Logos: please add EDITION

Please add Edition: as a search field in Library per the new column so that we can search by this field. It would allow us to see the number of user created books as well as the number of Logos books in our Logos library.
(e.g. title: and author:) edition: is not working as a field in the Find box of Library.
Thank You
You can, however, if you click on the library header you can sort by the editions and then you can only look at your Library Find search terms within one of the 3 types of editions (or two as I don't have any eBooks in my Logos library yet)
Prov. 15:23
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Kevin Becker said:
You can, however, if you click on the library header you can sort by the editions and then you can only look at your Library Find search terms within one of the 3 types of editions
Thanks Kevin!
You are correct, i have used this too. But now i don't know how many Logos books that i have. My new book count includes my PBs.
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Fair enough. I can thing if at least one cludge to find this out in the interim: count the number of .lbspbb files in C:\Users\<Username>\AppData\Local\Logos4\Data\<random>\ResourceManager\Resources and subtract that from the library count.
But your right, being able to search for this trait in the Library would be good.
Prov. 15:23
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steve clark said:
You are correct, i have used this too. But now i don't know how many Logos books that i have. My new book count includes my PBs.
I've submitted your request for consideration.
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Melissa Snyder said:
I've submitted your request for consideration.
Thanks Melissa! You are a real Gem !
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4.3 SR-1 will support searching/filtering by "edition:".
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Hi. Could someone show an example of using the "edition:" filter? I've tried entering filters like "edition:Logos", "edition:logos", "edition:user", "edition:User" (trying different cases and always get 0. If I just enter "edition:" it filters me down to a fraction of my library, which doesn't make much sense. So some examples of what to enter would be great. And, yes, I have gotten the upgrade to Logos Bible Software 4.3 SR-1 ( as per the About box.
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Christopher Davis said:
Could someone show an example of using the "edition:" filter?
Hi Christopher,
It sounds like it is working for you.
the above image shows the total number of books in my library. This includes ones that i have made using Personal Books tool (PB).
The above image shows the number of Personal books that i have in my library. None of the Logos books which came with my Logos base package or ones that i've purchased from Logos are shown here. Plus now i could easily add other filter parameters to have the library show specific PBs that i've built (e.g. edition:user AND Bible would yield PBs which have Bible in the title/subject/description/etc)
The above image shows how many Logos book that i have in my library and excludes my PBs. Also i can add more filtering behind the above filtering to show particular L4 books and ensure that my PBs are not included in the list.
So having the new filter edition allows me to see my L4 book count. This is useful to me and others.
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Suggestion/Reminder - The Help file needs to be updated to document the use of the Edition filter field. Thanks.
For the glory of God alone. [Y] [:D]
Living in the Fruit of the Spirit!
For the glory of God alone!
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Dennis Audet said:
Suggestion/Reminder - The Help file needs to be updated to document the use of the Edition filter field. Thanks.
For the glory of God alone.
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steve clark said:
It sounds like it isn't working for Christopher. It isn't working for me either, and I have 4.3 SR-1 and have typed in the edition syntax exactly the way you illustrated it, Steve. Result is always 0 resources, no matter what I try. So something else must be going on just for certain people. I don't have time to help troubleshoot it, but it will probably require looking at someone's log files.
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Hi Rosie,
it is great to see you again!
Rosie Perera said:Result is always 0 resources, no matter what I try. So something else must be going on just for certain people.
You are right to suggest that some of ya'll need to post logs since it is not working for you. i have not been able to get it not to work for me (tried removing Edition from the column heading and a few other things, but it is the energizer bunny and keeps on working)
Again, it is nice to see you post
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Rosie Perera said:
It isn't working
You can force the Library Catalog to reindex by changing some data in it (click a rating star, change a title or abbreviation, build a new PB, etc.). When the yellow bar at the top goes away, try the "edition:" search again, and let us know if it still returns 0 records.
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Bradley Grainger said:
You can force the Library Catalog to reindex by changing some data in it (click a rating star, change a title or abbreviation, build a new PB, etc.). When the yellow bar at the top goes away, try the "edition:" search again, and let us know if it still returns 0 records.
Thanks. That worked.
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It is working for me now, as well. It seemed to start working after I got a new purchase downloaded and the system reindexed. After that, it started to work.