What is your mobile resource availability percentage?
I'm curious to know how varied our results are and if certain libraries are less available in mobile form than others.
Take the number of resources showing available on your mobile device divided by your desktop resource count.
Mine is 95.3% with only 147 books missing (unavailable) from my iPad
I'm impressed with this percentage and feel Logos has done well to chase down all the licenses they have so far. (Even though 100% would be great too!)
I only have 90.43% of my Library available to me (117 books missing).
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My availability is 86%, which I am pleased with. Of course, I would like to see it as close to 100% as possible!
macOS, iOS & iPadOS |Logs| Install
Choose Truth Over Tribe | Become a Joyful Outsider!0 -
Mine is also 86%, with 276 books missing.
MacBook Pro (2019), ThinkPad E540
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726 iPad
812 Desktop
so just over 89%
"I read dead people..."
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Mine is 81%, missing 643 resources.
“... every day in which I do not
penetrate more deeply into the knowledge of God’s Word in Holy Scripture
is a lost day for me. I can only move forward with certainty upon the
firm ground of the Word of God.”0 -
I know I'm not in the range of previous libraries, but mine is 355 to 325 (91.5%)
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ok so apparently my library is not the norm. I had a theory as to why but I'm not so sure now.
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Todd Phillips said:
Mine is also 86%, with 276 books missing.
Here is a list of books missing on mobile platforms from my library. I generated this by comparing a list from library.logos.com and a list I exported from Logos 4. Biblia.com is different from library.logos.com by a few books. I don't have a mobile device so I can't be sure it would be exact the same for those too.
A few thoughts:
- 99 of those are Discipleship Journal issues.
- 6 volumes of the Opening Up series of commentaries are missing. But the rest are available. This must be an oversight.
- John Piper books from Multnomah publishers aren't available. This includes Desiring God, The Pleasures of God, and Future Grace. (I don't have the full Piper collection)
- 16 volumes are Victor published ("Be" series, Bible Exposition Commentary, Bible Knowledge Commentary, etc)--which is all my Victor volumes except for those written by John MacArthur.
- 21 volumes are Kregel published books (which is all the Kregel volumes I own).
- 5 volumes are Brill published books (which is all the Brill volumes I own).
- Many Greek NT resources are unavailable.
MacBook Pro (2019), ThinkPad E540
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I have 541 out of 597, so 90.6%. Of the 56 that are missing, the ones that are "critical" to me are:
- Wiersbe's BE series (28 vols)
- Ariel Messianic collection (11 vols)
I'm not sure off the top of my head what other 16 vols I'm missing. For reference, I have the Bible Study Library along with quite a few additional purchases.
EDIT: I just noticed that 11 of the other 27 missing volumes are Fruchtenbaum's resources, which are also very important to me...I hadn't yet noticed that those were missing (I just purchased them a couple of weeks ago).
EDIT 2: Corrected my numbers after new books were just added to my desktop (which had already been reflected in my iOS numbers [Larkin])
EDIT 3: Well, my numbers are still off, because I didn't account for the free extra resources that are included on iOS that I don't have on my desktop. I decided to go through and tag the ones on my desktop with an "iOS" tag so that I can keep track of what still isn't available.
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OK, so now that I've tagged the missing resources on my desktop, discounted the free iOS resources that I don't have on the desktop, and taken into account the ones that are now "newly" available ( http://community.logos.com/forums/t/36386.aspx ), I can definitively state that my mobile availability is 516 out of 597 or 86.4% availability. My "most wanted" missing books are the three sets that I listed above, plus the Wycliffe Bible Commentary. These account for 42 of the 81 missing resources. The ISV is also critical to me, but I'm not worried about that one as I know it will come available once the full Bible is out of pre-pub.
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I'm at about 88% w/approx 540 missing. This is quite frustrating.
I wonder what is going to happen with the publisher's contracts w/Logos when Apple goes completely iOS by next year. Are we going to lose all of our "non-mobile books" on our desktops too. I am almost Mac only now, and probably will be by the end of this year, and wonder if I should be concerned.
Now that Lion on your Mac looks just like iOS on your mobile device, Apple is now considering dropping its desktop and laptop software in favor of a single OS platform based on apps and the cloud. The idea has so many advantages, an OS merger is likely to begin next year. (from Cult of Mac blog).
I think the publishers are just going to have to wake up at this point and allow their books to be read on all available digital mediums. Just like a physical book/magazine/newspaper...we don't usually purchase a copy for the home, one for the office, and one for the road...do we?
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Michael -
When I see that you have 88% availability, I think GREAT! When I read that you have 540 missing, I can sympathize with your frustration. Of course, when the books we want to read are available we are happy, when they are not, we are disappointed.
As for Apple's iOS plans - I don't think you have anything to worry about. We will certainly not lose the rights to our resources on our computers. As the Apple begins to merge OS's, it will mean that mobile devices will be seen more closely aligned to computers, rather than computers aligned with phones. I also think that publishers will increasingly come around to Logos' way of thinking. Perhaps I am being too optimistic. [:)]
macOS, iOS & iPadOS |Logs| Install
Choose Truth Over Tribe | Become a Joyful Outsider!0 -
85.8% available, 504 missing resources.
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OK Ron after your thread making available more resources on mobile devices I'm at 95.5% available with 139 unavailable.
Alan, after doing the math I noticed I'm within 500 resources to the amount you own and our availability percentages are off by 10%.
Dwayne, we are just outside of 250 total resources difference in our libraries and our percentages differ by 14%
Just curious, but I would say commentaries and periodicals are two major categories in my library. Do we differ in this characteristic and might this possibly explain why the 10% and 14% difference?
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Desktop: 1384
Mobile: 1324
Approx. 96%
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I have the Discipleship Journal which is 150 or 4.6% of my library, almost half of the difference in our libraries. I have not investigated th rest yet.0 -
eek, only 77.4% available here with 751 missing.
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Overall, bit lower at 76.9% available for mobile use.
If exclude Dead Sea Scrolls database and Discipleship Journals, then mobile availability becomes 94.1 % (with 106 missing).
Keep Smiling [:)]
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I'm sorry if this seems like a dumb question but how do I know how many resources are on my ipad? It's pretty obvious on my laptop but I can't find it on my ipad.
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L.D. Young said:
how do I know how many resources are on my ipad?
On the library page, with nothing in the search window, pull down on the page and the number of resources will show in the top center in grey. No dumb questions. Either you know or don't know.
1546 desktop
1452 mobile
94% available
(Not counting 26 personal books ;-)
"For the kingdom of God does not consist in words but in power" Wiki Table of Contents
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720 - desktop
593 - iPad
82% - MRAP
plus I had to repurchase my Daily Study Bible Series because the original one that I already owned was not available on the iPad
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Thanks Jerry!
1499 Laptop
1388 Mobile
92.6 % Available
The resource that I miss the most (at least the ones that I've noticed so far) are the NIV Bible and the Be Series Commentary.
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Open your logos app and click on library...pull down (scroll upward), you should see a total at the very top.
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Mobile: 2842
Desktop: 3408
DJ Mag is definitely one contributor, maybe journals too? Without driving yourselves nuts, how are you finding what isn't on mobile that is on your desktop?
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Mine just went up with the addition of Wesley's Works. I am now at 86%. That is 2258 of 2624 resources.
"In all cases, the Church is to be judged by the Scripture, not the Scripture by the Church," John Wesley0