-sighted feature was implemented in v3 because of a "user" request (I forget what it was!). If enough people had opportunity to comment it would never have seen the light of day.


    Windows 11 & Android 13

  • spitzerpl
    spitzerpl Member Posts: 4,998 ✭✭✭

    One short-sighted feature was implemented in v3 because of a "user" request (I forget what it was!). If enough people had opportunity to comment it would never have seen the light of day.

    Are you sure your not thinking of the forums over newsgroup suggestion? J/K...I'm actually starting to prefer the forums now that I have a system to it...though I'm still in the very early stages of preferring them.

  • Dave Hooton
    Dave Hooton MVP Posts: 36,088

    Are you sure your not thinking of the forums over newsgroup suggestion?

    No - E-mail suggestions vs public suggestions, whether newsgroup (then) or forum (now). When I asked where the feature originated it was made clear that it came privately (I assumed e-mail). I'm slightly off-topic, though, by referring to a Libronix feature vs titles.


    Windows 11 & Android 13

  • Gary Shogren
    Gary Shogren Member Posts: 144 ✭✭

    I've regularly suggested titles, and several times been pleased at seeing them added in. For years I said, you have to have a Greek version of the Apostolic Fathers, keyed to BDAG, and now we have a very nice package. Yeah, I'd like to think it was due to me, but I'm sure others have suggested the same title!

    All to say, they do seem to pay attention.

    I also recommend that you jump on a title you want as soon as they announce the Pre-Pub, that's the way to a real bargain. You can always cancel out before it's released if you have buyer's remorse.

  • Gary Shogren
    Gary Shogren Member Posts: 144 ✭✭

    While I'm here...

    I suggest that Logos add Lampe’s Patristic Greek Lexicon. It’s a bear to buy…the price is high if you can even find a decent used copy (around USD 240 and up, used).

    It would be a sweet companion to the Migne series.


  • Áureo Ferreira
    Áureo Ferreira Member Posts: 4 ✭✭

    I suggest the addition of Patristic Greek Lexicon Edited by GWH Lampe and by G.W.H. Lampe,D.D. Oxford University Press.
