Logos for Android 1.0 Beta 8
To upgrade to Beta 8, install from the Android Market (just search for "Logos Bible Software" or "pname:com.logos.androidlogos"). Please let us know if you cannot access the app in your version of the market.
- Added Passage Guide, Text Comparison, and Word Study features (accessible from the Reading view’s menu)
- Long-pressing a word opens the Word Study to that word
- Added Reading view settings (accessible from the Reading view’s menu)
- Lengthy footnote/reference popups support scrolling
- Fixed bug causing text with grey backgrounds (such as in the ESV Study Bible) to be rendered in black.
- Fixed bug causing popup text to occasionally shift left or right.
Known Issues
- Popups do not display Greek and Hebrew correctly
- Right-to-left text (especially Hebrew) does not display correctly
- Poor network connection may show an error message
- Network connections from behind a login page are not supported (e.g. a hotel or other hotspot that requires login)
- The app will crash if there is no SD card
- Links inside footnotes are not clickable
- Media resources, e.g. 1000 Bible Images, do not download correctly
- Some apocryphal books cannot be navigated to through the verse picker
- The ASV is used instead of the preferred bible when offline
- Crash when deleting the topmost history item on 3.0+
- Text Comparison on Non-Versified (non-bible) resources fails.
- The Passage Guide/Word Study ring graphs do not appear on < 3.0
- * References fail to generate guides from multi-part books, such as 1 and 2 Corinthians, etc.
Please report any issues with this beta in new threads.
I have a Galaxy Tab and a Motorola (Original) Droid. Both lost the library after I updated to the beta 8 versions. I tried forcing a stop, clearing the data and logging back in, but I still cannot find the library. The Galaxy Tab is using WiFi, the Droid, my 3G network.
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I use a Motorola Citrus smartphone to access the android LBS. I was reading it tonight when it upgraded automatically and I lost my library. I deleted everything and went to the Android market to download it again. I signed in and it updated, but still no library. All my resources are gone.
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Using a Vibrant (T-Mobile Galaxy S) and installed Beta 8. Worked really well until I lost my library also at about 8:30pm CDT
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Reinstalled the new beta version after factory resetting my Android phone. Despite the library updating itself, there appears to be "No Resources," and most of the functionality of the program appears missing.
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See the other thread in this fourm "Library Crash" . It is a server side issue affecting mobile apps (for me it affected both my Logo and Vyrso beta for Andriod). Tomorrow morning they will likely correct it.
I was able to access http://library.logos.com from my smart phone and see my library just fine.
I'm thinking a hardware failure on the server farm mobile apps. Good time it's still in beta ;-)
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Lost my library to, even before upgrade. HTC Legend.
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EVO 4G - Android 2.3.3
I lost everything too.
I do appreciate all the hard work the Logos team is doing; Logos on Android is a dream come true!
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HTC Inspire When upgraded no Library.
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Thanks Ed. I tried this morning, and couldn't see it, but I'm up early and have to get to work. I will try it mid-day. I thought it might be something like that since I can access my library on my PC. I was hoping it was something as simple as a broken link on a server, and that I don't have to wait for a new upgrade. ;-)
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Okay, my library is back! Thanks to the Logos team for the quick response!
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Again this is with a Galaxy phone, the one I first got the app off your site with. The one you had to send me to another place to download the app and email to myself, and then it worked. Other wise it would not download from the normal store.
With everything that happened yesterday (libraries gone) I dealted my app. both Logos and vyrso since both Libraries were gone. I thought it was a problem on my end at first. Well today I went to download the apps again and once again neiher one will complete downloading for me they both fail everytime I try to download them, again.
I did have an old link for Logos and sent it to myself and it installed, but I didn't have an old link for Vyrso, and then when I went to the site after installing the old Logos app I got from you there is no upgrade for Logos.
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I have both a Galaxy Tab (the tablet) and the original Motorola Droid phone. I lost my library after the upgrade last night. Today around 7:30 PM (PST) which is the first time I was able to check both devices, I found that my library was restored. I currently have Logos for Android 1.0 Beta 8 installed and can now access my entire library on both devices. I have not yet checked the ability to sync across devices, but so far, I am happy with the updates. I would recommend downloading the Beta 8 from the Android Market, I did enter the Applications option in "Settings" and Stopped the application, and also cleared the cache so that I had to log in again (this may not be necessary, just describing what I did), and my entire library downloaded when I signed in.
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Gary, what I did differently than you, was that I thought the problem was me, so I uninstalled both programs so now that things are fixed on the Logos end there will still be no program for it to restore on my device. And now everytime I try to download from Android I get a fail to download for the apps. I only get this on the two Logos apps everything else from the Android market works fine.
I had this same problem the first time I went from download the app from Logos, to downloading the app from the Android Market and Logos had to send me a link, which I downloaded and sent to my device and it worked fine.
What you wanted me to do did not work.
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I am trying to download the beta but it is telling me I do not have a device installed. What do I need to do to be able to get this for my motorola citrus phone?
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Adam Lambert said:
I am trying to download the beta but it is telling me I do not have a device installed. What do I need to do to be able to get this for my motorola citrus phone?
Are you navigating to the Android Marketplace on your phone or on the computer? Try navigating to https://market.android.com/details?id=com.logos.androidlogos on the phone itself.
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What is the latest version and is there a wiki of it? Thanks!
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Hi Michael
The current version is 1.0 Beta 9.
There is currently no information about this on the Wiki as far as I know. Was there something specific you wanted to know?
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Just looking forward to bookmarks, the program opening to what was open last time it was closed and a way to look at just the books I've download to my SD card and prayer requests. It's getting better every build.
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I have the Viewsonic g-tab and it doesn't have the android market, is there some way to still get the Logos app?